Modern Screen (Jan-Nov 1956)

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THE AWARD WINNING RAIN BOOTS / \ . America's finest — America's favorites — / The world's greatest name in plastic rainboots Starring in Rain, Sleet or Snow FASHION FIT for high and Cuban heelsClear and Smoke ^v Guaranteed by ? i Good Housekeeping ggf ' A PAT CROWLEY co-starring in "THE SQUARE JUNGLE" A Universal-International Picture SMART STYLING their smooth, sleek, graceful lines make Rain Dears fashion favorites wherever they go. So easy to slip on and off too. SUPER-SAFE TREAD Rain Dears deep, sharp rugged tread makes you sure of foot, and insures your safety. This famous tread actually outwears the tread of heavy rubber boots. LONGWEARING Rain Dears are 100% fully molded, which means there are no seams to split or come apart. At Notion, Shoe and Rain Wear Counters Everywhere ... about $000 LUCKY SALES CO., INC. LOS ANGELES • NEW YORK • CHICAGO