Modern Screen (Dec 1938 - Nov 1939 (assorted issues))

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MODERN SCREE1 THANKS TO X-BAZIN One application of this dainty perfumed cream leaves skin soft and smooth —so easy to use— you apply right from the tube, leave on for a few minutes, then wash off. Giant 50c size and 35c tube at your department and drug stores. Generous tube at 10c stores. Relieve Pain in Few Minutes orMo/reyffsck NEURITIS To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in few minutes, get NURITO, the fine formula, used by thousands. No opiates. Does the work quickly — must relieve cruel pain to your satisfaction in few minutes or your money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for trustworthy NURITO on this guarantee. WAKE U P Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the «1| B Morning Rarin' to Go The liver should pour out two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile is not flowing freely, your food doesn't digest. It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your whole system is poisoned and you feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't get at the cause. It takes those good, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up." Harmless, gentle, yet amazing in making bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by name. 25c at all drug stores. Stubbornly refuse anything else. SCREEN ROMANCES The Old Maid The magnificent drama of a woman who passionately accepted the love meant for another . . . and was forever doomed to the tragedy of aloneness. . . . You can't afford to miss this soul-stirring story. It's a thrilling adaptation of the Warner Bros, picture starring Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins and George Brent, and appears in the August issue of SCREEN ROMANCES. SCREEN ROMANCES IOC EVERYWHERE TODAY SWEET S1XTEF (Continued from page 37 and very thoughtful, too, which is ; reason I'm fond of him. "Of course it's just the opposit Mickey Rooney," Judy said and h ighted up immediately, for all wr young Mr. R. have a very definit tion for him. "I think the thin' about Mickey the most is that he's fun. When I go out with him I c to say a word. He keeps me law tinuously. There's no one I kno so much fun to go dancing wii be around. And he's not a praci either. He's not at all like he see screen. He may joke, but they him and not at the expense of ot a lot of wits. Y'know, he's not ; either, just the nicest person j meet. I feel so sorry because his wasn't as happy as it should have "I guess everyone in New York e him to be wild and crazy like the i plays, and when he wasn't, they w very nice to him. He only stayed a days, then went to Florida. Of course he more fun there cause he loves swimm and sports. He's really just like any oth boy and a lot smarter than most. Of course, they're people who will try to make you think he's changed by sudden popularity and success, but he's been working so long and hard that it's not new. I don't think he'd ever change no matter how famous he became. That's why I like him — he's always the same Mickey. ANOTHER friend of mine," Judy con-tinued, "is Jackie Cooper. He's awfully smart and loves music. We listen to lots of recordings together and sometimes go dancing with the gang. He smokes the biggest pipe. It's the only thing I can't seem to understand his liking. But then, I guess it's just another thing about men we women can't figure out," and, philosophically shaking her head, Judy pondered the profoundness of this astute observation. "You'd think he was awfully serious from the parts he plays, wouldn't you? Well, he's not a bit. He likes fun as much as anyone and is the first to get into the spirit of things and the last to sign off. I guess the main reason we have such a good time is because we enjoy the same things." Then, Judy laughed and exclaimed, "Gee, if I'm not careful you'll think I'm bragging about beaux. But it's your fault because you wanted to know why I like certain people. I don't really get to go out often enough to be a gadabout. But, since you asked, here's the rest of my story. "The birthday picture you asked about, the one lighting the candles, was with Billy Halop. Mostly everyone thinks the "Dead End" kids are tough, but they're not. Billy is just the opposite. Honestly, I don't see how he plays those characters so convincingly because he's not a bit that way. He's the most polite and thoughtful boy you can imagine. Why, if he takes you out he can't do enough to make you have a good time. He's pulling out your chair, or helping you up and down all the time. Billy has the most perfect manners of any boy I've met. "Why, come to think of it, in real life Billy's just like the parts Jackie Moran plays on the screen. Jackie, of course, is the same on the screen and off. He's sweet, well-mannered and always a gentleman. He's one of the nicest boys on the coast and everyone's crazy about him. I judge anyone a lot by their friends. I guess I just like nice people and when someone has lots of nice friends then I'm sure to get along I with them. It's really an insight into their K The Only Complete Eye -Beauty Line THE KURLASH COMPANY, INC. Rochester, N. Y. • Canada, Toronto 3 Copyright. 1939. The Kurlaah Co.. Inc. Read a hitherto untold episode in James Cagney's life in September MODERN SCREEN (PotVlVoWlA&tf a <PaOi of St&ckuigdl Summer eye-appeal bare legs well fac for as as e! 'Bare legs' says Fashion! Don' worry! Be happy even in shorts, sport and dress clothes! MINER'S LIQUID MAKE-UP gives legs the same velvety attractiveness it does to face, arms, neck. Lasts hours! 5 exquisite skin tones! MINE R7 jCujjOcL MAKE-UP 50i large size at cosmetic counters: trial size at lOt stores FREE Generous Sample SUNTAN . . . □ PEACH . . . . □ RACHELLE .jj BRUNETTE . □ MAUVE . . . . □ Send coupon and 3t stamp MINER'S 12 E. 12th St. , Dept.MD8.New York, N.Y. I enclose 3= stamp to cover mailing cost. Send me generous sample of Miner's Liquid Make-up FREE! Name Address ... lYHNERV m fa> Lip Tcfxi Costume Harmonizing Lipsticks! 87