Modern Screen (Dec 1931 - Nov 1932 (assorted issues))

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Directory of Players ROLLINS, DAVID; unmarried; born in Kansas City, Mo. Write him at Fox studio. Free lance player. Juvenile leads in "The Black Watch,'* "Love, Live and Laugh," "The Big Trail," "The Seas Beneath," and "Young Sinners," all for Fox. RUGGLES, CHARLES; unmarried; born in Los Angeles, California. Write him at Paramount studio. Contract player. Star of "Charlie's Aunt," Christie-Columbia. "The Girl Habit," Paramount. Comedian in "The Dover Road," "The Smiling Lieutenant," "The Beloved Bachelor," and "Husband's Holiday," Paramount. SEBASTIAN, DOROTHY; married to Bill Boyd; born in Birmingham, Ala. Write her at RKOPathe studio. Free lance player. Featured role in "The Utah Kid," Tiffany. Lead in "The Lightning Flyer," Columbia, and "The Big Gamble," RKO-Pathe. SHANNON, PEGGY; unmarried: born in New York City. Write her at Paramount studio. Contract player. Wanda Kelly in "The Secret Call." dual role in "Silence," Lee Millet in "Working Girl," and featured roles in "Murder by the Clock," "The Road to Reno," and "Touchdown," Paramount. SHEARER, NORMA; married to Irving Thalberg: born in Montreal, Canada. Write her at M-G-M studio. Contract star. Starring roles in "Strangers May Kiss," "A Free Soul," and "Private Lives," M-G-M. SHERMAN, LOWELL; married to Helene Costello; born in New York City. Write him at RKORadio studio. Contract star-director. Stellar role in "Bachelor Apartment," RKO-Radio. Male lead in "The Greeks Had a Word For It," Sam Goldwyn-United Artists. SIDNEY; GEORGE; unmarried: born in Hungary. Write him at Universal studio. Contract player. Co-starred with Charles Murray in "The Cohens and the Kelly s in Scotland," "The Cohens and the Kellys in Africa," and "The Cohens and the Kellys in Hollywood," for Universal, and "Caught Cheating," Tiffany. Now making tworeelers for Universal. SIDNEY, SYLVIA; unmarried; born in New York City. Write her at Paramount studio. Contract player. Feminine lead in "City Streets," opposite Gary Cooper. Featured roles in "An American Tragedy," "Shop Girl," and "Blind Mice," Paramount. Rose in "Street Scene," GoldwynUnited Artists. STANWYCK, BARBARA; married to Frank Fay; born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Write her at Warner Bros, studio. Contract star. Stellar role in "Safe in Hell," First National. Stellar roles in "The Miracle Woman," and "Forbidden," Columbia. STARR, FRANCES; divorced from Haskell Coffin; born in Albany, N. Y. Write her at First National studio. Contract player. Ma Leeds in "The Star Witness," and Mrs. Townsend in "Five Star Final," both First National. STONE, LEWIS; married to Hazel Wolf; born in Worcester, Mass. Write him at M-G-M studio. Contract player. Featured role in "Always Goodbye," Fox. Costaud in "The Phantom of Paris," M-G-M. Featured roles in "Strictly Dishonorable," Universal, and "The Sin of Madelon Claudet," M-G-M. STUART. NTCK; married to Sue Carol; born in Roumania. Write him at Mack Sennett studio. Free lance player. Juvenile leads in "Joy Street," Fox, and "Grandma's Girl," and "Television," Mack Sennett. Juvenile lead in "Sundown Trail," RKO-Pathe. SUMMER VI LLE, SLIM; unmarried; born in Kansas City, Mo. Write him at Universal studio. Contract player. Sam in "Gambling Daughters," comedy lead in ' 'Reckless Living,' ' and costarred in "Pudge," Universal. SWANSON, GLORIA; divorced from the Marquis de la Falaise de la Coudray. Born in Chicago, 111. Write her at United Artists studio. Contract star. Stellar roles in "The Trespasser," "What a Widow!" "Indiscreet," "Tonight or Never," (Continued from page 114) all for United Artists. TASHMAN, LILYAN; married to Edmund Lowe; born in New York City. Write her at Paramount studio. Contract player. Vamp in "The Mad Parade," Liberty. Laura Endicott in "Murder by the Clock," gay divorcee in "The Road to Reno," and Marie Bailey in "Girls About -Town," Paramount. TAYLOR, ESTELLE; divorced from Jack Dempsey; bcrn in Wilmington, Del. Write her at United Artists studio. Free lance player. Dixie Lee in "Cimarron," RKO-Radio. Vamp in "The Unholy Garden," and mother in "Street Scene," Sam Goldwyn-United Artists. TIBBETT, LAWRENCE; separated from Grace Mackay Smith; born in Bakersfield, Calif. Write him at M-G-M studio. Contract