Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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A Night in a Parked Car -that Blew the Lid off a "Nice" Town! YOUNG Parrish had been warned to stay away from Sala Post's pretty daughter. His mother's job as Sala's housekeeper depended upon it. She had been hired to keep that aristocratic little wildcat out of trouble. But the night of the big storm too many things happened too fast. Parrish was in the garage — alone. Alison skidded her yellow convertible in to a quick stop — her eyes smouldering, her lips wet and hungry. All the fire of his young manhood clamored for release . . How did this passionate encounter trigger the biggest emotional explosion since Peyton Place? Read this bold, pulsating story in Parrish — just one of the outstanding books you may choose in this amazing 4-for-99tf offer. Spectacular 30th Anniversary Offer from the famous Dollar Book Club of these Full-Size, Hard-Bound Best-Sellers Value $11.90 tO $40.45 in publishers' editions i you join and agree to take as few as 6 best-selling novels out of 24 offered within a year Select any 4 books shown for only 99 cents. Choose from best-selling novels . . . big illustrated books. ..even 2-volume sets— a total value of $11.90 to $40.45 in publishers' editions. This is your introductory package when you join the Dollar Book Club. ♦ Thereafter, as a member, you will be offered new best-seller selections, costing up to $3.95 each in publishers' editions, for only $1. Big hits by authors like Ernest Hemingway, Thomas B. Costain, Daphne du Maurier, Frank Yerby and others have come to members at this low $1 price — a saving of up to 75%. ♦ Occasional extra-big books also are offered at prices slightly above $1. An attractive bonus plan offers other big savings, too. 0 All Club selections are new, fullsize, hard-bound volumes — never condensations or abridgements. ♦ You don't have to take a book every month. You may take as few as six $1 selections a year, and cancel membership any time after you take six books, if you wish. Send no money now— just the coupon. You will receive at once your 4 introductory books, and will be billed only 99 cents, plus shipping Dollar Book Club, Garden City, York. Send me at once the 4 books checked at the right and bill me only 99(f FOR ALL 4, plus a small shipping charge. Also enroll me as a Dollar Book Club member. Include my first issue of The Bulletin describing the new forthcoming one-dollar selections and other bargains for members. I will notify you in advance if I do not wish the following month's selections. I do not have to accept a book every month — only six a year. I pay nothing except $1 for each selection I accept (plus a small shipping charge) unless I choose an extra-value selection at a somewhat higher price. NO-RISK GUARANTEE: lr not delighted, return all books In 7 days and membership will be cancelled. □ More Stories to Remember. 2 vols. 6 novels. 30 great short stories by Faulkner, Kipling. Hemingway, De Maupassant, other masters. 900 pages. (43) □ Parrish Mildred Savage. See description above. (44) □ Columbia Vikino Desk Encyclopedia. Two volumes — 1,250.000 words. 31.000 articles. 1,440 pages. (61) □ Farm Journal Country Cookbook. Over 1.000 recipes, featuring tempting dishes from America's farm kitchens. 420 pages, many color photos. (64) □ Around the World in 2000 Pictures. Sail the Seven Seas, visit 84 lands In exciting photos and facts. 768 pages. (67) □ larrett's Jade Frank Yerby's new romance about a daring Scottish Lord-a devil with a sword or a lovely woman I (80) □ Amy Vanderbilt's Everyday Etiquette. Modern guide answers your questions about weddings, parties, forma] entertaining, dining out. etc. (90) □ Lorena Frank Slaughter's hit novel. Under the guns of war, a proud southern beauty Trades one night of love for her plantation's safety. (108) □ Family Book of Best-Loved Poems. 485 pages of worldfavorite poems. (119) □ Ladles' Home Journal Book of Interior Deeoratlon. New edition! Big lavish volume contains 216 Illustrations, 90 in full color. (138) 256-page volume covers U.S.. Canada, all foreign lands. 190 pages of color maps! (155) □ Many Loves of Doble Glllls. Max Shulman's hilarious tale of a "crew-cut Casanova." (163) □ Ten Great Mysteries. Classics of suspense by Daphne du Maurier. Agatha Christie. Ellery Queen. Dashiell Hammett. 6 others. 2 full novels. 640 pages. (164) □ Young Titan. F. Van Wyck Mason's giant 700-page novel of men and women who lived and loved In Colonial America during the French and Indian Wars. (166) □ California Street Niven Busch. The scandals, love affairs. Intrigues of San Francisco's fashionable Nob Hill! A daring novel by the author of Duel in the Sun. (217)