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Modern Screen
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Electric Telegraph Set 15c
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__AN'\ Telia how to make batteries, dynamos, motors, radios, bells, ei£ pines, etc, d*Gi 770 t»AGE CATALOG lOc. Amazing catalog of novelties, tricks, puzzles. Jokes, boQKS, etc.,
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REJUVIA BEAUTY LABS: INC. Dept. 034, 39$ Broadway, NewforM .1,
Directory of Players
(Continued from page 95)
of the Cross"; "Tonight Is Ours." Next is "I Cover the Waterfront," United Artists.
COLUNS, CORA SUE: child actress; born in Beckley, West Virginia, April 19. Free lance. Write her at 1509 North Vine Street, Hollywood. Featured in "Smilin' Through," "Silver Dollar" and "Picture Snatcher," Warner Bros. Nest is "Jennie Gerhardt." Paramount.
COLMAN. RONALD: separated from Thelma Ray, born in Surrey, England, February 9. United Artists star. Starred in "Arrowsmith" and "Cynara." Working in "The Masciuerader. "
COMPTON, JULIETTE: married; born in Columbia, Georgia, May 3. Paramount player. Featured in "Man Called Back." Tiffany; "The Match King," First National. Working in "The Masquerader," United Artists.
COOK. DONALD: divorced; born in Portland, Ore.. September 26. Write him at Columbia. Free lance. Working in "Baby Face," Warner Bros.
COOPER. GARY: unmarried; born in Helena, Mont.. May 7. Paramount star. Featured in "If I Had a Million" and "Farewell to Arms." Working in "Today We Live," M-G-M.
COOPER, JACKIE: boy actor: born in Los Angeles. Calif.. September 15. M-G-M player. Featured in "Limpy" and "Divorce in the Family."
CORTEZ, RICARDO: widower of Alma Rubens: horn in New York City, July 7. Radio star. Starred in "Phantom of Crestwood" ; "Flesh," M-G-M; "Scandal Street," Warner Bros. Next is "Police Surgeon."
CRAWFORD, JOAN: married to Douglas Fairbanks. Jr. ; born in San Antonio, Texas, March 23. M-G-M star. Starred in "Letty Lynton," M-G-M and "Rain," United Artists. Working in "Today We Live."
CROMWELL, RICHARD: unmarried; born in Long Beach. Calif., January 8. Columbia player. Featured in "Brown of Culver," Universal; "Age of Consent," Radio; "That's My Boy," Columbia.
CROSBY. BING: married to Dixie Lee; born in Tacoma, Wash., May 2. Write him at Paramount. Free lance. Featured in "The Big Broadcast." Paramount; "Girl in the Transom," Mack Sennett.
CUMMINGS, CONSTANCE: unmarried; bom in Seattle, Wash., May 15. Columbia player. Featured in "Night After Night," "The Billion Dollar Scandal," Paramount; "The Mind Reader," Warner Bros. Next is "Promenade Deck," Fox.
DAMITA, LILI: unmarried; born in Paris, France, September 10. Write her at Paramount. Free lance. Featured in "Goldie Gets Along," Radio; "The Match King," First National.
DANIELS, BEBE: married to Ben Lyon; born in Dallas, Texas, January 14. Warner Bros. star. Starred in "Silver Dollar," "Forty-Second Street." Next is "Hard Times Square."
DiVTES, MARION: unmarried; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 1. M-G-M star. Starred in "Polly of the Circus" and "Blondie of the Follies." Next is "Peg O' My Heart."
DAVIS, BETTE: married to Harmon O. Nelson; born in Boston, Mass., April 5. Warner Bros. star. Featured in "Cabin in the Cotton"; "Parachute Jumper"; "Ex-Lady." Working in "The Adopted Father."
DEE, FRANCES! unmarried; born in New York City, November 26. Paramount player. Featured in "Night of June 13th"; "If I Had a Million," "The Crime of the Century." Working in "King of the Jungle."
DEL RIO, DOLORES: married to Cedric Gibbons; born in Mexico City, Mexico, August 3. Write her at Radio studio. Free lance. Starred in "Bird of Paradise," Radio.
