Modern Screen (Dec 1934 - Nov 1935)

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HAR -1 1935 ©C1B 254283 9 a MODERN SCREEN'S MOVIE SCOREBOARD New way to check your movies by famous critics 14 8 MOST FASCINATING PEOPLE IN HOLLYWOOD According to Kay Francis . . . . Ben Maddox 26 YOU CAN MAKE PEOPLE LIKE YOU Many stars made people like them Adele Whitely Fletcher 28 A CHANCE TO LIVE AN IDEAL Loretta Young's role gives her inspiration . . Walter Ramsey 30 WHY ONE MAN LOVED HER An anonymous young man's love for La Lombard Dell Hogarth 32 "YOU MAY BE GOING BLIND!" How John Beal met this shocking announcement Katherine Albert 34 IS THIS GRATITUDE? Proving that stars aren't always grateful to Hollywood Eric Ergenbright 40 MODERN SCREEN-WARNER SONG CONTEST Get into this exciting contest and win a prize* . . .... 42 MAE WEST IS IN PRISON I Mae's so guarded, she hasn't a private life any more. . . .Virginia T. Lane 44 MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCE A short story based on a true Hollywood incident Dale EunSOn 48 MY CARDS ARE ON THE TABLE Connie Bennett tells her side of the story Katherine Albert 51 AMAZING THINGS HAVE HAPPENED TO HER Anna sten finds life tame now.... Hilary Lynn 52 WHO IS THAT MAN? Several Hollywood actors the fans never seem to place Harry Brundidge 54 HIGH-HAT HOOFING Fred Astaire does some high stepping for the camera 56 A PAL AND CRITIC TELLS Rudy Vallee's best friend gives you the real dope on him Richard English 58 LET ME BE A MAN FOR A CHANGE Talbot wants to shelve the "ladies' man" tag Jewel Smith 60 SO MUCH ABILITY Mady Christians' versatility mustn't be wasted Maude Cheatham 61 HOLLYWOOD SETS THE TEMPO FOR YOUR SPRING SHOPPING Advance tips. .Adelia Bird 62 STRONG-MINDED WOMEN Aiine MacMahon knows what she wants Dorothy Spensley 65 TO MY WIFE, BELLA ! The woman behind Paul Muni Dena Reed 66 THE MOST ROMANTIC STORY EVER TOLD (Conclusion) Advent of talkies. . . . Katherine Albert 74 Between You and Me 6 Information Desk 8 Modern Screen's Dramatic School 10 The Modern Hostess 12 Beauty Advice 16 Exclusive Portraits 19 and 50 The Sport of Kings 35 Good News 36 Reviews 46 Patterns 69 All Joking Aside 124 MARY BURGUM, EDITOR; ADELIA BIRD, Associate Editor ABRIL LAMARQUE, Art Editor REGINA CANNON, Hollywood Editor Published monthly and copyrighted 1935 by Dell PubilishingCompany, Incorporated. "Office of publication at Washington and South Avenues Dunellen, N. J. Executive and editorial offices, 14/? Madison Avenue, (slew York, N. V. George T. Delacorte, Jr., President; H. Meyer Vice-President; M. Delacorte, Secretary. Vol. 10, No. 5* April, 1935. 1 Printed in the U. S. A. Price in the United States, $1.20 a year 10c a copy. Canadian subscriptions, $2.40 a year. Foreign subscriptions, $2.20 a year. Entered as second class matter, September 18, 1930, at the Post Office at Dunellen, New Jersey, under act of March 3, 1879. The publishers accept no responsibility for the return of unsolicited material. Sole Foreign Agents: The International News Company, Ltd., 5 Breams Building, London, E. C. 4, England.