Modern Screen (Jan-Nov 1956)

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gone fishin* (Continued from page 29) she'd handle Richard when the time came. She didn't. For years she's been made up by the alltime Hollywood experts. Dick felt she just didn't come alive under that treatment. After long hours of experimentation with a new type make-up, tests showed that June blossomed like a rose. She admitted that she was glad Dick has been so persistent, but she was really worried when he went after her hair styling. That very nearly brought on an argument of the type any director can have when a big star backs up and puts her foot down. But when Dick came home with some sketches, which showed her with a sort of "modified Claudette Colbert" hair do, she surrendered. "Go ahead, tyrant," she exclaimed. "Do what you want from now on. I may not be the June Allyson that used to be, but I'm beginning to like her." With location scenes in San Diego and Phoenix now finished and shooting going on apace at Columbia studios for interiors, the rushes indicate that Dick Powell hasn't done wrong by the new June Allyson. As for It Happened One Night, completely new in color and wide screen, plus the hit title song and other musical numbers by Johnny Mercer and Gene De Paul, the word is out that the remake of this famous picture is liable to duplicate if not exceed the roaring success of Oklahoma! June says: "No one could have done it but Dick." Dick says: "No one could have done it without June." And on a recent evening when Mr. Powell came home, he said to Mrs. Powell, "We've been working pretty hard. Let's take a trip somewhere." Mrs. Powell, instead of saying to Mr. Powell, as she has for lo these ten years, "Oh, now, Richard, do we have to — you know how I hate to travel," replied enthusiastically, "Swell, honey. We've never been to Europe, or Timbuctoo for that matter. You name the place and let's go!" And they probably will. END the lady in pink (Continued from page 41) mother a peck on the cheek. "Hiya, Mom!" "Hi, dear; get your homework finished?" "Yup," the boy answered, shoveling in a mouthful of cereal. "Do your chores?" "Uh-huh!" "Did your team win yesterday's game?" "And how," Terry exploded. "We slaughtered them, ten to six." Coming from the general direction of. the garage, Marty Melcher, Doris' big, likeable ai husband, joined the family in the kitchen. .J] i)He was wearing yellow terry-cloth coveralls, and a dry towel around his neck. "Morning, kids," he beamed. "What are you doing in that outfit?" Doris asked. "Taking a workout." 'Marty Melcher," Doris scolded, "was | jjthat you riding a bicycle up and down our ^treet at six -thirty this morning?" "It wasn't Bob Hope," cracked Marty. m(i Matter of fact," he added, "Bob did pass 1 ne on his way to the studio. He offered liei ; Up the ii.< m coll . * ot tc )l Ti f. •Dai U ts m i ne a job lubricating his car." "What are you talking about?" Doris isked, confused. "It's this way," Marty explained paiently, "I'm trying to pedal off some of he poundage I've gained' at those benefit linners we've had to attend lately." Doris turned to Terry and spoke in a tage whisper, "The man's obviously mad, licycling at the crack of dawn." "I know the name of a good head-, hrinker," Terry offered. "Okay, okay," protested Marty, "so ou're two characters who don't have to fatch your weight. You'd sure be surrised if Hope and I did a double in Las regas." "On a grease rack?" giggled Doris. Terry and Marty burst out laughing at le possibilities. "Say, Mom," Terry interrupted soberly, wc thinking of selling this house?" "We wouldn't think of breaking up the oluca Lake Ball Club," Marty declared. "That's good," freckle-faced Terry ghed, "cause a kid at school said he read . the papers that we were." Doris Day and Marty Melcher exchanged look of understanding. "This is our >me until you grow up and move out and gets too large for the two of us," Doris serted. "And right now we wouldn't exiange it for all the castles in England." "Just checking," Terry said happily. : "Just checking." He passed his plate to Katie for a second helping of bacon and eggs. This early morning scene reflects the pattern, the tempo, the mood of Doris Day's private life. A sort of goodnatured banter goes on all the time between Terry and his parents. It exists between Doris and Marty. It extends to Katie and includes Mrs. Kappelhof, Doris' mother. Theirs is a family that enjoys an easy, comfortable companionship. The early big breakfast is a habit of long standing with Doris. No matter whether it's a work day or a week end, she wakes at 6 a.m. For that time of morning she's cheerful and attractive. Nothing short of a doctor's orders can make her have breakfast in bed. She says she loves to be with her family at the start of the day so she can pick up the various threads of each person's life. She likes to mull over problems and get matters hashed out in the morning when the three of them are sure to be together. She always eats a full-scale meal, too. When they were first married, it amazed Marty that his wife, with her mere twentythree-inch waist, could put away more food than he. But it figures. Doris expends a tremendous amount of energy. Her buoyancy and bounce has to come from somewhere and one of her trade secrets is that she eats a towering breakfast of proteinrich foods. A meal of fruit, cereal, bacon and eggs is nothing. If she's working on an extremely tough schedule, she has steak to start with and continues from there. She manages to keep her size twelve measurements because she burns up the food she consumes, making records and pictures and taking care of her house. Not too large, not too small The positive assurance that the Melchers will continue living in their San Fernando Valley home for quite some time was definitely established last summer. Before Doris and Marty left for Europe, where she made The Man Who Knew Too Much with Jimmy Stewart, they considered selling this house. No specific reason for moving. Nothing they really disliked about the place. It wasn't too small or too large. It had a wonderful location in Burbank. In fact, it suited them just fine, but so many of their close friends had built new, modern hilltop homes that they felt mildly discontented with their ordinary looking house-on-a street. While they were away, columnists carried the story that Doris Day and Mar Lightens dark skin and ugly spots almost overnight. 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