Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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word. I thought. WelL that's that. It seemed obvious he didn't intend to follow up our pleasant evening, or that's what I thought "I told myself when he did call— I'd be quite aloof. So when that phone finally rang and he asked me out to dinner, what did I do? I accepted," Lana laughed. "From that time on, we started seeing each other four or five times a week — and now it's every night." The kind of man she needs "Lana," I said, "from the way you are talking I have a feeling Fred is just the kind of a man you need." "I need a strong man and he needs a strong woman — and I guess this is it," she said with startling honest}.-. I can state with equal honesty from the front row seat I have occupied during other loves and marriages in her life, that Lana has not made a habit of falling in love with strong men — at least strong enough for her to lean on. Of all of the loves of her life, I know she most deeply cared for Tyrone Power, and she admits it. As dark as she was blonde, as handsome as she was beautiful, passionately in love at the height of their fame and youth. I have always felt that if Ty and Lana had married, how different both their lives might have been. I remember attending that lavish party they gave together just before Tyrone left for Italy— and subsequently (and sadly) Linda Christian! How sentimental and naive Lana and Ty were in their love story. The decorations at the party were hearts and flowers entwined: And. during the entire evening they were never more than a handclasp apart. Who will ever know what happened to break up this id\-ll? Lana believes that someone poisoned Ty's mind and heart against her. Others think that Linda Christian, the original 'Lola' who gets what she wants, decided she wanted Ty— and got him. Whatever the reason, the marriage turned out to be a bad mistake for Tj-rone and a shattering heartbreak for Lana. Her marriage to millionaire Bob Topping was definitely on the rebound from Ty. In trying to forget him. Lana rushed into marriage with the millionairesportsman with whom she had little in common. She admits she was never in love writh him. In addition, most of the time of their marriage she was quite ill, once from a dangerous miscarriage. I mention Topping in Tina's life ahead of her first husband. Artie Shaw, and her second. Steve Crane, to explain why she rushed so impulsively into a union she knew from the start couldn't be happy. But, just as Topping was an antidote to a heartache, both Shaw and Crane had the misfortune to be married to Lana before she had really grown up. while she was still living in that •make-believe' world she had spoken of. Of that long ago first marriage to Artie Shaw when she was just a girl, the less remembered the better. Lana was just starting out in her career and also in her love life. I've always thought she was more impressed with Artie's fame as a musician and his highly touted 'culture' than she ever was with him as a human being. She was flattered by his attention in the beginning — and that's about all. She has said. "When I eloped with Artie it was like ninning away with a stranger I had just read about." Cheryl's father Shaw did very little to become more than just a stranger in her life. His main concern seemed to be to improve the mind of his new bride — a little habit he carried over to his next wife, Ava Gardner. Husband Number Two, Steve Crane, was something else again. A handsome and sympathetic young man, he was far more in love with Lana than she with him. He was devoted and tender with her and out of this union came great happiness when Lana's only child was born, their daughter Cheryl. To this day — and all through the shattering nightmare of Cheryl's tragedy, Lana and Steve have remained friends. As for Lex Barker, that typical matinee idol who became Lana's third husband, this was another romance that Lana built out of all proportion to reality. Lex was not, and is not, a temperamental person nor a mean one. But he was a typical actor on the make for stardom, involved to the hilt in his own career, looking and acting the role of the movie idol away from the camera as well as in front of it. Lana and Lex were bound to break up. There was nothing substantial to hold them together. No. Lana has never had a man in her life like Fred May — removed from her world of show business, substantial, not blinded by her glittering fame as a movie queen. Not too long ago Lana had told me, over the telephone, before we met for this more detailed talk. "From here on, I want the quiet life. I've had the headlines, the heartaches and the hectic pace. I want peace of mind and the solid things. I want this more than anything else in life. I want to understand people — as I pray they will understand me." This is no idle talk on her part. Everything about Lana's 'new' life bears out this philosophy. Even to the house she lives in. No longer does she live in a typical movie-star mansion manned by a staff of servants and costing a small fortune to maintain, the way she lived with Lex. "As soon as you can, I want you to come up and see my 'happ3r' house," said Lana continuing our interview. "It's not a big place. It's atop a mountain, each window looking out on the most beautiful view of all of Los Angeles. I suppose you would describe it as Hawaiian in design, all on one floor, and there's not a room the sunshine doesn't pour into many hours of each day. I was so glad when Cheryl said the same thing I had thought about the place — it is a happy house." Of her daughter growing tall and mature and beautiful and getting such fine marks in high school, Lana speaks with the most touching devotion. She said with such pride in her voice, ""Cheryl and I are closer today than we have ever been. Our troubles have brought us closer together. Tragedy either brings on a complete estrangement between the people involved — or else it brings you into each other's arms. Thank God, with us, it has been the latter. "I don't suppose I ever really had to come into Cheryl's arms," Lana went on. "We have always loved each other very much. But somehow my concern for her after the tragedy and hers for me. has made us more conscious of this love." Cheryl continues to five with Lana's mother, Mrs. Mildred Turner, under the terms imposed by the Juvenile Court authorities. But she is free to come and see Lana whenever she wishes and Lana is free to visit her. A few weeks ago, Cheryl was ill with the flu and as her grandmother had to be out of town for a few days, Lana brought Cheryl back to her home and nursed her back to health. She said, "I can't tell you how precious those dajTs of closeness were to both of us." Career excitement Another vital point in Lana's newly opening door of life — is that her career WIN •1, 000.00 U. S. SAVING BOND 49 OTHER GRAND PRIZES IN THE NUM-ZIT TEETHJNG LOTION "SMILING BABY" CONTEST 1 Constance Bannister, world-famous baby photographer and one of the contest judges, snapped this photo of a smiling teething baby. Send a snapshot of your teething baby's smile and win a first prize of $1,000.00 U..S. Savings Bond or one of 49 other grand prizes. Ask your local druggist for full contest details and entry blank. Babies up to ZYz years are eligible. Apply Num-Zit Teething Lotion to baby's gums at the first sign of pain -for quick, safe, soothing relief. Millions of mothers prefer it! Baby care authorities suggest it! Many doctors, recommend it! NUM-ZIT TEETHING LOTION stops ?MN FA*r,