Modern Screen (Dec 1949 - Nov 1950)

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is the Tampon. -with rounded ends.. .the only Tampon^QuiltecT -for comfort . /fQuilted" for safety:.. Next time try libs { internal sanitary protection.} . s. PAT. OFF. High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work— prepares for college entrance exams. Standard H.S. texts supplied Diploma. Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Sipele subjects if desired. High school education is very important for advancement in business and industry and socially. Don't be handicapped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. flM Bulletin on request. No obligation. merican School, H414. Drexel at 58th, Chicago37 TEETHING PAINS RELIEVED QUICKLY . HEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand's Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. Buy it from your druggist today Paid In Full: Lizabeth Scott has just run over the only child of Diana Lynn and Bob Cummings. She makes a desperate atonement. PAID IN FULL Cast: Robert Cummings, Lizabeth Scott, Diana Lynn, Eve Arden. Paramount I bet you've never seen anything like this before. It's based on^a factual story, but if I hadn't been told different, I'd swear whoever dreamed up Paid in Full had been smoking hashish. Here goes: Lizabeth Scott loves Robert Cummings who loves Diana Lynn (Liz' sister). Diana Lynn's enamored of a millionaire, but when he throws her over, she agrees to marry Robert. He only gets $15,000 a year, but he has prospects. Liz, who's brought Diana up, swallows her tears, and wishes the young couple well, but you've had a glimpse of Diana in operation, and you know Bob's a chump. Diana wants parties, clothes, young men to kiss her. Having a baby only aggravates her selfishness; she wants to own the baby's soul. Sick in the head, you can plainly see. She decides on a divorce, accuses Liz and Bob of having an affair. Liz goes leaping out of the house into her car, and runs over the baby who's playing in the driveway. Since Diana couldn't have another baby (physical impossibility) even if she weren't divorcing Bob, this puts her right into a sanitarium for mental patients. Meanwhile, Liz has decided she's got to fix things. She invites Bob to take her to Mexico, where they get married (I'm a little fuzzy about Bob's and Diana's divorce, but I guess it doesn't matter), and Liz gets herself with child. Now you see her plan. Liz knows she'll probably die in childbirth (it's a problem her whole family suffers from) but she's determined Diana and Bob will have back the child they lost through her. She goes to a strange city, has the baby, and Diana and Bob show up before she passes to her reward. They promise to take care of the baby — Diana's all cured, and out of the booby hatch — and give it a home. Of course, Diana doesn't know it's her own husband who's the father of her child (ii he still is her own husband, which / don't know) and if the baby grows up to look like Bob, I guess the shock will put her right back in the sanitarium. Still, Liz is convinced she did right, and that's all that seems important. A more preposterous picture you would go far to find. Speaking of finding, the new Broadway sensation, Carol Channing, is supposed to be in Paid in Full somewhere, but I couldn't find her, either. Young Man With A Horn: Kirk Douglas is Rick Martin, trumpeter who yearns to blow impossible notes. Doris Day sings with the same band. YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN Cast: Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, Doris Day. Hoagy Carmichael. Warners I admit I can't review Young Man With a Horn without prejudice. For me, it was a great short novel, a work of art, and I think it's been thoroughly loused up. Maybe if you've never read the book, you'll think it's one of the best pictures of the year; I don't know. Rick Martin's a lonely young boy who falls in love with a trumpet, and comes alive. So okay. Kirk Douglas is sensitive, but does he look 20 years old? Rick's best friend in the book is a colored boy named Smoke Jordan, whose sister, Jo, becomes a singer. In the movie, Smoke is Hoagy Carmichael (Smoke Willoughby, that is) and Doris Day plays singer Jo Jordan. I guess Warners figured they paid for every name in the book, might as well use 'em. There's Amy North, Rick's neurotic wife. He's crazy about her because she's different from him, deep, strange. Lauren Bacall, the movie Amy, has been handed an endless line of babble that makes her about as mysterious as a highschool girl playing Marlene Dietrich. Then there's Art Hazard, the Negro trumpeter who teaches Rick how to play. He's a successful musician, a man of parts, but the movies make him call Doris Day "Miss Jo" and, in the end, depend on Rick's good nature to keep his job for him. Still, my main kick is with the character of Rick himself. Here's a fellow who only wants to do one thing — play a horn. It's his lite. He's got one sure talent, and he believes in it. In the end, he's destroyed by it, because he starts demanding things of a horn that a horn can't do. He tries for notes that don't exist, and he busts wide open. There are other things that speed him to his downfall — a bad wife, a lot of liquor, a refusal to compromise. But the main thing is him and his horn, and when, the horn lets him down too, he has nothing to live for, so he dies. Warner Brothers' Rick, down and out, dying in an alcoholic ward, suddenly hears the wail of an ambulance, and sits up. "They told me there was no such note," he whispers, and the last thing you see is a happy ending with Kirk blowing his horn, and sounding just like an ambulance siren. All I can say is, "Nuts." This is no way to treat a masterpiece. DR. HAND'S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums