Modern Screen (Dec 1938 - Nov 1939 (assorted issues))

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MODERN SCREEN DON'T CAUSE BLACKHEADS! Use Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Do you apply fresh powder over old make-up? Every time your nose is shiny, do you take out your powder puff and rub on fresh powder? This common mistake causes large pores, blackheads! Every dab of your powder putfrubs stale powder and dirt right into the pores of your skin . . . packs the pores with waste . . . enlarges them and causes blackheads! CARRY CREAM -IN -ASTICK! Resolve to get rid of large pores and blackheads today — start this easy beauty habit! Always, before applying fresh powder, give your skin a quick cleansing with Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay — the remarkable cream that you can carry in your handbag! Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay comes in a dainty metal container with a push-up bottom easy to use as a lipstick! It cleanses beautifully — gives a perfect foundation for powder — makes you look fresher, younger, lovelier! And every time you use Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay, you give your skin a complete beauty treatment! Generations of lovely women have proved it's the only preparation needed to keep skin soft and young! Get Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay at any cosmetic counter, small size 10c, large size 6oc. Or mail this coupon for ioc size NOW! sem-PRfw jovcnov Elizabeth Husted, Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay Company Dept. 8-M, Grand Rapids, Michigan Please send me your clever purse-size container of Sem-pray Jo-ve-nay. Enclosed you will find ten cents to cover cost of handling. Name AddressCity Relieve Heartburn Fast This Amazing Way YES — TUMS a remarkable discovery brings amazing quick relief from Indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, gas, and burning caused by excess acid. For TUMS work on the true basic principle. Act unbelievably fast to neutralize excess acid conditions. Acid pains are relieved almost at once. TUMS are guaranteed to contain no noda. Are not laxative. Contain no harmful drugs. Over 2 billion TUMS already used — proving their amazing benefit. Try TUMS today. Only 10c for 12 TUMS at all druggists. Most economical relief. Chew like candy mints. Get a handy 10c roll today. You never know wfien or where ALWAYS mm i INDIGESTION' Turns are anti-acid — not laxative. When you need a laxative get— This all vegetable laxative brings such gentle, dependable relief for conditions due to constipation. See that spot way out on the Hawaiian horizon? It's a barge carrying lots of big, ripe Dole-grown pineapples. And when you drink lots of Dole Pineapple Juice you'll be like an out-rigger canoe — on top of every wave. 104 My brief experience taught me how to walk around without bumping into things and how to smoke a cigarette in a play without looking as if it were the first puff I'd ever taken and — oh, mechanical things like that. But give me pictures, any day, in preference to the legitimate theatre. "If I've sounded like an old sourpuss up to now, talking about the terrible time us actors have, you're about to see me do a lightning change to the role of Cary, the Pollyanna Boy in Cinemaland. I arn crazy about working in pictures. I think pictures are getting better all the time. I think there are more good pictures than there are good plays, in proportion to the number of each produced. When I'm working in a good, meaty role, I get up in the morning simply busting out at the seams with eagerness to get to work. I don't care if they do shoot pictures piece-meal, and start at the end and then go to the beginning and then have a whack at the middle. This is what stage folks complain about. It doesn't bother me at all. OF course, I'm sitting in a very pretty spot right now, as far as work is concerned. It's no wonder I'm all full of sweetness and light about the picture business. I'm not bound down with any iron contract. And I am allowed to have some say-so about the pictures I'll play in. Not all the say-so. I wouldn't want that, for I don't think any actor is capable of being the sole judge of what he can and cannot do. But no man on earth can shove me into a cut-rate opus, just because I happen to be handy and he has to fill out his production quota. And I can say, 'No, I don't want to do another screwy comedy right now and would you show me something else, please.' Yep — it's swell. I had to put up a fight. But I had waited for a long while and had been a good boy and taken whatever assignments were handed me and I began to wonder whither is Grant drifting '■ . , "It isn't, mind you, that I entertained any delusions of grandeur about my artistic ability. I want to do a good job in each picture and all that— sure. But I do think of it as my job rather than my art. And the way things were going, I had a nice mental picture of Grant sitting out on^ the ash heap while passers-by murmured 'Oh, yes, he used to be in pictures.' "I'm daffy about working in pictures and, having sense enough to know on which side my bread is buttered, I realized that if my most recent picture was poor, Mr. and Mrs. America would soon be saying, 'Oh, let's not go and see him. Charlie McCarthy is at the Bijou. Let's go there.' So I got sort of cagey and sort of tough and put over a good deal for Grant, Incorporated, which I hope will keep me playing around in pictures until I'm an old, old man and have to be brought onto the set in a wheel chair." "Do you suppose that, by that time, nosey people like me will have ceased to ask you if there's any truth to this rumor about a romance between you and Susie What'sthis?" I asked. "What say?" asked Mr. Grant, cupping a hand to his ear. "I'm a leetle mite hard of hearing. Oh, the title of my next picture, did you say? Well, of course, the title will undoubtedly be changed, but it's a romantic comedy about . . ." "Oh, I can get all that stuff from the publicity department," said I, gathering up bag and gloves and starting to wriggle out of one of the Taylor antiques. "There, that's gratitude," said Cary. "I try to hand you a real scoop, and you won't listen." "That's all right about the scoop," I said. "Just don't go and make a liar out of me before the March issue." "I'll do my level best," said Cary. TAKE IT EASY ON WASH DAY Make quick work of starching — save ironing time — give clothes dirt-resisting finish. Use new, handy, exactmeasure Starch Cubes. No guess, no waste. Just count cubes for perfect starching. A. E. STALEY MFG. CO. Decatur, Illinois Cost no more than old-type starchy STAI CUBES 47 ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 10 inches or smaller if desired. Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Safe return of original photo _ c * svrfc guaranteed. ^ "Or ?1.UU SEND NO MONEY 'F'SSSS? (any size) and within a week you will receive your beautiful enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. Pay postman 47c plus postage — or send 49c with order and we pay postage. Big 16x20inch enlargement sent C. O. D. 78c plus postage or send Sue and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. Specify size wanted. STANDARD ART STUDIOS , , .„„.„ 113 S. Jefferson St., Dept. 1329-C, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Hair OFF Face Lips r Chin Arms Legs HapPy* I had ugly hair . . . was unloved discouraged. Tried many different products . . . even razors. Nothing was satisfactory. Then I developed a simple, painless, inexpensive method. It worked. I have helped thousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE book, "How to Overcome the Superfluous Hair Problem", explains the method and proves actual success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also trial offer. No obligation. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 11-AChicago. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE... Without Calomel And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile onto the food you swallow every day. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter s Little Liver Pills by name. 25c at all drug stores.