Modern Screen (Dec 1935 - Nov 1936)

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MODERN SCREEN The best care for washables i ^ have ever found/' says g/amorous ^ BINNIE BARNES 1 "|UX is like a fairy godmother," declares Li this lovely but intensely human British star, who has acquired a Texan drawl, and a store of American slang ! " Getting the breaks may be luck, but looking like a million dollars is a cinch with Lux. I've had so much experience pinching pennies, I know ! My blouses and sweaters are wows after they're Luxed. "And, boy, does Lux stymie ladders — runs, as you say. Lux saves the elasticity of stockings, so they last longer." Binnie doesn't think cake-soap ^V,^^ rubbing is "so hot." Rubbing, or y//Ji^^ using soaps with harmful alkali weakens threads, fades colors. Lux has no harmful alkali. As Binnie knows, anything safe in water is safe in Lux. SPECIFIED IN ALL THE BIG HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS! take care of all washable costumes with Lux," says Vera West, wardrobe supervisor at Universal. "It cleanses even badly soiled fabrics like magic . . . colors come out of their Lux bath as lovely as new." DON'T TRUST TO LUCK Universal's "Sutter's Gold" is another triumph for Binnie. In her Hollywood home (above), she is devoted to country-house simplicity and Luxables — ranging from her own smart clothes to crisp organdie and chintz. Binnie is keen about active sports, tailored clothes, and Lux ! "It's a honey for woolens," she says. "Lux leaves them so soft! And little silk scarfs and lingerie Lux like hankies."