Modern Screen (Dec 1938 - Nov 1939 (assorted issues))

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MODERN SCREEN FLRIHMGO America's finest NAIL POLISH Announces FIVE "MUST" SHADES FOR 1939 Now showing! FLAMINGO'S five most stunning new shades — a challenge to the "stay-behinds" — adventure to the fashion-dictate moderns — real Beauty Salon Quality for your personal use. Exquisite lustre, subtle color-toning, and longer wear feature FLAMINGO'S Ritz, Avalon, Sahara, Duchess and Monterey shades. With these five shades you can meet any costume or occasion requirements. And you can have all five "must" shades and still save money — for FLAMINGO is sixty-cent quality, yet sells for only a dime! . . . at all ten-cent stores PENNY SINGLETON Appearing in "BLONDIE STEPS OUT" A Columbia Picture LRIHII1G0 NAIL POLISH 4Jl£fl Wotidi Smalleit l5"*Vl XJ l.-l. It//, Midget radio tits ■ your pocket or purse. Weighs only 4 ozs. Smaller than cigarette package! Receives stations with clear natural tone. WO CRYSTALS to adjust — NO UPKEEP— only one moving part. "Audiophone" gives superior performance. ENTIRELY N"iW PATENTED DESIGN. Has 3-1 gear and enclosed luminous dial for perfect tuning. Many owners report amazing reception and distance. Sent complete with instructions for use in homes, offices, hotels, boats, in bed, etc. TAKES ONLY A SECOND TO CONNECT. Receives FREE operating power from radio stations. ■■■■■ ■-. IM ccvin NO MONEY1 Pav postman only SCWtJ n\J IV1WWCI . $2.99 plus postage on arrival or send $2.99 (Check, M. O., Cash) and yours will be sent postpaid. GUARANTEED. A most unusual value. ORDER NOW! Tinytone Radio Corp. Dept. W-3, Kearney, Nebr. NEW 1939 MODEL How to make Gay Crepe Flowers Grow a garden indoors with bouquets of crepe flowers . . . and novel flower tie-backs for spring curtains. They will brighten your home ... or thrill your friends as gifts. So easy to make of Dennison Very Best Crepe. In 50 colors . . . every shade you need ... at stores everywhere. Mail coupon today for FREE leaflet "How to Make Crepe Flowers." r™ DENNISON'S, Dept. No.C-1921. Framing-ham. Mass. I Send me FREE Instruction Leaflet: I "How to Make Crepe Flowers." City -State_ Why not let us include some of these other Dennison Books? Check those you want and enclose 10c for each. [ ] Crepe Paper Flowers [ ] Birthday Parties C ] Gay Decorations C 1 Gay Colorful Costumes mwmon crepe VERY GOOD EDDIE {Continued from page 16) another of those things you see on a double feature bill. As a matter of fact, if they insist, I'll have to play it no matter what they do. But this play I'm in now, 'The Boys From Syracuse,' might run for two years, so — !" Concerning Eddie Albert's current success, for it seems he's yet to appear in anything that's not the hit of the town — New York, we mean, it reminds us of a slight lamentation we overheard recently, while in California. Just after favorable reports began pouring into the studio concerning their new star, Mr. Albert, one of the Big Boys from the front was purported to shake his wise head and say : "He's certainly good, but he'll be an awful problem to cast. Not much in the way of romantic parts that he'll fit." Well, just to make a fibber of the bigger and better variety out of said gent, Eddie no sooner opens in New York than first nighters found a new romantic interest in front of them. Little short of being the matinee idol this season, Eddie emerges the toast of the town. And, with the cream of the crop of leading thespians surrounding him, too. Imagine playing practically every scene with a Jimmy Savo ! Well, that's just what Albert does, and shares all the honors to boot ! "You know," he began, with a smile spreading over his face, "I was never so thrilled as when I opened with 'The Boys From Syracuse.' Why, for days afterwards I went around grinning to myself like a kid at Christmas. I'd say, 'What the heck are you acting so silly about, Ed? You've opened on Broadway before!' Then I'd answer, 'But, I'm happy, old boy. I feel good, so why can't I grin my head off.' You've no idea how gratifying it is to be in a show with good, seasoned actors. It's darn stiff competition, but it's stimulating. It's hard work, but that's what I like. Why, when we close at night, I sit around with other actors and talk theatre and argue for hours. You know, that's how you learn. Hearing one -person's idea of how a thing should be done often gives you a new slant." Unsatisfied after many months of plugging on his part in the Broadway production of "The Boys From Syracuse," he still slaves away even though his notices were raves. A rough idea is his daily schedule. First of all he reads aloud for one hour. This he explains helps his diction. Then each time the clock goes around, singing and dancing lessons have their allotted time. All this in addition to giving six evening performances and two matinees a week. Now you're probably thinking, as we, that he's a busy man, but you haven't heard all yet ! Each week he reads two plays, one poor one and a classic. At the end of one year he'll have dusted off 104 scripts, thereby improving his judgment and acquiring a better feeling for interpreting the author's ideas. Having seen Eddie successfully fill a romantic role we naturally wondered if this wouldn't be his future in films. "Let them have their romantic parts," Albert emphatically stated. "There'll always be plenty of good-looking guys to do that sort of thing. Give me a good script and a part with meat in it, and I'll be completely satisfied. I'm not of the ham persuasion who has to get his profile down stage center, and, I'm not an admirer of those passe players who try to steal every scene, either. I'm interested in the story development and, if that's good, then Eddie's good !" Do this to keep hands soft and smooth: "Every time I've had my hands in water, I use Frostilla Fragrant Lotion. It does more to keep my skin resilient, refreshed and soft than any other lotion. It keeps the nail cuticle from getting ragged and rough too." Use Frostilla yourself. Made with costlier ingredients, you can feel the difference. 35c, 50c, $1.00 sizes in U. S. and Canada. Travel size in better 10c stores. r^^\ FROSTILLA $27,000.000 GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZE CONTESTS EACH YEAR AND SOME OF IT CAN BE YOURS! My students have won thousands of dollars. YOU, too, can learn the TESTED METHODS of winning from one of America's biggest winners. To prove to you that I can help you win I will send you ABSOLUTELY FREE my bulletin of "PRIZE IDEAS" full of winning: ideas and winning entries to start you on your way to winning in contests now running. Just write your name and address on a penny postcard and mail to ALL-AMERICAN CONTESTAR SCHOOL, WILLOW GROVE, PENNA. Send for your FREE copy NOW! ITCH ••STOPPED IN A HURRY BY ODD Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other externally caused skin afflictions? For quick and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes the irritation and swiftly stops the most intense itching. A 35c trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it — or money back. SuspectCausecf BACKACHE This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferers relieve nagging backache4 quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. Most people pass about 3 pints a day or about 3 pounds of waste. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning shows there may be something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. An excess of acids or poisons in your blood, when due to functional kidney disorders, may be the cause of nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. 108