star. Yegor in "The Rogue Song," Lieutenant in "New Moon." Farady in "The Southerner," and stellar role in "The Cuban Love Song," all for M-G-M. TOBIN, GENEVIEVE; unmarried; born in New York City. Write her at Universal studio. Contract star. Leading feminine roles in "A Lady Surrenders," "Free Love," "Fires of Youth," "Seed," and starring role in "Boulevard," all for Universal. Diana in "The Gay Diplomat," RKORadio. TODD, THELMA (her name has been changed to Alison Loyd) ; unmarried; born in Lawrence, Mass. Write her at Hal Roach studio. Contract player. Co-starred with ZaSu Pitts in "The Pajama Party," and other comedies for Roach. Feminine lead in "Corsair," United Artists. TOOMEY, REGIS; married to J. Kathryn Scott; born in Pittsburgh, Pa. Write him at Paramount studio. Contract player. Featured roles in "Twenty-Four Hours," and "Murder by the Clock," Paramount. Star of "Graft," Universal. Male lead in "Once a Lady," and featured role in "The Heart Is Young," Paramount. TORRENCE, ERNEST; married to Elsie Reamer: born in Edinburgh, Scotland. Write him at M-G-M studio. Contract player. Rill Jackson in "Fighting Caravans," Paramount. Featured roles in "Shipmates," and "Sporting Blood," M-G-M. TRACY, SPENCER; married to Louise Treadwell: born in New York City. Write him at Fox studio. Contract player. Douray in "Six Cylinder Love," and Bill in "Goldie," Fox. Male lead in "Ground Hogs," and "Sky Devils," Caddo United Artists. TWLVEE TREES, HELEN; married to Frank Woody; born in New York City. Write her at RKOPathe studio. Contract star. Starred in "Millie," RKO-Radio. Starred in "A Woman of Experience," "Bad Company," "The Second Shot," and "Breach of Promise," all for RKO-Pathe. VALLI, VIRGINIA; married to Charles Farrell; born in Chicago, 111. Write her_ at Fox studio. Free lance player. Featured role in * 'The Isle of Lost Ships." Starred in "Guilty," Columbia, and "Night Life in Reno," Supreme Pictures. VARCONI, VICTOR; married to non-professional; born in Kisward, Hungary. Write him at Warner Bros, studio. Free lance player. ^ Indian chief in "The Squaw Man." Featured role in "Safe in Hell," Warner Bros. Robert Fyfe in "The Black Camel," Fox. Featured role in "Men In Her Life," Columbia. VELFZ, LUPE; unmarried; born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Write her at Universal studio. Free lance player. Indian girl in ' 'The Squaw Man," M-G-M. Feminine lead in "The Cuban Love Song," M-G-M. WALTERS, POLLY; unmarried; born in New York City. Write her at Warner Bros, studio. Contract player. Molly in "Expensive Women," and Peggy in "Larceny Lane," Warner Bros. WARNER, H. B. ; married to a non-professional; born in London, Eng. Write him at First National studio. Free lance player. Raymond in "Expensive Women," First National. Major Schmidt in "A Woman of Experience," RKO-Pathe. Townsend in "Five Star Final," First National. Featured role in "A Woman Commands," RKO Pathe. WAYNE, JOHN ; unmarried ; bom in Winterset, Iowa. Write him at Columbia studio. Contract player. Featured part in "Girls Demand Excitement," Fox. Bob Denton in "Men Are Like That," and Clint Turner in "Duty Bound," Columbia. WHEELER, BERT; married to Bernice Spear: born in Paterson, N. J. Write him at RKO-Radio studio. Contract star. Tommy in "Half Shot at Sunrise." Co-starred in "Hook, Line and Sinker," "Full of Notions," and "Peach 0' Reno/' all for RKO-Radio. WHITE, ALICE; unmarried; born in Paterson, N. J. Write her at First National studio. Free lance player. Stellar roles in "Show Girl in Hollywood," and "The Widow From Chicago," both for First National. Starred in "The Monster Kills," Tiffany. WHITE, MARJORIE; Married to Eddie Tierney; born in Oklahoma City, Okla. Write her at Fox studio. Free lance player. Sadie in "Charlie Chan Carries On," and PeeWee in "Women of All Nations," Fox. Penelope in "Broadminded," First National. WILLIAM, WARREN; unmarried: bor« in Aitken, Minnesota. Write him at Warner Bros, studio. Contract player. Mr. William is a well known stage actor who made his talkie debut opposite Dolores Costello in "Expensive Women," for Warner Bros. "The Honor of the Family," Warners. Featured roles in "Captain's Wife" and "Under Eighteen," Warner Bros. WILSON, LOIS; unmarried; born in Pittsburgh, Pa. Write her at Universal studio. Contract player. Feminine leads in "Once