Modern Screen (Jul-Dec 1945)

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BY WORD OF MOUTH (Continued from page 67) from many causes (sinus trouble, for instance) and only a doctor can say which. But the average girl— that's most of us— can insure protection by using mouth wash after every brushing. Follow directions, throw your head back and swish the mouth wash vigorously. Mouth wash will help check the kind of halitosis which originates from decomposing food particles, heavy smoking, sharp food odors and other local causes. Many dentists will tell you that nine-tenths of all offensive breath come from these sources. Those who spend their time counting such things, say that the average man has ten decaying teeth, while the average female is one up on him with eleven cavities—the sad result of "soft" living. It's not your dentifrice's job to plug up these pesky holes, so visit your dentist regularly. He can straighten teeth that are out of alignment. Over too small or crooked teeth, he can fit jackets that look like nature's own product. The better your acquaintance with the dentist, the more dazzling your smile. In fact, I'm so convinced of this that I've just taken time out to call the dentist for a Monday appointment. Remember a while back, I talked about health? Here are some food facts. An exclusive diet of chocolate eclairs and potato chips will not only blur your silhouette, it will dim your smile. What you eat is vitally important to the health and beauty of your teeth. Dishes that contain calcium, phosphorus and vitamins are wonderful in building healthy chewers. Star these on your menus; milk, eggs, butter, cheese, green vegetables, fruits, whole grain breads and cereals. Before saying "Goodbye" until next month (when the talk will be of smooth hands and glistening fingertips), there's one more thought I want to leave with you. When your friends say you're pretty as a picture, I hope they mean a talking picture! Don't let "dese, dem and dose" fall from your pretty mouth. Drag down a dictionary to check pronunciation. Don't say mean things about friends and not expect them to travel back to their ears. Don't sass Mom the teacher or boss — a soft answer is better than woeful wrath! Let your smile be quick and often . . . you can be proud of it. * * * * Now that I've answered all your mail from last month, I'm rolling up my sleeves to attack this month's batch. Incidentally, do try to send along a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Any and all queries on beauty are welcome. Write Carol Carter, Beauty Editor, MODERN SCREEN, 149 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, N. Y. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Nope, we're not sounding of} for a finance company, and the only rate of interest we care about is your interest in MODERN SCREEN. But we thought you might crave an easy way of lining your pockets (that's five dollars' worth of lining.') Ifs all so simple: Just write to the 1 SAW IT HAPPEN Editor MODERN SCREEN, 149 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y., and tell us what happened when you met a real, live star right in the flesh! If your story is clearly written and makes us feel just as if we'd been there, we'll send you five dollars faster than you can say "MODERN SCREEN!" New kind of ink safeguards pens 4 ways / 1. No clogging . . • no gumming That's right — it can*t gum, can"t clog. It's Parker Quink containing solv-x. In solv-x. Parker scientists have discovered a means of stopping ink's most common faults. Remember, Quink is THE ONLY INK CONTAINING SOLV-X 2. O eons pen as if writes No special operation needed. Just drain pen, refill with Quink, and write. Shortly the messy pen will be clean! Surprisingly, Quink costs no more than ordinary inks. THE ONLY INK CONTAINING SOLV-X 3. Dissolves, flushes away sediment Solr-x dissolves the sludgy, scaly deposits left by high-acid inks. Refill with Parker Quink and get "like-new'" pen performance to the last drop in the bottle . . . because Quink is THE ONLY INK CONTAINING SOLV-X 4. Ends rubber rot, metal corrosion High-acid inks rot the rubber and corrode the metal parts of a fountain pen. The solv-x in Quink stops such pen troubles before they starl . . . may save your pen from a visit to the repair shop. THE ONLY INK CONTAINING SOLV-X 9 BRILLIANT COLORS ... ALL FREE-FLOWING, FAST-DRYING. (jood for all makes of [tens — steel pens, too. Regular size, 2r>i. School size, lot. Also in pints and quarts. MAKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT-BUY WAR BONDS! Copr. 1945 by The Parker Pen Company PARKER Quink THE ONLY INK CONTAINING SOLV-X!