Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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Andy Williams: I've dated, and I'm dating now, but I never went in for steady dating. I see value in going steady: learning how to get along with the opposite sex, learning how to fit in with the moods of somebody you see often, learning to hold back jealousy, learning how to communicate without saying a word, learning how to anticipate another's wishes. It's the closest you can get to marriage without a formal engagement. It's a sort of practice run for the real big romance that leads to marriage. It's okay for teenagers, if they don't take it too seriously . . . but as I said, it's not for me. Johnny Restivo: I'm not much for steady dating. I'm shy, and not too talkative, and I don't like a girl to be loud, so the girl has to start the conversation. I had my eye on a beautiful blonde girl I met on the beach, but when my career with RCA Victor started, I agreed with my dad and managers that I shouldn't date any girl steady. So I stopped seeing this girl. Since my career picked up, I have had only a few dates with girls I already knew. I'm being cautious about girls. My dad says I ought to watch out for girls who get you into trouble, who maneuver into a position to blackmail you. He says I should never get too serious with a girl at my age, sixteen. I'm sure he's right. Johnny Ma this: I've never really steady dated. Sure, there was one chick who always wanted me to be her close friend; but she lived differently and talked differently than I expected. We became half romantic, after we decided we could not really make it romantic. Then she decided we should be close friends, anyway; but it did not work out. I'm not the type to go steady. I can't stand having any one person around me all the time. When I marry, this may be a problem. Six months is the most I ever knew one girl, and it annoyed me when everybody took it for granted we were engaged. So I ended that 'engagement' quickly! Dick Roman: I've never gone steady and I've never been engaged, and if I can help it, I don't intend to go steady in the near future. I've gone out with Millie Perkins, Molly Bee and Jill Corey when I was in Hollywood, and I've dated plenty of young singers in New York, my home town — but nothing steady. I want to get my career set first. I'm twenty-two, and don't want to get married until I'm twenty-seven or twentyeight. I want to have career security before I add to my problems by marrying. Remember, I'm not against romance. I'm just suspicious of steady dating. I feel it sort of sneaks you into marriage and when you snap out of your happy daze, you're a married man! I don't feel I'm good marriage material yet, and don't want to be sneaked into marriage. Bobby Darin: I've gone steady, but each time the romance turned out to be wrong and I was glad to get out when I did. Going steady just didn't work out for me. When I was a teenager I always had a lot of freedom at home and I like to follow my impulses — so strict steady dating always made me nervous. In fact, I hope to do the same things when married as I do now that I'm single — which means I'll need a very understanding wife. My dating a lot gave me a chance to learn a lot about girls, and I know what is the best in girls, and I've enjoyed finding out what makes a girl happy. For me, informal dating has been mo-e fun than steady dating. Elvis Presley: I like girls, and I've dated many girls, but I guess I travel too much to ever steady date. I've been on the road almost continuously since I was eighteen, and I'm twenty-five now, so how could I ever steady date with anybody? Of course, when I was in Germany with the U. S. Army, I could have steady dated. But, although I did date certain girls several times, I did not really consider myself going steady with any one. I guess I'll marry late in life. I'm just too busy now. My Army buddies kid me that I'll be fifty before I marry, and maybe they're right. Danny Valentino: I never went out much. Shy, I guess. Besides, I was always so busy practicing up on my music: drums, xylophone, singing. Since finishing my first year at Hofstra College in Hempstead, Long Island, I've been appearing nightly at a night club in East Rockaway and going into New York for recording sessions and to see my manager. I have no time to date, and I wouldn't even consider steady dating. That just doesn't fit in with my life, at the moment. As for marriage, I don't want even to think about it now. Let the other guys go steady; not me. I've got too much to do before I'll let myself concentrate on one girl. It wouldn't be fair to let myself tie a girl down when I have so little to offer her now. Johnny Nash: Steady dating? Not me! I know lots of fellows who go steady only because most of the girls they know are booked solid and they're scared there will be no girls left. I think most fellows my age, eighteen, don't know their own minds yet about girls. Girls are still too mysterious for us, and there's so much we ought to know before we try steady dating. I'd like to date more girls before I feel secure enough to concentrate on one. Michael Callan: When I was a teenager I went steady with a girl who worked in shows with me; but we broke up and now she's married and we won't have to waste any more time wondering if we had made a mistake. We're friends now, and I know her husband. Before that, I went steady with another girl, after she broke up her ! engagement to another fellow. Then I got engaged to the second girl, and we'd fight. It was quite complicated, too complicated for me. So now I'm not steady dating anybody. I j just date. Sometimes I double date with Tommy Sands or Steve Rowland. Since I | don't want to get serious with any girl, the best thing to do is not go steady. Bobby Rydell: Going steady is for the birds! For teenagers, that is. I don't want to sound harsh, but how can a guy, or a gal, ever really know whether his steady is the right person if he hasn't played the field first? I read in a magazine article the other day that one out of three marriages end in divorce — and that, of these divorces, over fifty per cent are teenage marriages. Boy! . . . That really makes you think, doesn't it? I'm for free-lance dating for teenagers. Frankie Avalon: I do not feel that boys and girls, especially in their early teens, should go steady. This is the time in life when we have a chance to meet lots of people and get to know what makes them tick, so that when we reach maturity we'll have some idea what type of person we want as our partner in life. To me, the teens are our best learning years, and I feel we should not hinder ourselves by limiting our activities by going steady. end Mothers! Imagine Wonderful Washable leather baby shoes Other styles to $3.99 for infants crib to age 3. Over 60,000,000 pairs have been sold. 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