Modern Screen (Jan-Jun 1945)

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N. o other Shampoo leaves your hair so lustrous, yet so easy to manage ! Only Drene with Hair Conditioner reveals up to 33% more lustre than soap ... yet leaves hair so easy to arrange, so alluringly smooth ! Does your hair look dull, slightly mousy? No wonder— if you're washing it with cake soap or liquid soap shampoo! Because soap of any sort leaves a soap film which dulls lustre, robs your hair of glamour! Change to Drene Shampoo with Hair Conditioner! Drene nwer leaves any dulling film. That's why it reveals up to 33% more lustre! Does your hair-do require con start t fiddling ? Men don"t like this business of running a comb through your hair in public! Fix your hair so it stays put! And remember Drene with Hair Conditioner leaves hair wonderfully easy to manage, right after shampooing! No other shampoo leaves hair so lustrous, yet so easy to arrange! Sssssshh hhhl But have you dandruff? Too many girls have! And what a pity. For unsightly dandruff can be easily controlled if y on shampoo regula rly with Drene. Drene with Hair Conditioner removes every trace of embarrassing dandruff the very first time you use it! Back-view glamour — in this lovely, new evening hair-do! The back hair is set as for a page boy, then pulled together with the stunning beaded hair ornament. The hining smoothness of her hair is due to Drene with Hair Conditioner! No other shampoo leaves hair so lustrous, yet so easy to manage! MAKE A DATE WITH Guaranteed by v Good Housekeeping , Product of Procter & Gamble Tonight . . . don't put it off . . . shampoo your hair the new glamour way' Use Drene Shampoo with Hair Conditioner! Get the combination of beauty benefits only this wonderful improved shampoo can give! ix Extra lustre. . . up to 33% more than with soap or soap shampoos! ^Manageable hair . . . easy to comb into smooth shining neatness! /Complete removal of dandruff! fnsist on Drene Shampoo with Hair Conditioner, or ask your beauty shop to use it.