Modern Screen (Jan-Nov 1944)

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mm* NO EXERCISE NO REDUCING DRUGS ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS THOUSANDS LOSE 3 to S LBS. A WEEK, , YET EAT PLENTY! Simply take a half teaspoonful of KELP-I-DINE with any meal, (preferably at breakfast). EAT AS YOU USUALLY DO. DON'T CUT OUT fatty, starchy foods, merely CUT DOWN on them That's all there is to it! USERS SAY "Doctor approved." "Makes one feel wonderful." "Lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks." "Feel so much better." "Lost 21 pounds in 4 weeks." — , , s„7 si 00 for one months 2SSST& *n^HBnS StSEJfl rayPOr^TnrseJpUon and my $1.00 wilLbejrefunded Name Address — City MONEY BACK GUARANTEE AIDS IN FLAKING OFF DRIED OUTER SKIN Promotes fresh loveliness. Also bleaches down freckles. Apply this dainty cream before retiring. Caution: Use only as directed. At drug counters. OTHlME?*c<-MacA EMS TO BE SET TO MUStC Send your Poems tor our new offer and free "Rhyming Dictionary" today. Phonograph Records Hade VANDERBILT MUSIC STUDIOS Dept. 11-P Box 112 Coney Island, N. Y. HOT HASHES You Women Who Suffer From then CHILLY FEELINGS If you — like so many women between the ages of 38 and 52 — suffer from hot flashes, weak, nervous feelings, are blue at times — due to the functional middle age period peculiar to women — start at once — try Lydia Pinkham's TABLETS — to relieve such annoying symptoms. Taken regularly— Pinkham's Tablets help build up resistance against such distress. They also are a great blood-iron tonic. Follow label directions. Lydia Pinkham's meters GOOD NEWS (Continued from page 65) in "Golden Boy" and continued his march to success. He married dimpled, dark-eyed Brenda Marshall, legally changed his name and hers to Holden and fathered a son, Peter Westfield Holden — the Westfield in honor of the younger Beedle brother, Bob. When war came. Bill joined the Air Corps. Bob and Dick both joined the Navy. Dick went to boot camp, but Ensign Bob was placed on active duty in the South Pacific. The word filtered home with heart-breaking inescapability. First one letter arrived at the address of the elder Beedles. It was from an officer who had served with Bob; he mentioned in glowing terms the ability and courage of the young Ensign. Then a letter arrived from a shipmate of equal rank, telling something of the circumstance of his death. Finally there arrived the wire from the War Department saying merely that Ensign Robert Beedle was missing in action. During the ensuing week, proving the curious way of life, Brenda Marshall Holden received her first word from her father since the fall of the Philippines. Returning passengers on the Giipsholm brought news that he was interned in Manila, that he was well, that he was keeping himself busy with work. Brenda cried again, but these tears — unlike those bitterly shed for Bob — were sweet. ALADDIN WITHOUT LAMP: It has long been Alan Ladd's habit to accumulate any stray serviceman he happens to see, bring the chap home for dinner. The sailor whom Alan picked up a few weeks ago was trying to get home. His sister was having a baby, presumably within that week. The sister's husband was in service in the South Pacific, so the brother was doing his best to be with the expectant mother. The Ladds staked him to a long distance telephone call which assured him that the stork hadn't yet appeared. Then Sue bundled up some clothing which Alana had outgrown, and the sailor was transported to the station, round-tummied with dinner, round-eyed with wonder and full-hearted with gratitude. On the way home, when they were halted by a stop light, Alan leaned' over to kiss his wife. Like tinsel-thrilled children they said, "Don't we have a wonderful time?" THE KIDDIE CAR SET: Judy Garland's niece, Judeleine Sherwood, is now six; an energetic young thing beating out a bit of fame for herself. She writes songs so good that Jose Iturbi, hearing some of them, decided to rearrange them slightly and to prepare them for publication in the form of a book of nursery sonqs. Judy — having turned artist — is doing the illustrations. * * * Ordinarily a quick study and a flawless deliverer of lines, Ray Miliand ruined a morning's shooting by fluffing -one scene after another. "What's wrong?" the director finally asked in bewilderment. Ray looked sheepish. He was worried. Danny (the Miliand scion) was to have his tonsils removed the following morning. Ray hadn't slept the night before, and he didn't expect much rest tonight. "Danny kicking up quite a fuss, huh?" Looking even more sheepish, Ray explained that Danny was totally indifferent. "I'm the one who's suffering." The following morning he drove Danny and Mrs. Miliand down to the hospital. "You wait outside," smiled Mrs. Miliand. "You won't be helping Danny by going upstairs, and you will be torturing yourself." So Ray waited. He burned his way through three packs of cigarettes and blinked his way through several magazines. After 15 minutes of NOW YOU CAN LAUGH AT THE CALENDAR!, FREE' •••••••I • Beautiful Sample Enlargement, also a De Luxe Studio Folder — both absolutely free. Just send this ad with any photo. Enclose only 10c for mailing. Canada also. One Oil Tinted sent C.O.D. for onlv 58c plus postage. Nega 59e. New York Art Service, 200 W. 72 St., N. Y. C. Confidential Information on GRAY HAIR No matter what hair tints you may have used in the past, there is one sure way of telling exactly what tint will give you a truly NATURAL appearance! Have your hair analyzed for a true color match! Then insist on Rap-I-Dol, the Perfected Shampoo Tint — a Four Star Beauty Aid. Rap-I-Dol's sparkling, highlighted color will give you that beautiful, NATURAL looking appearance you've always wanted! FREE! GRAY HAIR ANALYSIS! Let us mail confidential color analysis of your hair, and recommegdation of correct Rap-I-Dol tint to match! Send name and address, with a strand of your hair, today I (CAUTION: Use only as directed on label) Rap-I-Dol Distributing Corporation 151 West 46th Street, Dept. 234, New York 19, N. Y. 113