Modern Screen (Feb-Dec 1957)

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Use your good common sense! Think! Think how you had to struggle, struggle, struggle with that miserable belt-pin-pad contraption last month and last year and all the times before that! Think how uncomfortable it was! Does it make sense to go on and on when millions of Tampax users say they almost forget about time of the month? Tampax® internal sanitary Iprotection makes things so much simpler for you. Since Tampax is worn internally, odor can't form. What's more, nothing can show. You can shower or bathe. Tampax won't absorb any water. There are no disposal problems with Tampax. No carrying problems either. A supply of Tampax can be slipped into your very smallest handbag. It makes sense to use the easy way— the Tampax way. Choose from three absorbencies (Regular, Super, Junior) wherever drug products are sold. Tampax Incorporated, Palmer, Mass. Invented by a doctor — now used by millions of women NOVEMBER, 1957 AMERICA'S GREATEST MOVIE MAGAZINE modern screen STORIES 31 Editorial 32 Open Letter to Frank Sinatra's Kids 34 Debbie Tells Louella Parsons— The Truth About Our Marriage (Debbie Reynolds-Eddie Fisher) 36 Sal Mineo's Thanksgiving Miracle by Ed DeBlasio 38 Harry Belafonte: Just Where Do I Belong? by Daniel Stern 42 Tommy And Me (Tommy Sands) by Molly Bee 46 I Trailed Doris Day by Sally Mazzella 48 "I'm No Longer Carmen Orrico . . . I'm Now Johnny Saxon . . ." by Pamela Herbert 50 "We Touched A Few Stars" (Kim Novak) as told to Beverly Ott 52 Pat Levels With Us by Pat Boone 54 The Lord Giveth (Liz Taylor) by Linda Matthews 56 The Lord Taketh Away (Marilyn Monroe) by N. Polsky 60 We Applaud Mrs. Robert Taylor FEATURES 10 Paulette Goddard Takes A Ribbing 12 "Help— Gotta Bail My Wife Out Of Hock!" (Jerry Lewis) 13 November Birthdays 26 James MacArthur Gets The Good News 28 Van Sees Red! Red Socks, That Is . . . (Van Johnson) 29 "It's Not So Easy To Get Married" (Kim Hunter) DEPARTMENTS 15 Louella Parsons In Hollywood 4 The Inside Story 6 New Movies by Florence Epstein 62 $100 For You 70 Modern Screen Fashions 72 Modern Screen Beauty Color portrait of Doris Day on the cover by Mead-Madick. Doris can currently be seen in Warner Bros. The Pajama Game. Watch for her soon in Paramount: 's Teacher's Pet. Other photographers' credits on page 75. DAVID MYERS, editor JIM HOFFMAN, managing editor ERNESTINE R. COOKE, ed. asst. RHYN SERLIN, story editor KEN REGAN, photo research M. RAUSCHENBERGER, assoc. editor GENE HOYT, photo research GWENN WALTERS, fashion and beauty director FERNANDO TEXIDOR, art director J. WILLIAM LUSZCZ, art editor PIERRE DU FAYET, asst. art editor NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Changes of address should reach us five weeks in advance of the next issue date. Give both your old and new address, enclosing if possible your old address label. POSTMASTER: Please send notice on Form No. 3579 to 76 Ninth Avenue, New York 11, N. Y. MODERN SCREEN, Vol. 51, No. 11, November, 1957. Published monthly except January by Dell Publishing . Company, Inc. Office of publication at Washington and South Aves., Dunellen, N. J. Executive and editorial offices, 261 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, N. V. Dell Subscription Strvie«: 10 West 33rd St., New York 1, N. Y. Chicago advertising office, 221 No. LaSalle St., Chicago, III. George T. Delacorte, Jr., President; Helen Meyer, Vice-Pres.; Albert P. Delacorte, Vice-Pres. Published simultaneously in the Dominion of Canada. International copyright secured under the provisions of the Revised Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works. All rights reserved under the Buenos Aires Convention. Single copy price 25c in U. S. A. and Possessions, and Canada. Subscriptions in U. S. A. and Canado $2.25 one year, $3.50 two years, $4.75 three years, foreign, $3.25 a year. Reentered as second class matter March 25, 1957, at the Post Office at Dunellen, N. J., under Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1957 by Dell Publishing Company, Inc. Printed in U. S. A. The publishers accept no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material. Trademark No. 596,800.