Modern Screen (Dec 1952 - Nov 1953)

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LOUELLA PARSONS GOOD NEWS A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, one and allbit belated but not the less heartfelt. This is the time of the year I usually make a few predictions of things to come in Hollywood— and so let's tee-off with a few: I doubt if Arlene Dahl and Fernando Lamas will marry despite the heat they're generating romantically at the present time. I have Lamas down in my book as not a marryin' man. The Gregory Pecks won't part no matter how strong the rumors from Europe that they are guarreling. Two Academy Award nominees for the "best Actress" Oscar will be Shirley Booth (Come Back, Little Sheba^i and Julie Harris QMembei Oi The Wedding). Debbie Reynolds and Bob Wagner WON'T make up their quarrel. Newcomers to shine the brightest in 1953 —Rosemary Clooney. Peggy Lee, Audrey Hepburn, Jeff Hunter, Aldo Ray, Dewey Martin and Anna Maria Alberghetti. Gossip writers persistently trying to tie up Bing Crosby in romances which he won't be having. East Of Eden the most discussed and cussed picture since casting Gone With The Wind. Marilyn Monroe's jump in salary from S500 per week to an eventual $6000 per week (which isn't a prediction — the new deal is coming up 'or Marilyn). No marriage for Lana Turner. IT'S also a little late to be talking about Christmas presents, but I know I'm always interested in who gets what — and perhaps you haven't heard about these: Lana Turner gave little Cheryl a small "set chair" — a duplicate of the one Lana uses when she's working. Deborah Kerr gave her family the order for a swimming pool and the family gave Deborah three beautiful Suzy sports outfits. Ava Gardner sent beautiful ivory gifts from Africa to her Hollywood pals. The Gene Kellys loaded their friends with French perfume. Another swimming pool gift — Liz Taylor and Mike Wilding gave each other the pool for their new home. Van Johnson gave Evie an oil painting of their daughter Schuyler — a lovely picture by artist John Morris. Ricardo Montalban's gift to Georgianna— an exquisite antique bracelet encrusted in semi-precious stones. , And, perhaps, the nicest surprise of allGeorge Hormel surprised Leslie Caron by bringing her parents, the Claude Carons, here from Paris to spend the holidays with their daughter. MY 'phone rang at a very late hour and a nasal, muffled voice said softly: "This is Marlon Brando. I've just married Movita. I'm drunk — but I wanted you to know the news!" Ordinarily, I'd have been on the telephone immediately to my paper with this "scoop" — but I haven't been in the "scoops" business all these years without developing a sixth sense about these things. I'm glad I listened to my feminine intuition. Sure enough, my midnight caller turned out to be an impostor pretending to be Brando and trying to get me to fall for this phony story. Marlon, highly indignant, knows who this man is — and if he dares to repeat the hoax, will take police action. FERNANDO LAMAS' little habit of letting ladies pick up the check at cafes and nightclubs has the town gasping. A South American habit, maybe? (Continued on page 8) PARTY OF THE MONTH: THE SURPRISE SHINDIG CLARK GABLE THREW FOR THE SINATRAS ... A "PROFILE" OF r Janet Leigh's leggy figure was shown off to And Jan Sterling was a close rival for honors advantage9 in the costume she ware to the in the gorgeous gam ^™*>°\^™™1 annual Masquer's Ball in Hollywood recently. gala Ball. Jan come hubby Paul Douglas. Mike O'Shea ran the danger of being tickle to death if he got too close to his feathe \ bedecked wife, Virginia Mayo, that nigh 6