Modern Screen (Jan-Jun 1945)

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you're lovely io a 1 In Coiodo Conodlar, lody CeMetCa, Lid . Mont.e "35 8 flfTH AVENUE. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO OFFICE MERCHANDISE MAM tattotf. 945 Sl»in'g Str*e»., Go. • CLASSIC REPLICA PEARL EA To Make New Friends Among Readers of this Magazine who order the Matching Bracelet and Necklace promptly for ten days examination. Iridescent, aristocratic Simulated Pearls that closely resemble true Oriental Pearls set in screw type Earrings will be GIVEN to readers of this magazine. Just send the coupon today and accept these Earrings as our gift to you. NECKLACE and TWO ROW, MATCHING BRACELET Styles now prescribe Pearls for evening and afternoon wear. Every lady has admired lustrous pearls from the Orient. Now, you too, can enjoy wearing a gorgeous replica of an expensive pearl necklace and matching two row bracelet — all without risking a penny. Simply send the coupon for both the necklace and matching bracelet and accept them on ten days trial and we will include the set of classic Earrings without cost. If you do not fully agree that this iridescent, glowing, replica Pearl ensemble is a marvelous bargain return them within ten days and your money will be refunded, BUT YOU ARE TO KEEP THE MATCHING EARRINGS as our get-acquainted gift. Thuthie," he said in rapt admiration as he hung over her crib. One of the best days at the Haymes home, as it is everywhere, is Christmas. Skip was only five months old for his first one, but his doting dad brought home an electric train. A lucky selection, because no such toy has been available since. In addition to this magnificent gadget (with which Dick spent more time than his junior partner), Skip got a menagerie of stuffed animals, an Army truck, a tank, a quacking duck and a little red wagon. a snare and a delusion . . . Along in the afternoon Joanne noticed that Skip wasn't in the immediate vicinity. Thinking that he had probably taken one of his stuffed toys or some other cherished gift to his bed and gone to sleep, she investigated. She found him sitting on the bathroom floor. Spread out before him, emptied from a bottle that he had purloined from the medicine chest by climbing from stool to wash basin, were dozens of little brown liver pills. He was rocking back and forth happily, humming to himself. With a dainty thumb and forefinger he was reaching out, as he rocked forward, picking up a pill and eating it. Joanne screamed for Dick and told him what happened. Together they bundled up Mr. Skipper Haymes and scorched to the nearest hospital, where the young man's stomach was pumped. Luckily, his parents had caught him in time to keep him from suffering any ill effects. Skip and his dad have a secret club with which they torment the woman in their lives. Dick, as you know, was born in Buenos Aires and speaks fluent Spanish He also spent a good many young years in France and mastered that tongue, too. Now he is teaching both languages to young Haymes. Skip can sing the Bell Song in French, and he's zooty with Frere Jacques. He speaks quite as much conversational French and Spanish as he does English. His mother speaks neither. She has trouble enough with her two joes in English. One morning she was going through a series of calisthenics, observed by Dick and Skippy. At the close of the physical training, she tried a few steps from her ballet dancing. Skip uttered a howl of mirth. To his dad he said, "Oh! Get HER!" Dick tried to look like a stern parent, but the expression didn't jell. Somehow the conviction in the Haymes household is that all four of them are contemporaries of spirit — growing up together. 108 SEND NO MONEY The coupon should be sent today as supplies are extremely limited. When your package arrives you pay the postman only $2.95 each plus a few cents mailing cost and 20% Federal Tax. The Necklace and Bracelet become more attractive the longer you wear them. EMPIRE DIAMOND CO. Dept. 33-CE, Jefferson, Iowa Empire Diamond Co.. Dept. 33-CE, Jefferson. Iowa. I want to examine those iridescent, imitation Pearls. Please Sendme: □ Necklace □ Bracelet I can return my purchase in 10 days and you will refund my money but I am to keep the earrings as your get-acquainted gift. Name Address City ... State. TO OUR READERS {Continued from page 29) the reader. She wants to know how much you can spend. Her staff will hunt bargains. She is going to worry about whether you're fat, thin, tall, or short. She f going to talk about clothes in terms o parties, school, office, falling in love, having babies and life in general. Your liferemember — not the Duchess's! Answer the questionnaire on page 22, and you will simplify her problem tremen dousy by giving her a look at your wardrobe budget. Henry and I promise not t peek at your answers. Better yet, w promise to send you absolutely free (n stamps, no envelopes) a picture of you favorite star! This is only the beginning. With your help Jean is going to deliver a youthconscious, bargain-conscious, glamorous fashion department such as you and the Duchess have never seen! ilt j i l