Modern Screen (Jan-Dec 1960)

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and thank the Lord for all our blessings ... In our case, we thank him for giving us you, and Jamie, and for all the other wonderful things he's given us." "And," added Tony, "if you want to see a preview of Thanksgiving, right here, tomorrow, you just be a good girl and go to sleep now, and let me and Mommy sleep late in the morning . . . and we'll be the two most thankful people in town." "You're funny, Daddy," said Kelly. "Will you?" Tony asked, bending down and kissing her. " — Let us sleep late tomorrow? As a big and special favor to me? To Mommy?" "Sure, Daddy," said Kelly. "Sure!" "THAT WAS SOME SONG Sue Ellen taught her," Janet laughed a little while later, as she sat fixing her hair for the night "I'd hate to have heard the next twelve verses," Tony said, from bed. "She is adorable, though, that child of ours," Janet said. Tony nodded. "She's the end," he said. "And she's a good child, too," Janet said proudly. "Just like Jamie is. . . . Of course, they do have their days. But they're certainly not like some of these other kids you keep hearing about. Always cranky. Always fussing." "Not our dolls," agreed Tony. Janet clipped the last of the curlers to her hair, rose and walked over to a panel on the wall. She pushed a button, which connected with the inter-com system in Jamie's room. Then she pushed another button, which connected with Kelly's room. She listened for a moment. The silence in both rooms was lovely. "Sleep well," she whispered then, as she got into bed, alongside Tony. "Sleep well, darling." Tony already was sleeping, very well. Janet lay her head back on the pillow And she smiled as once more she listened to the silence about her — lovely, so lovely. And then, she too slept. At five-thirty the next morning, promptly, it began. Pandemonium! "It was the beginning of one of those days," Janet says, "on which Doctors Spock and Gesell. had they been around, would have run back to their offices and taken down their diplomas. ... At fivethirty came the screaming, from Kelly's room. She's at an age in which nightmares are not uncommon. And, let me tell you, she was having one now. . . ." "What's the matter, sweetheart?" Tony asked as he and Janet rushed into her room. Kelly bounded up from bed and threw herself in Tony's arms. "The big fat beetle was sleeping with me, Daddy," she cried, the tears streaming down her cheeks. Tony continued holding her. He looked over her shoulder. "There's no big fat beetle here anymore, Kelly," he said, after a moment. "He's hiding now," said Kelly, confidentially. "You just look for him, Daddy. And you'll find him." Tony put her down and began to search the room— under the bed, under the rug. behind the curtains, the closet, the bathroom adjoining the room. "See?" he said, when he thought he was through. "No beetle." "Did you look in the drawers?" Kelly asked, pointing to a bureau. Tony walked over to it. He opened one drawer, then another, then another. 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