Modern Screen (Dec 1947 - Nov 1948)

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SAYS i GORGEOUS COVER Gl ^SweetHeart^ RECIPE FOR ROMANCE — Reveal your complexion's true beauty with SweetHeart's Floating Lift Care. Night and morning, massage your face one minute with SweetHeart's extra lather. Rinse with warm — then cold water. Skin is cleansed . . . stimulated . . . more radiant. The Soap that AGREES with Your Skin • "It's a heavenly gentle action! No wonder SweetHeart Care is my pet rave," says Nancy. "It leaves my skin with a soft, radiant glow." So help your skin have that dream-come-true look with SweetHeart's Floating Lift Care. You'll love the creamy softness of SweetHeart's pure, mild, fragrant extra lather that has a gentle floating lift. Pictures taken through the microscope prove it. Countless bubbles bathe the outer pore openings . . . lift off— float away— dirt and dry skin flakes. Exciting natural smoothness and true radiance are revealed. And the lovely SweetHeart fragrance adds to your thrilling appeal. • For tub and shower, you can now also get the new, large bath size. SweetHeart's extra lather with its floating lift is marvelous. • Don't let your summer romance die when vacation days are over. Win and hold that wonderful man with the breathtaking loveliness of your SweetHeart complexion! THEY WANT TO GET MARRIED (Continued from page 75) In iil ill si 2 invitation and got the surprise of her lif The hero proved to be a slender, hanc' some youth of twenty -two. He had ur usual poise and a keen sense of humd His voice was gentle, but charged wif quiet authority. Within a few weeks si. had custody of all of his medals; and jP had a batch of her photographs, loving^ inscribed. They shunned publicity; stayed clei of night clubs; and, chaperoned by Wanda ! parents, took outings in the mountain where they hunted and fished for divei sion. Legend has it that their favorif hangout in town was an ice-cream park' That Murphy denies. He loathes ice crear Soon the pair was being described s "America's most romantic sweethearts^ Wanda was likened to a dewy mornir? rose, Audie was pictured as modesty pei sonified. jj Actually Audie is about as shy as hand-grenade with the fuse lit. By natui he is an idealist; but experience has forced f him to be a realist. The war gave himl! tough, cynical vision which is in constat; conflict with an innately warm heart. H mind is sensitive; his temper, quick. B > jumps to conclusions and acts on impuls '3 Often he later regrets his action. "I'm afraid to put my dukes down le? I get hit where it hurts," he once told m/ :t And that is a vital aspect of his character f< He has true modesty; but is capable f more indignation than Leo Durocher argvi ing with an umpire. Being direct an sincere himself, the false warmth of mo Hollywood gatherings irritates and err' barrasses him. He avoids them whenew he can. So in some quarters he is thougF to be anti-social. He talks little becau?1 he has little to say. Since a lack of sut« $ ject matter is considered no valid excu.^ f. for keeping quiet in filmland, his attituC1 is mistaken for shyness. 1 His face is marked by a wistful sadne; | which makes older women want to moth< him and younger ones regard him as "tiffjf kid brother I would like to have." Wanda is more gregarious. She lik< people in general and believes th; mingling with them socially is important I both her and Audie's careers. On th point, they often violently disagree. Tfc'.fc1 average party Murphy attends with fi luctance and misgivings. "I dislike the back-slapping and throat1 K cutting that usually go on at these soci!l; ?s affairs," Audie explains. "I don't drinP I don't particularly care about dancinjf critic's corner The best that can be said for Song Of My Heart is that it has actors in it; and except for Sir Cedric Hardwicke as a Grand Duke and Mikhail Rasumny as a servant, most of them look as though they might protit better by some other line of work. Otis Guernsey, Jr., The Herald Tribune Along with Mr. Cantor and Miss Davis, If You Knew Susie has Master Bobby Driscoll, aged 8. He's about the best argument I know for the passage of a federal child-labor amendment. John McCarten, The New Yorker it! 61 31! a I si