Memorandum for the the Motion Picture Patents Company and the General Film Company concerning the investigation of their business by the Department of Justice / submitted by M.B. Philip and Francis T. Homer. (1913)

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notion pictuies 'To i-Tueri or "relenaccl*' =inultsAOOUsly 8 11 cv or th ' country <^r. ct-rt in diys ofiled "rolo ne' days. The market v 1 ue of motion picture sorvice dependn 'al most on tircly 'i -t •lir • t:*? of tVic :not ion pictures, counting froii; therclec-.o "he nrico^ for nuch service re, fixed largely an that b'sig. 'I'he licenced oxCii nges nnde cort rac tg witii the sxhititors for aervico at a cert .in d^ite, :n d t/:9i rarely carried out the paino. T)iis practice Ib came so univer:,fil th't .-un exhibitor could not got ajiy relief by nhiftinc to ano th« er OKch-ngo, Thesituatio. >ecri'io intoler-clo to the exhlLi:ors, and the Patents 'JoMpany rrK! the licensed manuf' cturers inoictod t't the exchnn {3*?;? V^ forced tr observe their cr.i:tr«c s. The 'at. rits >r"iar.y 1 led r.nnnf r.cturcrs 'nd '.n ort ert wore powarloss t Oj.i.rol the aotn of the exchmge? pnd could gr'int no r lief, savi 'n g me imt'inceo by cnrcelling the exchange iicorijos of .l.oae exchrnges -ho vorc latraint wrong doarc, Licenred exchanges fra-.uantly supplied exhibitors rrith roticr. pict'-irss t r -; t .• r re 30 v/o rn end scr^itched as to be unsuitfl . \n the rreat dir.cornfort :jid diotjpp. int';;iii: t 0:" ',ij' public :.nO. lops tr the exhibitors. T^ 1/:.,. mr • .-> n t, . ,y. . r■ . ,• r A r. n .,,■->: ^\p exchftnges to bribe the