Modern Screen (Jan-Nov 1944)

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WHEN NERVOUS HEADACHES PESTER ME I FIND THAT MILES NERVINE HELPS NERVOUS TENSION WHEN functional nervous disturbances such as Sleeplessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Restlessness, or Nervous Headache, interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Dr. Miles Nervine is a scientific combination of mild but effective sedatives. Buy it at your drug store — Effervescent Tablets 35c and 75c, Liquid 25c and $1.00. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. Read directions and use only as directed. Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. SEND NO MONEY NOW — Send Name & Address! Amazing choice of personal and valuable household PREMIUMS GIVEN — GIVE colorful framing size pictures with White CLO VERINE Brand SALVE for chaps and mild burns easily sold to friends at 25c a box (with popular picture) and remit amounts asked under premium wanted in catalog sent with order, postage paid. Liberal Cash Commissions. Our 49th year. Be first. Write on a penny postal card or letter for trial order Salve and pictures Now, on trust, to start. WILSON CHEM. CO., Dept. 10-39, TYRONE, PA. High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years IGo as rapidly as your time and abilities nermit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H.S. texts supplied. Diploma. Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Single subjects if desired. High school education is very important for advancement i*d business and industry and socially. Don't be handicapped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Free Bulletin on request. No obligation, merican School. Dept. H414, DrexelatSSth, Chicago 37 POEMS WANTED To be set to music. Send your song poem today for free examination by nationally famous hit composer who has had over 325 songs published. Our new 6 step plan is most liberal and complete ever offered. Write today for free booklet. SCREENLAND RECORDERS Dept. M, Hollywood 28, California. GOOD NEWS For Piles Colon Sufferers You may now have a copy of this 122-page FKEE BOOK by asking for it with a postcard or letter. No obligation so write today. The McCleary Clinic, 459 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs, Mo. GOOD NEWS (Continued) of the salesgirls, noting his uniform, allowed him to enter. He bought the vest and tendered a $20 bill in payment. ' The owner of the shop had closed the cash register for the day; he was in jovial Christmas spirits, and he obviously wanted to benefit the armed forces, so he waved the bank note aside. Not only was Dick supplied with the sweater, but he was invited to join the festive staff in a quick Tom & Jerry. Completely overwhelmed, he took the gift home to Susan who was deeply touched. The sweater, of course, became one of Susan's most treasured possessions. MASK TASK: Currently, Bette Davis is deep in production of "Mr. Skeffington." The scenes being shot show Mrs. Skeffington as a beautiful woman who has aged toward the late fifties. In order to achieve realism, for which Bette is a stickler, Perc Westmore's make-up department planned and executed a very lightweight rubber facial mask which has the quality of falling into hundreds of delicate lines. It requires 2V2 hours each morning for this mask to be adjusted. After a week's shooting, Bette found that the mask was drying her own skin to the point where she looked as if she had spent 20 days in a lifeboat, so each day she had to spend another hour having a facial. Personal aside to Miss Davis: Van Johnson, the brilliant young actor under contract to M-G-M, is one of your most ardent admirers. He'd give a lot to take you to dinner. (This marks the inauguration of the Dudley Date Bureau.) SOUPED-UP SURREY: Lon McCallister is in love. The affair, however, is not a happy thing because he has a rival with previous rights of ownership. Relax, girls, the love of the McCallister life is the dark blue Fiat owned by Bill Eythe. This raunchy vehicle gets a mere 50 miles to a gallon of gas. Lon's buzz wagon gets a meager 18; furthermore, it is hoodooed. The other day after Lon had his car serviced, he discovered that the oil had been drained. Oh, fine. So back the car went to the garage, giving Lon a good excuse for borrowing the Fiat. While the car is in Lon's possession, he spends hours dreaming up a way to trade Bill out of the buggy. So far no success. HOME TOWN BOY: Bob Walker — just as attractive wearing his glasses as he is without them — recently made his first post-fame trip back to the old home town in Utah. He took his small son, Bobby, with him. The second evening Bob was home, about 20 of the neighborhood kids dropped in to ask questions and to get Bob's autograph. He spoke over the local radio in behalf of War Bond sales and gave speeches at several of the schools. For the first time Bob began to taste the sweetness of triumph. Then Selznick broke up the idyll by summoning Bob back (after a week's vacation) for further scenes in "Since You Went Away." NON-SKID LID: Maria Montez recently out-Hedda-d Hopper by appearing in a CORK hat. The shape was traditional sailor, and the decorations were pressed wood roses. Recommended for those planning to tip over in canoes. BLONDES! Men Admire. ..Women Envy Hair with that Glamorous Golden Look! • Hair that's gloriously golden, that frames your face with a soft, sunny radiance. ..what an irresistible appeal it has to men! So don't ever let darkened, streaked or over-bleached hair spoil your precious blonde beauty! Use Marchand's Golden Hair Wash to give your hair that lustrous, "golden look"! Perfected by hair-beauty experts, the new improved Marchand's Golden Hair Wash now is easier than ever to apply! It comes complete in itself for use at home. Best of all, with Marchand's, you yourself can control the exact degree of lightness you desire. Use Marchand's Golden Hair Wash to make blonde hair blonder or to give dark or red hair more lightness— more brightness! It's not a dye ! Not an expensive "treatment." Use Marchand's, too, for lightening hair on arms and legs... At all drug counters. Made by the Makers nf Marchand's "Make-Up" Hair Rinse SONG POEMS WANTED TO BE SET TO MUSIC Free Examination. Send Your Poems to T. CHAS. McNEIL A. B. MASTER OF MUSIC 510-R So. Alexandria Los Angeles 5. Calif. SAY € If TO THAT How to get instant relief from painful pressure and remove corn • Home-paring corns gets only the top, usually leaves the core behind. Instead, get Blue-Jay! It works 2 ways: 1, the soft pad gives instant relief from pressure pain; then the medication loosens the corn, so it can be removed — with the hard core. Get Blue-Jay at any drug or toilet goods counter today! BLUEJAYp^rs REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. 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