Modern Screen (Dec 1931 - Nov 1932 (assorted issues))

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Modern Screen You'll like the convenience and economy of KAPAK You can buy Kapak Sanitary Napkins at any S. S. Kresge store in your neighborhood in quantities of twelve, six, eight or three. There is a package for every requirement. Kapak Sanitary Napkins are made under the most modern sanitary conditions, of finest materials. Deodorant, high absorbent. Easily disposable, with close-fitting oval shaped ends. Kapak Sanitary Napkins are the most convenient and economical sanitary protection you can buy. Package of i doz. Kapak Sanitary Napkins, 2 oc Package of 6 Kapak Sanitary Napkins . 10c Package of 8 Junior size Kapak Sanitary Napkins 10c Package of 3 Kapak Sanitary Napkins . 5c Sold Exclusively at S. S. KRESGE CO. 5c, 10c, 25c and $1.00 stores me MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAY Millions of women hove esfabfishecl the MARVEL WHIRLING SPRAY as the standard for Feminine Hygiene. PHYSICIANS AND NURSES EVERYWHERE RECOMMEND IT. Send to Ethel D. Wilson, Registered Nurse, c/o The Marvel Company New Haven, Conn., for free booklet, 'The Correct Practice of Feminine Hygiene". Blonde Hair Now blonde hair that has darkened is made actually lighter — ia brought back to a uniform, lustrous golden shade. How? By GOLDETTE SHAMPOO powder. NOT A DYE! This unique shampoo will KEEP your hair a beautiful even golden hue. Puts new life and golden color into faded hair. Results are so natural — watch if anyone detects I Contains no peroxide, ammonia, or harsh, irritating bleaches. Is utterly harmless. GOLDETTE is a superb shampoo. Use it for healthier hair and scalp — even if you are not interested in improving color of hair— then the golden color you will surely secure is juBt an added result. Good News! Send for Sample Send only 10 cents for one complete Shampoo in plain package —and FREE INFORMATION. Write today. No obligations. Cecil Studios, 4246 Lincoln Ave., Dept. A271 , Chicago, III. 110 felt unaccountably sleepy. Her husband had her take a little snooze, her head on his shoulder. She never woke up. At the inquest the physicians, unable to find any specific cause for her death, attributed it to heart failure. Her heart had been tired out, they said, and had stopped beating. This is a likely enough explanation for the sudden death of an old person, of course. But Barbara's sister was not yet forty-five. "It could have been coincidence," Barbara says, "but I'm not sure. I can't quite convince myself that visit with my sister really was a dream. At the time I felt certain I was awake. And there was a strange quality about the whole thing which I've never been able to describe or explain." XTATACHA RAMBOVA has been interested in spiritualism for as long as she can remember. And considering the close bond which existed between her and Rudolph Valentino, it is, I think, logical to assume that Rudy, too, was possessed of psychic tendencies. She did not think it at all strange that she had known Rudy was dead before the cable arrived. "The night previous," she said simply, "we'd had word Rudy was much improved. However, I awoke that morning to know the odor of tuberoses and all day their heavy perfume persisted with me. I was, therefore, entirely prepared for the cable when it arrived that afternoon, waiting for it, in fact." LEWIS STONE'S story came to him from the first mate aboard the ship upon which he sailed to Shanghai. Several years ago it happened, on a night when the dark was so thick it seemed to press close beside you. The sea was quiet after a heavy storm. The second watch had sounded. The second mate was on the bridge. Suddenly a man appeared on the bridge. He wasn't anyone the mate ever had seen before. He wasn't one of the crew. He wasn't a passenger either. He was gaunt and his clothes were ragged, dirty, too. His face was weary and marked by intense suffering. As the second mate looked up his manner implied a question. "Not straight ahead," said the stranger. His voice was a whisper so hoarse it froze the blood. "Not straight ahead, I tell you. One and one-half miles to the right. One and one-half miles to the right." And then, before he could be questioned, this mysterious man slipped out of sight. The mate followed him. He thought he saw him scuttle along the dark deck until he got amidships where he climbed over the rail. As he fumbled with the searchlight the mate cursed his trembling hands. Finally he managed the adjustment. He sent a shaft of light darting out over the calm black water. At last it picked up a small dory. The strange, gaunt man was at the oars. Returning to the bridge the mate obeyed a compulsion he did not even try to understand. He set the course as the man from the sea had directed. He set the course one and one-half miles to the right. Naturally this change had to be explained. When the first mate heard his fellow officer's weird story he studied him with real concern. "You'd better turn in and grab some sleep," he said. He was as superior as people are inclined to be when they hear about something they've never experienced. "You must be in a bad way to see visions coming up out of the water." The first mate's superiority, however, was short lived. The following midnight he was on duty. And again the gaunt man from the sea appeared. Slowly he shook his unkempt head. "Not straight ahead," he said. And again his voice was a whisper so hoarse it froze the blood. "Not straight ahead, I tell you. One-half mile to the left. One-half mile to the left." "And," the first mate explained to Lewis Stone, "even while I obeyed his orders — and they were that — he disappeared." A call from the look-out sounded the next morning just as two bells rang five o'clock. Off the port side were sighted three life-boats. In them were the survivors of a ship which had gone down three days before. Tied to one of these boats was a small dory. In its bottom lay the still body of a gaunt, ragged man. "The second mate and I don't talk much about it" the first mate confided to Lewis Stone. "No use dwelling on such things or yon go nuts. But the man in that dory was the man who'd appeared to us two nights running. It was the dead man in that dory who'd directed our course so we'd come upon those three boats . . . "It isn't as if only one of us had seen him . . . "But, as I say, we don't talk much about it. either of us. It's better to try and forget such things . . ." And now, coming to the close of these weird stories the stars tell, once again I ask : Do you believe in ghosts ... in reincarnation ... in mental telepathy . . .? Beauty Advice (Continued up over the line of the frown about twenty-five times — hard. Always start at the bottom and rub up. You should do this faithfully until you see results — and remember not to frown in between times. Blondes — what shade of eye-shadow have you been using? Blue, I'll wager. Try green for a nice change. Very from page 6) effective. And here's a trick for everyone to use in applying eye-shadow. You know those colorless pomade lipsticks? Well, rub a little of the pomade over your eyelid before applying the shadow. It's marvelous. And in the daytime — when many girls do not wish to use eye-shadow — a touch of the pomade will give the lids that waxy look — like