Modern Screen (Dec 1947 - Nov 1948)

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■*ff hate to waste an evening prattling nonfense. So I'm bored stiff at these events, jrhen there's always the chance of running into trouble." j At one party, Wanda wanted to dance; i^udie did not feel like it. A slight tiff Ensued. And Lawrence Tierney gallantly interceded in Wanda's behalf, uijj "Get away," said Audie in a deadly, ijuiet voice. "Get away from us in a tj [hurry." Tierney suddenly decided he had ymsiness elsewhere. Li Except for her fine dramatic talent, panda is a normal, wholesome girl with reckles on her face and an occasional run fb her stockings. She dwells in a modest Burbank home with her parents, who Concentrate on remaining normal beings, jler father still plies his trade as a carpenter. Her mother is active in community jflub work. Wanda helps with the domesiljLjic chores. Most of the money she makes Is being salted away for the future. I Audie lives alone in a ramshackle Ipartment for which he pays $37 a month, pituated on a busy street corner, it is as koisy as a machine shop. For decoraSons, the place has Wanda's picture, a low of cowboy boots, several lurid paintjljngs inherited from a former roommate, ^nd a German sniper's rifle with which _ ludie was severely wounded, flj! Though he does much of his own cookHi,]pg, Murphy can not abide housework in sjieneral. So his apartment is usually Itrewn with old newspapers, unopened es hail, clothes, and an assortment of empty M In cans. When a wave of energy strikes eujiim, he sets to with a vengeance and jabors until the small hours of the mornfig to get his quarters ship-shape. i the gym . . . For a long while he had no room at 11. He slept on a cot in Terry Hunt's gymnasium. Henry Morgan, the radio |omedian, told me of the matter. He was lighly indignant because the nation's top ero had had to sleep in a gym. I investigated the case and found that Ludie enjoyed his quarters. The stacked Jots reminded him of army barracks. And te liked the company of the men who lung around the gym. "Besides," said he, "there's a principle eJ.[ivolved. If I pay $125 for an apartment, e next man will have to do the same, nd maybe he can't afford it." At that time, Audie was working in j^feyond Glory. His salary was over 200 weekly. But he was helping support pree brothers and sisters whom he had pmoved from an orphanage directly after i is army discharge. Also, he was buying ipem a house. So during his Hollywood journ Audie has never had much cash. He spends what he has freely. Too 4|enerous for his own good, he likes to tertain his friends at expensive resurants; and he's a soft touch for any rasite that puts the bite on him. When gives presents, they are usually costHe is mortally afraid that they will unworthy of the person for whom they te intended. Typically, he once spent lie bulk of his last twenty dollars buying n orchid for Wanda. i So it is only partially true that a lack |f money has prevented their long-ex [:cted marriage. They could have pooled eir finances and lived comfortably lough. But this Murphy refuses to do. e intends wearing the pants in the imily. And if he has a wife, he's going p support her. By that, he does not mean kerely supplying the bread and butter, fe wants to give her everything her heart lesires. Wanda would settle for far less. | When they first met, she was virtually n unknown young actress who had done everal small parts in pictures. Audie was ■jnder contract to James Cagney. No FOR YOU. ..FOR ROMANCE... LIZABETH SCOTT Starring in "PITFALL" a United Artists Release Try Lizabeth Scott's DEEP-CLEANSE FACIALS Cuddly armful! Early play hour — and Lizabeth's skin is a-sparkle! "A quick Deep-Cleanse with Woodbury rouses my skin . . . brings a beauty-fresh glow!" "You're lovelier — in seconds," promises Lizabeth. "Smooth on Woodbury Cold Cream ... its rich oils cleanse deep. Tissue, and film on more Woodbury— four special softening ingredients smooth dryness ! Tissue again — add a cold water splash for rosy color. See, your skin glows clear-clean, silkysoft . . . Woodbury-wonderful !" Delightful eyeful! . . . makes you stop, and — LOOK! "Film day done," says Lizabeth, "I date Woodbury — rich and smoothing. Leaves skin simply velvet!" 109