Modern Screen (Dec 1935 - Nov 1936)

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MODERN SCREEN Stu Erwin and June Collyer Erwin are all dressed up for big sea doings at the "Captain's Banquet." Everyone was very nautical. How Can I Look Smarter? {Cohfinued from page 58) color. This same type of sandal is very popular about Hollywood and appears in various fabrics as well as gold and silver kid. Q. Please tell me when I can wear pajamas and where ? Can I wear them to dinner? On a boat trip? Or to breakfast when a guest in a friend's home? A. A few years ago there was a great vogue for wearing pajamas to dinner. These pajamas were made very much like evening gowns only they had trouser legs instead of skirts. However, today it is not smart and the only time you may wear pajamas to dinner would be for an informal gathering of very close friends in your own home. Even then, a hostess dress would be smarter. On a boat trip it is permissable to wear sports pajamas of the shirts and slacks type for deck games, but never anything of a dressy character. You could wear pajamas to breakfast at your friend's home if you find out first whether the other members of the family will be wearing similar costumes. Of course, in Hollywood where life is much more informal, the great majority of stars wear pajamas to the studio for work and for general sports wear. These are of a tailored type and are made in fabrics and styles that look appropriate outside the home. Two typical Hollywood pajamas are shown. Clair Trevor wears a white satin suit at home. It's very tailored, the double breasted blouse being trimmed only with black buttons upon which are Claire's initials done in rhinestones. Claire has a three-quarter jacket to top this. So simple and in such good taste is this that she often wears it to dinner when she is having a few friends in. Ruth Weston, the New York stage star, who went to Hollywood for her screen debut in "Splendor," wears a favorite style of Hollywood pajama. It's a two-piece silk affair, very tailored, with a bright plaid scarf as its sole trimming. ^^^^^ -p fROST\N© unsweetened Sweetenea ^ FREE! New Cook Book of Wonders! New! New! NEW! Just off the press! "Magic Recipes" is a thrilling new successor to "Amazing Short-cuts." Gives you brand-new recipes — unbelievably quick and easy — for pies, cookies, candies, frostings ! Sure-fire custards ! Easyto-make refrigerator cakes! Quicker ways to delicious salad dressings, sauces, beverages, ice creams (freezer and automatic). Address: The Borden Sales Co. Inc., Dept. MM-26,350 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Name— — Street '■ City State (Print name and address plainly) This coupon may be pasted on a penny postcard. .^^^^^ Margot Grahame and Gene Raymond together at a studio party. Margot is working in "Two O'clock Courage" and Gene will soon be seen in "Don't Bet on Love." 93