Modern Screen (Dec 1948 - Oct 1949)

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RING BARGAINS SEND NO MONEY! Just pay Poslnwn C.O.D. on delivery amount plus 20e?E>Govern. rnenl Tax and postage. Write Name and Address and Order Number. On ring orders, stale finger size or send string or strip of paper. Money Back Guarantee. Send all orders toWORLD WIDE DIAMOND CO, Dent K-9991 2451 So. MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICACO 16, ■■■ ' GENUINE ZIRCON 10 KT. GOLD BRIDAL SET 3-4 kt. Weight flashing Zircon. Engagement Ring with the gleaming Wedding Ring. Both C " No. 0-56 ' 10 KT. GOLD "TRUE LOVE" BRIDAL PAIR Brilliant imitation Diamond Engagement Ring. Matching Wedding Ring. lOkt, Gold. Both r " No. D-5S ' VERY ELEGANT GENUINE ZIRCON BRIDAL SET Gleaming, Brilliant, Large, Brite White Zircon. Both Rings are 10 Karat GOLD. NO^ST $12.95 6-DIAMOND CHIP BRIDAL PAIR An exciting 10 Kt. GOLD monntinsr with 6 Guaranteed chip nds. Both 4-DIAMOND CHIP BRIDAL PAIR Treasure of Lore! 10 Kt. Gold settings with 4 Genuine chip onds. Both 10-DIAMOND CHIP BRIDAL PAIR 10 Kt. Gold Wedding I IMITAT'N DIAMOND RING 12 imitation DIAMONDS with Brilliant on STERLING SILVER. Adorabl " NO-2R-417 Only 7.*1.98 nt BL_. Gorgeous. Brilliant Imitation Diamonds. gotSR.s.°^1.95 LOVE BRIDAL PAIR 25 Exquisite Brilliants in STERLING SILVER filigree pattern. Order Both No. R-40S Each 2.95 MEN'S IMITATION DIAMOND RIN6 Men's. On Brite Sterling Silver. Looks s< Very EXPENSIVE SrO.02eR:4.26.^.98 STERLING SILVER BRIDAL SET 11 Gorgeous imit tion Diamonds. Sterling Silver. Both No. R-442 f Each 1.95 ' "BIG TIME" GOLD MEN'S MASSIVE FILLED MEN'S RING RIJN6 Huge White Brilliant 1-20-12 Kt. GOLD and 4 Red Brilliants Filled Ring set with 8 on Genuine 1-20-14 Large. BnlliantFiery Kt. Rolled Gold Plate White Sparklers . . . uSS^i $3.95 So.dRe-r5ax53.95 World Wide Oi.mtnd Co.,Dcpl. K 999. 2451 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 16, HI. STERLING SILVER SIGNET RIR6 Briliantly Banked initial on Ebony Color Base in STERLING SILVER. Order one now! Price CJQ High School Course at Home I Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H.S. texts supplied. Diploma. Credit for H. S. sabjects already completed. Single subjects if deI shred. High school education is very important for advancement in business and industry and socially. Don't be handicapped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Fre* J Bulletin on request. No obligation. American School, H914, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37 Unsafe)/ 98 Asthma attacks without warning -' prepared with Asthmador Cigarettes, Powder or Pipe Mix— for relief from the painful, suffocating paroxysms. Breathe Asthmador's aromatic, medicated fumes and you'll find this time-tested inhalant I tops for convenience and dependability At all drug stores DR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S :Hi:iiil!lilil; jokes. He claims I do it to be polite, but that's not so. I think he's one of the funniest guys in the world. "When and where's the wedding?" he asked. "The day of my Army discharge. Right at the camp. But of course that's eighty miles from Hollywood." "I know that, you dope. I've been down there often enough in the last few months." He had, too, entertaining the boys, and usually bringing along his whole radio show to help. He was considering me now, thoughtfully. "Might need a little help, being best man. Okay if I bring Phil Silvers or somebody to help hold us both up?" I said that would be fine. The days skidded by and all of a sudden it was my wedding day. Frank was a little late that afternoon. Finally I went out by the gate and paced up and down waiting for him, just for something to do. I was watching for his convertible and hardly glanced at the big Greyhound bus marked chartered that swung in beside me. Then a voice yelled from the bus, "Hey, Burns. I can see your knees shaking from here!" -It was Frank. It was also half the rest of Hollywood. Phil Silvers, Axel Stordahl, Nancy, a whole set of musicians from the old Dorsey band. Any room that was left was taken up with wedding presents. Seemed like a million of them. I really felt myself getting all sentimental inside. Know what Frank's wedding present to me was? Honest, that guy is terrific! Here I was, just out of the Army, no civilian clothes and none available. So he had had his tailor make me a whole new wardrobe! It was really a thing. After