Modern Screen (Dec 1947 - Nov 1948)

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ay easily do for him what Ride The Pink nse did for Wanda. But that would settle only the career mbles. As two youngsters in this consed and turbulent modern world, they ast iron out mental and emotional dif•ences before they can live in harmony, hen Audie was discharged from the my, he was classified as 50% disabled ysically. An old wound occasionally ins him. He still has violent headaches d nosebleeds as hangovers from shell icussion. A nervous stomach often ases him to bend double in the middle meals. Nightmares haunt his sleep, ooding about the dead comrades and i horrors of combat, he sometimes falls ;o black moods during which he does t want to talk to anyone — even his isest friends. IVanda tries hard to understand his conion and make allowances for it. But w can she really see what lies in his art and soul? At about the time she s playing Snow White in a little thea■ in Florida, Audie was charging over >ody, fireswept hills in Europe. On one :asion, he was forced to lie in a hole th two dead Germans beneath him and. dead pal on top. How can one explain the home -folks what such experiences to a man's mind? ^.udie's three closest friends in Hollyod are Al Foster, Volney Peavyhouse, i Earl McCaskill. Al, a Cherokee Inin, works as a garage mechanic. Volney, ex-army pilot who flew 35 perilous ssions during the war, is attending a otography school. Earl, an ex-policem who was crippled by a criminal's gun, as a filling station. nda's the extrovert . . . \udie's fondness for these people is ired by Wanda, but she nevertheless is ually happy with a movie crowd. She's : extrovert. 3oth Audie and Wanda are stubborn army mules. After a spat, they will go DUt eating their hearts out for several ys before either gives in enough to call ? other up on the phone and straighten ! matter out. rhis they do in long conferences which ually wind up in Audie's car. They :use, deny, admit, discuss, and finally d up with their arms around one anler. It never fails. Neither gives a hoot out any other person. And that's the ig and short of it. in a moment of calmness, Murphy says, here's nothing wrong between us that irriage wouldn't fix up." \nd that point Hendrix couldn't argue th him. What do you think? hat's Victor Mature was telling about a ' feminine admirer who cornered him in a hotel lobby. "Was she good-looking?" asked a friend with anticipation in his voice. "She was so ugly," said Mature, "that I can just visualize a Peeping Tom ! reaching in and pulling down her window shade." from "Hollywood Merry -Go -Round" by Andrew Hecht 6\ 8 tieStaek to w\&vv\0wa • /• "For office hours I wear a tailored suit with trim jacket and widely flared skirt, set off with gold buttons, pin and earrings and sporting a separate bright cummerbund. And, of course, I rely on new, even gentler, even more effective Odorono Cream. Because 1 know it protects me from perspiration and offensive odors a full 24 hours." You'll find new Odorono so safe you can use it right after shaving! So harmless to fine fabrics . . . protects clothes from stains and rotting! So creamy-smooth too . . . even if you leave the cap off for weeks! 2, "For after hours — Off with the jacket, a quick change to bowling shoes, and I'm right down the alley for an evening of fun. I'm confident of my charm all evening too — thanks to new Odorono Cream. Because the Halgene in Odorono gives more effective protection than any deodorant known." Now, Odorono Cream brings you an improved new formula . . . even gentler, even more effective than ever before . . . all done up in its pretty, bright new package. Buy some today and see if you don't find this the most completely satisfying deodorant you have ever used. ^exSJ^jroSow audi (Now in 25£ and 50£ sizes, plus tax.)