Modern Screen (Jan-Nov 1956)

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A bath isn't enough! That warmt scented tub can't even begin to correct a problem every woman faces: the problem of internal cleanliness, internal daintiness. And ordinary douches aren't enough either. For "embarrassing odor" is due primarily to odor-forming bacteria, the very bacteria that "Lysol" brand disinfectant kills rapidly on contact. A "Lysol" douche makes you feel clean and refreshed and really sure of your feminine charm. You add just a teaspoonful to the douche water, yet you get longlasting internal daintiness when you need it most. After menstruation, for example. Or when you're confronted by the problem of extra secretions. Or when you want to be especially sweet and clean in every respect. ("Lysol" spreads into each fold and crevice to give vou that complete assurance of personal cleanliness.) The "Lysol" user is perfectly poised, confident and attractive . . . just the sort of person you want to be. Get "Lysol" today and use it regularly to cleanse and deodorize internally. You'll be glad you did! . . .Write for free booklet on medicallyapproved methods of douching. (Sent in plain envelope.) Send name and address to "Lysol," Dept. DM561, Bloomfield, N. J. Brand Disinfectant Want the real truth? Write to INSIDE STORY, Modern Screen, 8701 W. Third St., Los Angeles 48, Cal. The most interesting letters will appear in this column. Sorry, no personal replies. p. For whom is Gene Tiernev carrying a torch? — F.L., N.Y.C. A. Aly Khan. p. Sophia Loren, one of Italy's biggest stars, doesn't have an Italian name. How came? — EX., Chicago, III. A. Sophia's real name is Sofia Sciccolone. P. Is it true that Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh plan to make movies together? D.J., San Francisco, Cal. A. They have formed their own independent production company, Curtleigh Corporation. p. In the Martin and Lewis reconciliation, who made the first move? — G.Y, Troy, N.Y. A. Lewis. p. Isn't Ava Gardner secretly in love with a flamenco dancer in Madrid? — V.E., Boston, Mass. A. They are powerfully attracted to each other. Q. Did Betty Hutton do her own trapeze stunts in The Greatest Show on Earth? — E.D., Miami, Fla. A. Miss Hutton's most difficult stunts were performed by Jacqueline Rainet. p. Is it true that Clark Gable has refused to lend his first wife any money? — L.Y., Portland, Ore. A. No; Gable recently paid off the mortgage on Josephine Dillon's house. p. Can you tell the true story about Robert Mitchum's friendship with Swedish star Ingrid Tulean? — A.L., Paris, France A. They played in Foreign Intrigue together; had nothing to do with each other after hours. p. Is George Nader part English? — D.Y., Montreal, Canada A. One-fourth. p. What is Ingrid Bergman's true age? — S.L., Memphis, Tenn. A. Forty. P. Can you tell me when Marilyn Monroe was born and the extent of her for mal education? — L.R., Louisville, Ky. A. She was born on June 1, 1926, in Los Angeles; attended Van Nttys Hi^h School for one year. p. Who in Hollywood can draw a gun fastest — Garv Cooper or John Wavne or who? — H.T., Cody, Wyo. A. John Derek. p. Is it true that Melinda Wayne, John Wayne's daughter, and Charles Dailey, Dan Dailey's son, are having a big romance? — H.E., New York, N.Y. A. No; they just happened to spend some of their vacation together in Rome. p. Have the Henry Fondas separated? Is this his third or fourth marriage? — L.T., Seabricht, N.J. A. They've separated. Fonda has been married three times. p. Did Grace Kelly ever give Clark Gable a burro for his birthday? — S.L., Salt Lake City, Utah A. On his 52nd birthday. p. I've been told that Jane Wvman and Esther Williams are near-sighted and wear glasses all the time. True or false? — N.U., Dallas, Texas A. Both wear glasses when not working. Esther wears contact lenses on occasion. p. The rumor is that no actor could be hired for War And Peace unless he was first approved by Mel Ferrer. How come Ferrer has gotten this sort of reputation? — S.L., New York, N.Y. A. Ferrer has antagonized newsmen who are willing to believe and report the worst about him. P. Why hasn't Lena Home made a movie in years? — G.K., Atlanta, Ga. A. Can't find a script. p. What is the exact status of the friendship between Susan Hayward and Red Barry? — C.L., Brooklyn, N.Y. A. Neighborly. p. Joan Collins and Sid Chaplin — when will they get married? — A.L., London, Eng. A. They have quarreled seriously.