Modern Screen (Dec 1954 - Dec 1955)

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was filled with memories, and Leslie had no use for memories. So she threw herself into her work. She made The Glass Slipper with Michael Wilding and couldn't help noticing how differently Liz Taylor had reacted to her first failure in love, when her marriage to charming, wealthy young Nicky Hilton went wrong. Elizabeth's second choice had been a stable, adept, confident, slightly older man, able to comfort her, take care of her and provide her with the home and family she wanted. Leslie had for her comfort a one-room apartment. She painted it grey and white to match her mood, and refused to date. "I get up early and work too hard to be out late at night." It was true that she worked hard. Fred Astaire, himself almost indefatigable, marveled at Leslie. "I've never met anyone who was willing to work harder," he said. "This girl has got a wonderful sense of organization. She listens very carefully as you outline the routine. She won't dance until she's sure she understands it. Then when she does, she insists on perfection. She is a wonderful girl and a marvelous dancer." But as soon as she could, Leslie ran away again. This time she went to Paris. There she opened in Jean Renoir's play, Orvet. "I'm not sad at all," she told friends, shivering in her backstage dressing room. No one believed her. The blue eyes were dull, the once tousled hair sternly pulled back from the drawn face. A French newspaperman was asked how his countrymen felt about Leslie. "She is a strange girl," he said. "But that is true of all ballet stars. They live in a strange world, surrounded by men who care more for dancing than for anything else. Leslie, we feel, has been unlucky in love. She is again in that in-between -stage of getting over it." "Then she is still in love with Roland Petit," the American said. The Frenchman smiled. "You have got your Petits mixed up," he said. "I think she is very fond of Robert Petit!" Leslie had done it again. Robert Petit is the manager of the Ballets de Paris. Of late he has become its producer. Throughout Leslie's romance with Roland there had been rumors about Robert — talk that he was Leslie's real love. Just when she turned to Robert no one really knew. But turn she did. At that time, he had a lot in common with Leslie. There was only one trouble. Robert Petit already had a girl. Her name was Lillian Montevecchi. Like Leslie, she was a ballerina, a Roland Petit discovery, a member of the troupe of the Ballets de Paris, a girl who had danced with Leslie many times. Like Leslie, she was under contract to MGM. Unlike Leslie, Lillian managed to keep her man. She had to act to do it. When she heard that a deep friendship was developing between Leslie and Robert, she got back to Paris in a hurry. After all, hers was the prior claim. Her return was a success. Immediately, the usually affable Robert started snapping at reporters who asked him about Leslie. "That rumor is false!" he would bark, refusing to be photographed or interviewed. Lillian and Robert are to be married any time now. And that leaves Leslie where? "It leaves her," a Parisian friend relates, "without a man. She sees Jeanmaire with Roland Petit. She sees Robert with Lillian. She thinks back over the days of her marriage to Hormel and it is only natural that she is sad. But she is young, attractive, there will always be others." The point is, which others? Leslie has indeed been unlucky at love. But could it be that she has made her own luck? Three times she has loved the wrong man. Not MAKE $15°° A DAY AND MORE! Learn practical nursing at home in 12 short weeks THIS IS THE HOME STUDY COURSE That Will Change Your Whole Life! IN JUST TWELVE SHORT WEEKS you can begin to earn as much as $20.00 a .day. Over 300,000 additional nurses are needed at once. Select the cases you want from the hundreds offered you. 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