Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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In these troubled times the divorce rate rises every day — especially in Hollywood. We at Modern Screen, who are so close to the problems of the stars and (thanks to your letters) of our readers, find ourselves increasingly distressed by this situation. Is there some small way, we wondered, in which we might help stop this alarming increase of broken homes across our nation? After talking with hundreds of stars — married and divorced — we learned that many, far too many couples begin marriage thinking life together will be all sugar and spice and everything nice — and when doubts and despairs set in (as they must) they assume their marriage has failed. If we could only show such people, we decided, that doubts and despairs are a natural part of marriage, that the best, most lasting and loving marriages are never free of them — then perhaps some humpty-dumpty home somewhere might be put together again, and our small effort would have been worthwhile. With this in mind, we've chosen eight wives among the hundreds we talked with, to reveal the sorts and degrees of problems marriages run into. Your own problems will of course be different, but for the good wife the point is always: problems are what a marriage runs into and not away from! We would appreciate your comments after reading the stories beginning on the next page. ^ _ O 36