Memorandum for the the Motion Picture Patents Company and the General Film Company concerning the investigation of their business by the Department of Justice / submitted by M.B. Philip and Francis T. Homer. (1913)

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The Patents Comppny h»ai a ri/ht to p'.ace a concitionon "•he use oT caneraf? containinj the Jnventions of the Edi.-on carnera reii?ue, and is to the pricm nnd the iianner in which the TOPitive motion -oictures produced fro"^ the negatives made in .-uch cr-rieras oovere": by the -f^isnn film reissue 6hr^uld be disposed of, and usjeO. This rj -ht only ran, however, until ^.he exni r>?" of the term of th3 oririnsl nstent on ■which the«'e reis ue? wprf* grnnte'^, nanely, Av.-uflt 31, 1914, nr.d clRUfe '^ of r.^rr"^r^rh 4 o: the ranuf ncturers and im'-^orterp licanses exToresaly rrovides thf^t no royalty shall be charged to the licenseee or r.r,id by theni 'i.ftf^r Aucju?.t 31, 1914. The first cl«uf<e of rat-aj'-.r' •nh 19 of ^; of thepc licenses pr-ovideti for the in?.tItution of p!u;' + s by the 'stents Company nt itn o-sn ex-ponve against ?11 inf -^.ngoi^p ^^ f thr, -•^'tonts under which tha license wa;^ ;;ra)'teH|, inrlxidin';^, of course, these Sdison caifier*! <ind film reisfue:^* In accredance %'ith this paragraph, the P«t ^nt s Compani hay broU'jht a large numbrtr of 3ui.t9 under v-rlous of it? pat-enta. As we have befo'^e ;^nT«vi, the Court of Api^eals had BUflt'iineJ the firct three claims of the dison camera reissue end held void the fourth claim, IJarch 11, 1907, and every -36