DEVINE, ANDY: married: born in Flagstaff, Arizona, October 7. Universal player. Featured in "Fast Companions" and "The All American." Working in "The Big Cage."
DIETRICH. MARLENE: married to Rudolph Seiber; born in Berlin, Germany, December 27. Paramount star. Starred in "Shanghai Express" and "Blonde Venus." Working in "Song of Songs."
DILLOWAY, DONALD: unmarried; born in New York City, March 17. Write him at Columbia. Free lance. Featured in "Attorney for the Defense," Columbia; "Pack Up Your Troubles," RoachM-G-M; "Nigh* Mayor," Columbia.
DIN RICHARD: married to Winifred Coe; born in St. Paul, Minn.. July 18. Radio star. Starred in "Hell's Highway" and "The Conquerors." Working in "The Great Jasper."
DORSAY, FIFI: unmarried; born in Montreal, Canada, April 16. Write her at Fox. Free lance. Featured in "Girl From Calgary," Hoffman; "They Just Had to Get Married," • Universal; "The Sucker," Warner Bros.
DOUGLAS, MELVYN: married to Helen Gahagan; born in Macon, Ga., April 5. Write him at United Artists. Free lance. Featured in "As You Desire Me," M-G-M; "The Old Dark House" and "Nagana," Universal.
DOVE BILLIE: divorced from Irvin Willat; born in New York City, May 14. Write her at M-G-M. Free lance. Featured in "Blondie of the Follies,' M-G-M.
DRESSLER, MARIE: unmarried. Born in Coburg, Canada, November 9. M-G-M star. Starred in "Emma" and "Prosperity." Working in "Tugboat Annie."
DUNN, JAMES: unmarried; born in New York City, November 2. Fox player. Featured in "Walking Down Broadway" and "Handle With Care." Working in "Sailor's Luck."
DUNNE, IRENE: married to Dr. E. F. Griffin; born in Louisville, Ky.. July 14. Radio star. Starred in "Back Street," Universal; "Thirteen Women" and "No Other Woman," Radio; "The Secret of Madame Blanche," M-G-M.
DURANTE, JAMES: married; born in New York City, February 18. M-G-M player. Featured in "Blondie of the Follies," M-G-M; "The Phantom President,"
Paramount. Working in "Hell Below," M-G-M.
DVORAK, ANN: married to Leslie Fenton; horn in Los Angeles, Calif., August 2. First National player. Featured in "Strangen in Town ; rue Crooner" and "Three on a Match."
EILERS, SALLY: married to Hoot Gibson; born in New York City, December 11. Fox player. *ea; tured in "Second Hand Wile" and "State lair. Fox; "Grand Central Airport," Warner Bros. Working in "Sailor's Luck," Fox.
ERWIN. STUART: married to June Collyer: born in Squaw Valley, Calif., February 14. Paramount player. Featured in "He Learned About Women ; "Fortune Smiles" and "The Crime of the Century." Next is "Under the Tonto Him.
EVANS, MADGE: unmarried; born in Los Angeles, Calif., July 1. M-G-M player. Featured in "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum," United Artists; "Fast Lite. M-G-M. Working in "Men Must Fight and Hell Below."
