Modern Screen (Dec 1938 - Nov 1939 (assorted issues))

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MODERN SCREEN PENNY WISE (Continued from page 43) It was a scream! So in I went to Shubert. "The first thing he said was, 'So my dancer still wants to be a dramatic actress?' I fooled him. In my best, best planner I coolly informed him I only wished his attention for a few minutes. In return, I'd save his present musical. He laughed and said, 'Shoot the works, kid, I'm all ears!" But, on hearing me, he was laughing on the other side and, when I'd finished, he said I was to do it for the tryout. If it went over it was in the show for New York. That was all I needed. For hours on end I worked over that scene until I felt it in my very bones. YOU see," Penny explained, "they really needed a 'fill-in' while they changed scenes backstage. They couldn't have a number because the curtain was drawn and there wasn't room. So, when Jack Benny and I came out to do our skit, it was in the nature of a life-saver for the show. It was one of those dumb blonde things where I talk like mad, making one grammatical error after another." From this auspicious beginning, PennyDorothy McNulty, that is — launched her dramatic career. However, she says that when she got a call to read for "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," she was terrific. So much so that her reading was stopped pronto and, before she knew what was going on, she found herself outside the office door. "Frankly," Penny said, "I was awful !" Undaunted, she continued to work and job upon job followed until that eventful stock engagement, when she was summoned by a movie scout. From then on the fun began, and not all fun for our heroine. "I was playing up in Ivorton when I got a call to be in town at four that afternoon," Penny explained. "Well, I arrived and was ushered in to see the head of the talent department. We talked and talked. A little while later a secretary came in and said, 'Here are the tickets.' It seemed as though someone might travel, but I didn't know who. In a few minutes they told me to get ready to go to the coast. I thought that was delightful, but would appreciate it if they'd let me know when to be ready to leave. You can imagine my surprise when they said, 'You take the plane tonight, Miss McNulty.' "You should have seen me when I arrived next morning," Penny continued. "Why, I hadn't even time to change my clothes. When I got off the plane my only possessions were a hat box and a bag with the few things I'd gathered up en route. I still had on a sweater, skirt, low heeled shoes and ankle socks. This was topped off by a knitted cap and my glasses. The first person I saw was Billy Grady and he said, 'McNulty, I see you haven't changed one bit ! Listen, you're going in to meet Mr. Stromberg so please forget the specs.' In my confusion and excitement I suddenly found myself in front of the producer and had completely forgotten to remove the specs ! He gave one look and said, 'I'm afraid you're not the type. I had an idea you were entirely different.' "My heart sank, but I decided it was now or never. I sparred for time and begged for a test. What could they lose doing one more test after so many had been done? He finally saw reason and that afternoon I was tested. The next morning I began work on 'After The Thin Man !' Can you believe it, all in about twenty-four hours ! I thought I was dreaming and refused to wake up — that is, till the picture was previewed! After that I was called to the inner sanctum and told of great plans for me. In fact, there were loads of the same type parts in store for me — all tough girls. "You can bet I woke with a start then," Penny informed us, puckering her forehead to denote serious thought on the subject even at this late date. "I wanted to be a picture actress, sure, but not for just a day. In this kind of role I'd be typed in no time and the parts would be few and far between. I squared off and started to fight for my rights. This time, however, they wouldn't see reason, so I didn't work for a year !" This might have been punishment enough for the average thespian, but not for a gal of Penny's caliber. She knew what she wanted and stuck to her guns. In fact, realizing the picture industry only knew her as the tough babe in the couple of assignments she'd done, she decided to change her name and begin anew. "When I finally got organized for job hunting, I had a new slant on things generally," Penny told us. "I did a lot of thinking before I decided on a name. I picked Penny because I'd had to save my pennies to get to the coast. Singleton I chose for an obvious reason. It's my husband's name. My purpose was a single one and plenty heavy with ambition ! Once christened, it wasn't hard to get work, and after my first assignment they gave me a contract. WELL, bad luck dogged my tracks again and before I knew it I was typed as a secretary. It got so I never had over ten lines and those required a pencil and pad in my hand. I got thinking about it and decided to do each one differently. One day I had a part that was described as a prissy, old-maidish secretary. I went to the make-up and had them put lines in my face and grey my hair, and from the wardrobe I secured a pair of dark rimmed glasses. I appeared on the set. The director wanted to know who I thought I was. So I told him. He had a sense of humor and let me work ! From then on I did each of my little chores as well as I could, but always with such a different make-up that no one could recognize me. In this way I knew I wouldn't be typed with the audience, at least. "I honestly think if I hadn't there would have been no Blondie for me," Penny confessed and laughed as she considered her current problem. "Of course there's a grave danger of this typing me. But, I'll figure that one out later. I do three a year, so if I'm not careful I'll be Blondie no matter what I do or where I go. Of course it does have its compensations. I've never been so flattered with attention before and I love every bit of the fuss. You've no idea what a thrill I get out of people wanting to see me off the screen as well as on — even if it's Blondie they're really after. "Fact is, I'll tell you a secret — I am Blondie ! When I began the director said, 'Now, Penny, if you can play this part just the way you are in everyday life you'll be perfect.' I did just that and there was only one criticism — too many freckles!" We predict a fine future for Penny Singleton. Remember, she's no dumb little blonde. In fact, she was born a brunette and boasts all the surety and positive personality of a dark lady. We advise you to keep your eye on Miss Penny. Choose Your COLOR by the FINGERNAIL' . . . the new way to buy Nail Polish How will the color look on your own nails? That's always been a •problem — but no longer ! Dura-Gloss shows you how it will look on your own fingernails, when polish is dry and lustrous. How? All you do is look at the patented "fingernail bottle cap"' — it's coated with the actual polish that's in that bottle! Try Dura-Gloss — you'll never be satisfied with ordinary polishes. Don't be misled by the low price, 10c. Compare it with $1 polishes! Dura-Gloss "goes on" smoothly, dries fast and wears amazingly well. Also a 25c Professional package. DURA-GLOSS I L ABORATORIES PATERSON, N. J. 81