Memorandum for the the Motion Picture Patents Company and the General Film Company concerning the investigation of their business by the Department of Justice / submitted by M.B. Philip and Francis T. Homer. (1913)

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.".either the business of manuf acturini^ motion pictures, nor eiiiLiting them, thorof oro , could be safely c n-'jctad without flucli I'censeo. To end the large nunker -^f vexatious and expensive litigR.tionB unfler those verious patents, and to bo able to ^rant these different licensee necessary to the lawful carrying on of the niovini,, picture busineas, ti^ iiotlon Picture i'atonts Comptiny was forn;ed. It succoedod in obtaining title to tl;o iCdison camera and film roissuos fr.-^jn the iiidison Jompany, the hatha:;. Prose aiid other patents, from t>)e Liograph C mpany, arid the Jenkins x Arnat patent, and some other patents, from the Arinat Company, and some ot).er patents of minor importance, ovrnod by the Vitagraoh C"tnpany of Araorica. In ordrr to obtaLi the three sets of patents, It hnd to tirraritie for the obtainin^^^ of three claooes of royalties, ono on tht> motion picture film, under tlie i^dison film roiesuc, another f^r tho use of projecting macliines using notion picture film, under tho projecting nac}iine patents, and >inothor from manufacturers f suc}i projecting K-ichinoo , under such pat nts. The motion picture film royalties were t n be onohalf cent ". running foot, vpith a slight rebate for quantity above a certain amount. Tho royultiea from manufacturers of project ng -lb