FAIRBANKS. DOUGLAS, JR.: married to Joan Crawford; born in New York City, December 9. First National star. Starred in "Scarlet Dawn' ; Parachute Jumper" and "The Sucker." Working in "Narrow Corner." FAIRBANKS, DOUGLAS, SR. : married to Mary Pickford; born in Denver, Colo., May 23. United Artists star. Starred in "Robinson Crusoe." FARRELL, CHARLES: married to Virginia Valli; born in Walpole, Mass., August 9. Write him at Fox Studio. Free lance. Starred in "Tile First Year. "Wild Girl," "Tess of the Storm Country, ' Fox. FARRELL, GLENDA: married; born in Enid, Oklahoma. Warner Bros, player. Featured in "The Match King"; "Wax Museum"; and "Grand Slam. FORD. WALLACE: married to Martha Halworth; born in England. Birthday unknown. M-G-M player. Featured in "Employees' Entrance," "Central Park," Warner Bros. "The Big Cage," Universal. FOSTER, NORMAN: married to Claudette Colbert. Born in Richmond. Ind.. December 13. Fox player. Featured in "Strange Justice," Radio; "State Fair," Fox. Next is "Department Store," Fox. FOSTER, PRESTON: married; born in Ocean City, N. .1., October 24. First National player. Featured in "I'm a Fugitive From a Chain Gang" and "Ladies They Talk About." Working in "Elmer the Great." FOX, SIDNEY: married to Charles Beahan; born in New York City. December 10. Universal player. Featured in "Once in a Lifetime," "Afraid to Talk," Universal; "Don Quixote"; "Roi Pausole." FRANCIS, KAY: married to Kenneth McKenna; barn in Oklahoma City, Okla., January 13. Warner Bros. star. Starred in "Trouble in Paradise, Paramount; "The Lowdown" and "Keyhole." Warner Bros. Working in "Narrow Corner." GABLE, CLARK: married to Ria Langham; born in Cadiz, Ohio, February 1. M-G-M player. Featured in "Red Dust," M-G-M; "No Man of Her Own," Paramount. Working in "White Sister," M-G-M. GARBO, GRETA: unmarried; born in Stockholm. Sweden, September 18. M-G-M star. Starred in "Grand Hotel" and "As You Desire Me." Next is "Christine From Sweden." GARGAN, WILLIAM: married; born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 17. Radio player. Featured in "Rain," United Artists; "Animal Kingdom" and "Lucky Devils," Radio. Working in "Sweepings." GAYNOR, JANET: separated from Lydell Peck; born in Philadelphia, Pa., October 6. Fox star. Starred in "The First Year," "Tess of the Storm Country," "State Fair." Next is "Adorable." GIBSON, HOOT: married to Sally Eilers; born in Takomah, Neb., August 6. Write him at TecArt Studio. Starred in "A Man's Land"; "The Boiling Point"; "Cowboy Counsellor." GIBSON, WYNNE: divorced; born in New York City, July 3. Paramount player. Featured in "Night After Night"; "If I Had a Million"; "Crime of the Century." Next is "Eleven Lives." GILBERT, JOHN: married to Virginia Bruce; born in Ogden, Utah, July 10. M-G-M star. Starred in "Downstairs." Next is "Rivets." GLEASON, JAMES: married to Lucille Webster; born in New York City, May 23. Write him at Universal. Free lance. Featured in "Penguin Pool Murder." Radio. "The Billion Dollar Scandal," Paramount; "Clear All Wires," M-G-M. GOMBEL. MINNA: unmarried; born in Baltimore, Md. , May 28. Fox player. Featured in "Wild Girl" and "Walking Down Broadway." GRANT, CARY: unmarried; born in Bristol. Eng., January 19. Paramount player. Featured in "Hot Saturday"; "Madame Butterfly"; "She Done Him Wrong." Working in "The Woman Accused." GRAVES, RALPH: separated from Virginia Goodwin; born in Cleveland, Ohio, January 23. M-G-M player-writer. Featured in "Huddle," M-G-M, and "War Correspondent," Columbia. GREEN, MTTZI: child actress; bom in New York City, October 19. Radio player. Featured in "Girl Crazy" and "Little Orphan Annie." HAINES, WILLIAM: unmarried; bom in Staunton, Va., January 1. M-G-M star. Featured in "Are You Listening?" and "Fast Life." HALE, LOUISE CLOSSER : unmarried; born in Chicago, 111., October 13. M-G-M' player. Featured in "Son-Daughter" and "Rasputin and the Empress." Working in "The White Sister" and "Today We Live." HAMILTON, NEIL: married to Elsa Whitner; born in Athol, Mass., September 9. Write him at Radio studio. Free lance. Featured in "The Animal Kingdom," Radio; "As the Devil Commands." Columbia; "Tarzan and His Mate," M-G-M. Working in "The Silk Express," Warner Bros. HARDING, ANN: divorced from Harry Bannister; born in Fort Sam Houston, Texas, August 7. Radio star. Starred in "The Conquerors" and "The Animal Kingdom." Next is "Declassee."
(Continued on page 112)