Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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11. l/-' 1M7,7h:1 87,«70 1 1 2,7H.| 52.(170 1:{7,7H3 02,«i7O ->().( KM) 4.VKH) irt.iHH) H.'i.CKK) r>rt,(HH) 4.'5,(H)0 5.'5,(K>() l^fi/XX) MONKY nriiiNi) tup: srnKKs 39 indufltrinl iinflnt/ikjii^s and it i.s \ cry doiibtful \\lnthrr «ny f»tli«r English film vcroup \\<miM pn-MMit .i «»iiuilnr nrray of finaiir'o-ra|»it;il Tlio fcillowiii^ partii ulars of slmroholrlfrs liavr l)fcii filr«l : — VnKrr.niiKit Dekekred I.I.ST AriiiL Htm, WXW. HeaUiticId Investment Society Ltd InduMtiial Fiiiiiiu(« & Iii\( Htincnt ('orjKinitioti, Ltd. . Portnlb, Ltd. LiHT 2r)Tii .May, WVMk Hi'athfu'ld Iiivi'HtrntMit Society. Lt<L InduHtrial Fiimiice A InvcHtinciit ('()r|)oration Ltd. . PortalH, Ltd C. M. Woolf List Sept K.MUEK iSrii, lU3ti. Midland Bank (PrinccB Street), Nouiineea, Ltd. ... 53,722 32,230 39. All tho Gt'iuTal Cinema Finance Corporation, Ltd., directors, except Lord Luke, reappear on the })oard of (Jeneral Film DistribiitorH, Ltd., but in addition there are C. M. Woolf (see & Dominion Films, Ltd., })ara. 35) ; M. Woolf; L. A. Neel (see British Cine Alliance & Trafalgar Prod., para. 37) ; S. F. Ditchman ; and, as alternative directors, R. F. Norland, secretary of the Industrial Finance & Investment Cori)oratiou, Ltd., and director of Davy Bros., Ltd. ; and B. C. Gain, of Sissons, Bersey, Gain, Vincent & Co., director of Boyden vSmith, Ltd., Brown, Stewart & Co., Ltd., and P. Garnett & Son, Ltd. The capital of General Film Distributors, Ltd., is £270,000 divided into 250,000 participating preference shares of £1 and 400,000 deferred shares of Is. 249,990 preference and 399,990 deferred shares are held by General Cinema Finance Corporation, the remaining 10 of either group bv Industrial Fmance and Investment Corporation (2nd October,' 1936). 40. The most important studio enterprise associated with members of the group is Pinewood Studios, Ltd., registered in August, 1935. (See also British & Dominion Films, para. 35), and owning a four-floor studio plant completed in 1936. The nominal capital of this company is £300,000, of which £175,000 was taken up by October, 1936. The capital is divided into 50,000 each '" A," " B " and " D " and 150,000 " C " ordinary £1 shares. There is also a charge of £300,000 in favour of Equity & Law Life Insurance Society. All the directors of British & Dominion Film Corporation Ltd., are on the board of the company in addition to its founders, J. A. Rank and Charles Boot, J. P., a large scale engineering and building magnate. C. Boot is chairman of : — Henrj^ Boot & Sons, Ltd. (Sheffield). ,, „ ,, (Overseas) Ltd. ,. „ „ (Garden Latates), Ltd.