Modern Screen (Dec 1952 - Nov 1953)

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with a band, or get solo singing engage ments. She was truly astonished a few days later when Levy telephoned her again and said they were wanted at the studio. "Horrors," she thought, "they probably want to make me pay for the money they spent on the test." Levy took her straight to Curtiz' office. The director sat behind his desk and looked at her a long time without speaking. "Have you ever had any dramatic experience?" he asked finally. "No, sir," said Doris. "Hmmmm," said Curtiz. "Very good. Have you ever taken lessons in acting?" "No, sir," said Doris. "Good. Good," said Curtiz. Then he turned to the agent. "People," he said, "are going to say that I am crazy, but I will sign this girl to a personal contract and give her the leading role opposite Jack Carson in the picture I am preparing." Doris sat ashen-faced and listened. She i was sure she was not hearing right. Then she got up from the chair and walked from the studio in a daze. When she got home, she sat alone in her room for hours, I not even answering the phone, trying to i figure out what strange trick life was getting ready to play on her now. . TVTow, this is not a story about how Doris -L' Day became a star in pictures. That i has been told many times. But it is proper to repeat that while she was a smash hit from the beginning, and that after awhile Warner Brothers bought her contract from | Curtiz for a pretty penny. She's been their top star ever since. But all of the time the smile was a prop, the cheery attitude i a fake. Doris Day was not really happy down deep in her heart. | If you'll remember back to those days, you'll recall that Doris was pretty much a play girl. She spent most of her time with (Jack Carson, a fellow who likes nothing better than an evening on the town, in .the night clubs and with gay companions. When they weren't working, they rested up during the day and made the rounds at night. Neither of them could have been (Called excessive drinkers or dissipaters in any form, but they lived a gay existence. (Although the whole town thought they were in love and would some day marry, .they themselves never thought they were |even mildly in love. : By the time Doris Day was ready for iiaDpiness she had had everything else she iwanted. She was a big star, used to the adulation and the big money. She radiated confidence that it would go on for3ver. But inward) v she was filled with doubts. She was like a person attending a costume party in a get-up that she ;-eally didn't belong in. Accepted, but mowing that the whole thing was a gag. When she was alone at night, before she went to sleep, Doris used to lie awake and :ount her blessings and evaluate her shortcomings. It was in those hours that ;he grew frightened and dreaded the One difficulty facing fiction writers is naming their characters. They can never be certain that someone will not claim that his name has been used for an unpleasant char1 acter and threaten a lawsuit. One Hollywood studio solved the problem. Its carpenter, Frank W. Josephson, has, for the last T4 years, rented his name to the company so that some other Frank Josephson cannot bring an action. His name appears in screen divorce suits, tagged to dead bodies and unsavory characters. Irving Hoffman in The Hollyivood Reporter CHEW SPECIAL FORMULA" CHEWING GUM/ ^ Reduce to 5 lbs .WEEK with DOCTOR'S PLAN Take pounds and inches off the way doctors recommend — without missing a single meal. Now — at last — a new scientific idea which guarantees you can lose as much weight as you wish — or you DON'T PAY A PENNY! NO STARVATION, NO DRUGS, LAXATIVES OR EXERCISE. The wonderful part is that it is so simple ... so very easy and safe to lose those ugly, fatty bulges. Each week you lose pounds safely until you reach your most becoming weight. 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P.O. une AMyson Box 2430 Dept FREE PHOTO LARGE SIZE of your favorite star Actual HIGH GLOSS PHOTO suitable for framing CDEE I I MOVIE STAR CATALOG rlVEC • • listing thousands of poses and containing 55 ADDITIONAL PICTURES of popular stars. FREE!! A list giving BIRTHDAYS OF STARS. Send name of your favorite star and only 1 5 cents to cover handling charge. MORTON STUDIOS MS1 2 Hollywood 28, Calif. 1 D-U^M^ BARGAIN OF THE MONTH Ladies' 14Kt. gold engraved wedding band. Reduced to S4.98 tax incl. Men's heavy gold engraved wedding band special $7.98. Genuine diamond engagement ring and 3-diamond wedding ring. 14Kt. Gold. Perfectly matched in gift box. Both $29.95 tax incl. Diamond engagement ring only $22.95. SEND FOR BIG 1953 CATALOG. Full line Genuine Diamond Rings. Nationally Known Watches. Lowest Prices. Best Terms Guaranteed. Send 10c to cover handling. ATLAS JEWELERS, Inc. Oept.Q. 225 Fifth Ave., New York, N. 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