Modern Screen (Dec 1948 - Oct 1949)

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don't let them down! an open letter to wanda hendrix and audie murphy Dear Wanda and Audie: The story of your courtship and marriage is one of the best real-life romances we've ever heard about. It has had all the elements — appealing characters, suspense, the overcoming of obstacles, complications after the achievement of the goal, a happy ending. Millions of people everywhere have followed the unfolding of this romance. And you'll continue to be closely observed by the fond public that has taken you into its heart. This places a great responsibility on your young shoulders — a responsibility to do everything in your power to live up to the ideal you now exemplify. For the influence of Hollywood extends far beyond mere screen portrayals. The daily lives of the stars present standards of behavior that, consciously or unconsciously, are followed in thousands of homes, especially by young people. If convention is treated lightly by screen idols, if honesty and faithfulness are perverted to suit the moment's whim, if marriage vows are taken as something to be shrugged off as inconsequential, it sets examples that can be widely harmful. On the other hand, if a dedication to the solid, worthwhile things of life is demonstrated by the stars, the effect is wholesome and heartening. You, Wanda and Audie, are a notable example of the latter. Let's hope that despite all the strains and stresses your individual careers must bring you, you'll continue to exemplify in your joined lives the ideals of courage, simplicity and devotion to which you have so far adhered. You have fame and influence. With the fame, Wanda and Audie, goes the great responsibility of using that influence well. EDITOR 27