a Gentleman," CruzeTiffany, and "Temptation," Columbia. Peggy Carter in "Seed." Star of "As Before, Better Than Before," both for Universal. Second lead in "The Age for Love," Caddo-United Artists. WITHERS, GRANT; separated from Loretta Young; born in Pueblo, Colo. Write him at Warner Bros, studio. Free lance player. Angel in "Penny Arcade," Bob Lawrence in "Scarlet Pages," Bill in "The Steel Highway," all for Warner Bros. WONG, ANNA MAY; unmarried; born in San Francisco, Calif. Write her at Paramount studio. Contract player. Returns to American screen after two-year absence in England as Ling Moy in "Daughter of the Dragon," and featured role in "Shanghai Express," Paramount. WOOD, JUDITH; unmarried; born in Florida. Write her at Universal studio. Contract player. Featured role in "The Vice Squad," and in "Working Girls," Paramount. WOOLSEY, ROBERT; married to non-professional; born in Oakland, Calif. Write him at RKORadio studio. Contract star. Co-starred in "Too Many Cooks." Starred in "Everything's Rosy," RKO-Radio. Co-starred in "Full of Notions," "Caught Plastered," and "Peach 0' Reno," RKORadio. WRAY, FAY; married to John Monk Saunders; born in Alberta, Canada. Write her at Paramount studio. Free lance player. Helen Pierce in "Dirigible," Columbia. Feminine lead in "The Lawyer' s Secret," Paramount. Feminine lead in "The Unholy Garden," Goldwyn-United Artists. Now playing on the New York stage in "Nikki." YOUNG, CLARA KIMBALL; married to non-professional; born in Chicago, Illinois. Write her at RKO-Radio studio. Free lance player. She returned to the films in her first talkie, "Kept Husbands," an RKO-Radio poduction. Star of "Women Go On Forever," Cruze-Tiffany. YOUNG, LORETTA; separated from Grant Withers; born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Write her at First National studio. Contract star. Claire McIntyre in "Big Business Girl," First National. Dot Drew in "The Blue Moon Murder Mystery," and Madge in "Merry Wives of Reno," First National. Feminine lead in "I Like Your Nerve," First National. Sob sister in "The Gilded Cage," Columbia. Society girl in "Taxi, Please," Warner Bros. More About Hollywood TF only that Casanovian young mil*■ lionaire producer, Howard Hughes by name, would settle down to a nice steady romance — or get married or something — half of our worries as columnists would be over. Just now he seems to be overdoing the "Safety In Numbers" gag, and the other week-end he entertained on his yacht not only Dorothy Jordan but Barbara Kent and Mary Brian and the blond Mary Carlyle as well. In comparison, your old friend Don Juan must have been pretty tame. *T*HE opening of the stage play, *■ "Camille," brought out a host of screen stars, probably because of the local interest in Gilbert Roland. The young Mexican had not a trace of an accent before the footlights — losing it , 116 (Continued from page 90) in only two weeks of hard study. Gilbert himself was so elated over the fact that, following the first performance he shouted wildly to friends that gathered about in his dressing room : "Yu canno' taal mee frum an Ennglishmeen . . . no?" He was so excited that his accent was, for the moment, worse than ever. Everyone in the first-night audience seemed to feel that Roland was playing direct to Norma Talmadge, who sat, beautifully gowned in white velvet, in a front-row seat. Norma and Gilbert played together in the silent picture version of the story. Remember? Black combined with white or pale pastel shades predominated in the stars' gowns. Carole Lombard wore pale peach lace with a black wrap. She looked lovely — and very happy, too. Connie Bennett brought back thirtyfive original Paris creations when she returned to Hollywood from Paris — twenty for her next picture — and the rest for her own wardrobe. Wonder if a wedding dress ivas included? Connie simply couldn't marry the Marquis de la Falaise in anything but a chic Paris gown. ARY COOPER has been out of the ^* limelight more or less since the Lupe Velez affair washed up. When he's not getting himself rumored in love with Talluluh Bankhead, he just works. And when he isn't working, he's studying voice or taking solitary drives in his long blue and yellow phaeton. Just recently he bought a 5000-acre tract of land in Coachella Valley which will be used for agricultural purposes.