Modern Screen (Jan - Nov 1940)

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SOFTER • STRONGER MORE ABSORBENT AT 5 AND 10* -DRUG AND DEPARTMENT STORES MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there i3 something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan s Fills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Fills. ★transparent ROOFLESS + PARTIAL ~k We make FALSE TEETH for ycm. BY MAIL from your mouth -impression ! Money Back GUARANTEE of Satisfaction, [prri FREE impression material, direc r IlLL ■ tions, catalog and information. Write today to U.S. DENTALCO.,Dent,B-104, Chicago, III. GiTREUEF ThisFastWw or Money Back ^Itching For quick relief from itching of eczema, pimples, athlete's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other externally caused skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. NEW FALL ISSUE NOW ON SALE! LURE'S Fall Festival of Fashion is an all-star showing of the smartest and newest, designed fo fit the most limited budget. Definite information and up-to-the-minute news on important style subjects make LURE a real help in solving your problems of style and beaufy. Ask for a copy at your favorite newsdealer today! LURE 10c SIMPLIFIED STEPS TO STYLE and BEAUTY tAt* Dance, Girl, Dance It is our sad duty to report that this one, in spite of a swell cast, just misses being good. It has lovely Maureen O'Hara in the role of a sweet, unspoiled dancing kid, and Lucille Ball in the role of "Tiger Lily," a burlesque queen. Their performances will be remembered long after the film itself is forgotten. If it were only the story of these two kids struggling up from the chorus — one to the ballet, the other to a bankroll — it would have been great. But no. The authors and producers had to get it all mixed up with a lot of psychological stuff about Louis Hayward and his wife, Virginia Field, who are always drinking and battling just because they have too much money (or is that the reason?) and a thickish slice of whimsy, to boot. But Maureen O'Hara is in it, and she's lovely. And that Lucille Ball dame — there is a wench you will want to see and remember. Directed by Dorothy Arzner. — RKO-Radio. PREVIEW POSTSCRIPTS: Erich Pommer, who produced the film, was one of the greatest film producers on the Continent before politics chased him to England and then to America. . . . Maureen O'Hara, whose third RKO picture this is, was discovered by Charles Laughton in England and put under personal contract by him; he turned this contract over to RKO just before she was put into the role opposite him in "Hunchback of Notre Dame." . . . Dorothy Arzner is the only woman ever to have obtained top rank as a director in America; she used to be a film cutter before Joan Crawford got her a break. . . . More than 30 days were spent in dance rehearsals before filming began. . . . Lucille Ball danced one entire day in her "Jitterbug Bite" number in a silver lame dress which weighed 26V2 pounds; she took two days off to recuperate. ... A fire prevention guard was hired to follow Maureen and Lucille around when they wore their cellophane hula-hula costumes. . . . Ralph Bellamy gave up a trip to Alaska aboard Frank Morgan's yacht to play in "Dance, Girl, Dance" largely because in this picture he actually gets the girl. IS GARY GRANT THE PERFECT BOY FRIEND? (Continued from page 27) He'll keep it light. It's more amusing that way. And it's safer. Since he's a highly-publicized movie star with a large income, there's always the possibility that a girl may not be interested in him for himself alone. And he's on guard against that possibility. He's not going to get serious until he knows it's safe. Not till he's learned that she's an honest, time-tested friend. Then he can be serious enough. He encourages a girl to be honest with him by being honest, himself. He's no soft-spoken flatterer, no smoothie. He's politely blunt. He also encourages a girl to feel petite, being six feet one himself, with extra -size shoulders. He's a lot of man. And he has a lot of masculine energy. He's quickspoken, quick-motioned. A girl has to talk fast and move fast to keep up with him. He can't be happy very long in a small room. He feels too confined. An evening in the cosiest living room gives him the Take a hint from millions of women — remember it's time for MIDOL Midol is a new formula developed for one purpose — to relieve the functional pain of menstruation. Millions of women who have learned about Midol now find they can face their trying days without dread, and live through them in active comfort. Try Midol, to know how much relief and physical freedom you're missing without its help. Midol contains no opiates. One comforting ingredient is prescribed frequently by thousands of doctors. Another ingredient, exclusively in Midol, increases the relief by reducing spasmodic pain peculiar to the menstrual period. If you have no organic disorder demanding surgical or medical treatment, Midol should help you. If it doesn't, consult your doctor. Five Midol tablets, enough for a convincing trial, only 20fi; 12 tablets for 40^. All drugstores. MiDOL RELIEVES FUNCTIONAL PERIODIC PAIN EA5TWAY.... %/MT BLACK This remarkable CAKE discovery, TINTZ Jet Black Shampoo, washes out dirt, loose dandruff, grease, grime and safely gives hair a real smooth JET BLACK TINT that fairly glows with life and lustre. Don't put up with faded dull, burnt, off color hair a minute longer. TINTZ Jet Black Cake works gradual . . . each shampoo leaves your hair blacker, lovelier, softer, easier to manage. No dyed look. Won't hurt permanents. Full cake 50c (3 for $1). TINTZ comes in Jet Black, light, medium and dark Brown, Titian, and Blonde. Order today! State shade wanted. ^FNVI MAMFY Just pay postman plus post* ^tlllr IWIWfl^lt 1 age on our positive assur* ance of satisfaction in 7 days or your money back. (We Pay Postage if remittance comes with order.) Don't wait — Write today to TINTZ COMPANY, Dept. 859, 207 N. MICHIGAN, CHICAGO CANADIAN OFFICE: Dept. 859. 22 COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO &\ FOR YOUR CLUB! Knit your group closer together, en hance pride of membership. Bastian' big selection, low prices, traditions quality have led the field for 46 year: Write for i Free catalog today. BROS. Dept. 51, Rochester, H. Y, FOOT RELIEF New Soothing Foot Plaster. Easily Cut to Any Size, Shape Dr. Scholl's KUROTEX, a new, superior moleskin foot plaster — velvety-soft, cushioning. Quickly relieves pain of corns, callouses on the bottom of the foot, bunions and tender spots on the feet and toes. Prevents shoe friction and pressure; soothes and protects the sore spot. Cut to any size or shape and apply. Economical! At Drug, Shoe, Department and 10£ stores. DCScholls KUROTEX NOVEMBER, 1940 87