the honeymoon in New York, we came back to the Coast and I went to work for Frank as a combination secretary manager-timetable. I knew him so well by that time that it wasn't like taking on a completely new job. But Frank was a different proposition now from what he had been in the old days. He was a figure of national interest. Not only was he the idol of a million bobby-soxers, but he was doing important work in the campaign against racial intolerance. He was giving benefits by the dozen. He was a picture star as well as a radio singer. All of that affected my job. Because Frank was still saying yes to everything. I found I had to act as a buffer between him and all the requests he got, or he would forget and make dates to be in three different places at once. I soon discovered one thing about Frank. His mind is always occupied. We'll be driving along in the car, me with my mind on nothing except maybe where we could pick up a hamburger. But Frank, quiet for a long time, will suddenly come up with something. Like "I think we oughta make a short for the Cancer Fund. I've been working it out in my mind. It'll go like this . . ." And, sure enough, there it is, all worked out for presentation. I've come to have a lot of respect for those silences. Maybe I'm giving you too serious a picture of the guy. Maybe I'm making him sound angelic, and he isn't. He clowns more often than he's serious, and sometimes he does things that just about drive me crazy. Like his getting into the habit of calling me "Burns." Around the studio, Frank will let out a yell you can hear from here to Harlem— "Hey, BURNS!" And now the rest of the gang has taken to doing the same thing. I hear "Hey, BURNS!" in my sleep. I mean that literally, too. Because Frank loves to stay up late — the later, sweet and hot by leonard feather ""Highly Recommended * Recommended No Stars: Average FROM THE MOVIES A SONG IS BORN — Stealing Apples: **Benny Goodman (Capitol). A Song Was Born: *Louis Armstrong (Victor). Daddy-O: *Dinah Shore (Columbia); *Page Cavanaugh (Victor). Blind Barnabas: *Golden Gate Quartet (Columbia). Flying Home: *Lionel Hampton (Decca), *Benny Goodman Sextet (Columbia). Redskin Rhumba: *Charlie Barnet (National). I'm Getting Sentimental Over You: *Tommy Dorsey (Victor). If you're a jazz fan, this department advises you not to miss the picture, even if it isn't Danny Kaye's best. NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES— title song: *Vic Damone (Mercury), Art Mooney (MGM). PALEFACE— Buttons and Bows: * Betty Rhodes (Victor), Betty Garrett (MGM). SO DEAR TO MY HEART— Lavender Blue: *Dinah Shore (Columbia); Jack Smith and Clark Sisters (Capitol). WHEN MY BABY SMILES AT ME— By The Way: *Jo Stafford (Capitol); Dick Haymes (Decca); Art Lund (MGM). What Did I Do: Margaret Whiting (Capitol); ♦Helen Forrest (MGM). HOT JAZZ COLEMAN HAWKINS— *April In Paris (Victor). ALBUMS GENE KELLY— *Song and Dance Man (MGM). PIED PIPERS — *Harvest Moon (Capitol). the better — while I am strictly a Cinderella type, all for getting in the sack by midnight. But when we're living together, which is frequently, just let me start to doze off, and — "Burns! We gotta talk. Let's not have any sleeping around here at this hour." Then another thing. He loves to make me sing. I can't sing a note, can't carry a tune even one bar, never could. But every once in a while, Frank will put on that hypnotic smile of his and say, "Bobby, sing 'I'm An Old Cowhand.' " Like a dope, I do it, and Frank laughs so hard they have to dump cold water on him to keep him from having a fit of hysterics. Nobody minds things like that from Frank, though. He's just as willing to be kidded himself. Frank's children are one of the chief attractions for me in that household. That little Nancy. She'll call me up on the telephone. "Uncle Bobby. When are you coming over?" "Maybe this evening, sweetheart." "Well, that's good. Because I have a new jigsaw puzzle and I don't want to start it till you get here." So I rush over and spend the evening lying on my stomach doing a jigsaw puzzle with Nancy. When it's her bedtime, I talk to big Nancy awhile and then probably Frank and I get involved in a long discussion about the split-second timing we will need to get everything done the following day. I suppose it's sort of a strange life I lead, and it's the .kind of job that goes on 24 hours a day. But when you're working for a guy like Frank, who cares? The End