Modern Screen (Dec 1938 - Nov 1939 (assorted issues))

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MODERN SCREEN EYES (Continued from page 45) shift your eyes often and, whatever you do, avoid a fixed stare. Eye doctors will tell you that an eye to be strong, must be full of motion. Remember, too, that the smaller the area upon which you fix your gaze, the longer those eyes of yours will retain good vision. Don't try to see everything in sight all at one look. Focus your eyes on one object at a time, then move and shift them often. Make a conscious effort to relax your eyes before going to sleep. Let them go loose and soft and imagine that they are "looking at" a fluid, velvety black. Eye strain is often due to causes far from local. Worry, fear, nervous strain, emotional upsets, shock, exhaustion, wrong food, poor elimination or unhappiness will raise all kinds of havoc with your eyes. Just as likely as not, if you have a headache or apparent eye strain, what you need is a change of habits and scenery as much as a new pair of glasses. Loss of sleep won't help a bit, either. Your eyes won't look like limpid pools of light or anything else exciting if you insist on keeping them working day and night. On the other hand, a few "setting up" exercises may be just what your eyes need. Here are several good ones. First, without turning the head, roll your eyes to the right as far as they'll go, then again to the left. Still holding the head steady, roll your eyes up to the ceiling; then look down to the floor. Open your eyes as wide as you can; then close them tightly. Closing your eyes is a simple but very effective means of resting them. Do all of these things as often as you have a chance. THOSE specially prepared eye pads are wonderfully refreshing to tired eyes. Pads of cotton, soaked in boric acid solution, witch hazel or just cold water, then placed over each eye while you relax for five, ten or fifteen minutes, are all right, too. Bathing the temples and forehead in icy water, mixed with a skin freshener or cologne, is another soothing trick. And, of course, a massage that starts over each eye near the nose, continues across the lids to the outer corners, then on to either temple, is an old stand-by for relaxing tired eyes. We don't like to always be talking about food, but Vitamin A, which is present in butter, eggs, cream and fresh vegetables, is absolutely a "must" for strong, healthy, beautiful eyes. So, don't ever say we didn't warn you. One more point about eye care before we get into this business of make-up. If, at any time, you find yourself with an apparent boulder in your eye — "foreign body" in professional lingo — here are a few tips we think will help you. First, do not rub your eye! Hold both eyes wide open as far as you can, without blinking, until tears begin to come. Tears are Nature's perfect eyewash and, if they can, they'll float the thing out for you. If not, get yourself to a mirror, take the small corner of a clean 'kerchief or soft tissue and gently try to dislodge the offending object. Don't ever use a pencil, match, toothpick or other rigid implement, inside or outside said 'kerchief. It is likely to do your eye a permanent injury. And don't moisten your 'kerchief with saliva, either. If the particle is under the upper lid, grasp the upper lashes between your Make-up for Romance . . . (1) Insure against Nose Shine (2) Wear Powder that Dramatizes AWAY with fear of Shiny Nose! Excesil sive oiliness often causes that shine. And germs often make this worse, authorities say. So you see why the germ-free purity of Woodbury Facial Powder is important. Clever girls adore Woodbury for the way it overcomes Nose Shine and stays on. So flattering! Fragrant! Smooth! All 8 fashion-approved shades dramatize natural skin coloring. Mme. Suzy of Paris— great stylist — says Woodbury's new Champagne shade is thrilling for golden girls. You, with pink skin, are like dainty pastels in the new Blush Rose. See how your Woodbury shade brings you compliments. Get Woodbury today. At beauty counters— $1.00, 50?!, 25£, 10£. And wear Woodbury Rouge and Lipstick for smart color accent. Woodbury Q^^POWDER MAIL FOR NEW 4-PBECE MAKE-UP KIT John H. Woodbury. Inc., 9107 Alfred Street, Cincinnati. Ohio (In Canada) John H. Woodbury, Ltd., Perth, Ontario Please send me new Woodbury Beauty Make-up Kit containing smart, attractive metal compacts of exquisite Woodbury Facial Powder, Rouge and Lipstick: also generous tube of Woodbury Cold Cream. I enclose 10c to cover packing and postage . CHECK MAKE-UP DESIRED BLUSH ROSE CHAMPAGNE I I (For golden skin) I I (For pink skin) □ Name Address 75