Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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MONK\ Mi;iiiM> inr: sruEBN II 41. In VX\i) (first 10 iMoiitliH) (Icinral Film DiHtrihutors. \aA., (listributetl lilins of tlie following [>r(.<lu«) rs Cm luldition to tlu* American Universal output) : — lUUTlSH NATIONAL TILMS, LTD. ll^rg. .July, I9:i-I, nonuiml . apital. £1(K),()0(>, (lividfd into '2,{K){) A, 2,000 B und IM5.(KK) C Bhan-n of il lach. DiroctofH : J. (!. ('oilUUi (hch« Pincwood StudioH), J. A. Hank, and I^dy A. H. Yulo (widow of the financier Sir Andrew Vide who left an eMfnU of about £Ll,OtK),0(K)). J. O. CoHield holdn 2.'>() C wharen, J. A. Hank l.WH) A KhareH and Lady Yulo 2,00() H hhareM. .Mr. Hunk rerently reni^Mn-d hin diroctorMliij). BRITISH PKTOHIAL IMIODUCTIONS, LTD.— Reg. Fehninry. I92<;. .apita' £5.000, of £1 enih. DireotorH : W. ('. and C \V. .Ieapen and A. I' Smith, who are rIho the only HJinrehoiderH. f'APlToL FILM CORPORATION. LTD.— R<'g. S.ptemWr, li>3r) (a ( apito B'ilm ProductionH, Lt<). was in existence since July, 1934), capital £12r»,(K)0, in 5/ ord. shares. Direc tors : N. A. Procter, L. A. Neel, Max Schach (see British Cine Alliance and Trafalgar Film Productions, para. 37. Capitol Film Corporation ha« outstanding charges totalling £l,r>20,O^K) with Aldgatc Trustees, Ltd., and £160.000 with Equity & Law Life Assurance Society (which latter concern has been allotted 8,000 of the issued ordinary shares, 200,(X)0 being registered in the name of C.F.P., Ltd.). CECIL FILM PRODUCTIONS, LTD.— Reg. December. 1921, as Fellner Filra.s, Ltd., name changed March. 1924. Nominal capital £1,0(M) in ">/ shares, number of shares paid up, 10 ; of these, 8 by Capitol Film Product ion.'<, Ltd. and 4 each by E. Wolheim and T. Rowson. Directors : H. A. Procter, L. A. Neel, Max Schach, Herman Fellner and B. 0. Schonegevel. Total charges outstanding : £415,000 (Aldgate Trustees). CITY FILM CORPORATION, LTD.— Reg. July. 1934, capital, nominal, £1,000 in it/ shares, of which 402 were paid up. Directors : \V. (i. D. Hutchinson, M.P., Lt.-Com. T. E. K. Donaldson (R.N., ret.), Capt. B. H. Ilumphrjs, E. King. After guaranteeing 14 successive advances amounting in all to £233,150, the Aldgate Trustees appointed a receiver and manager for the company in April, 1930. GRAFTON FILMS, LTD.— Reg. as British International Photophone, Ltd., in April, 1929, with J. Maxwell and some of his associates as Directors. They resigned in December, 1933, and in 1934 the company assumed its present name. The present directors are : J. H. MacDonald (Accountant), Capt. D. N. Gow (Director, Optima Films, Ltd.), J. Goldschmid (Film Producer), and G. \V. Alexander (Accountant). The capital of the company is £100, of which £20 is paid up and\there is an outstanding charge of £10,000 in favour of the Clydesdale Bank, Ltd. HERBERT WILCOX PRODUCTIONS, LTD.— Reg. August, 1935 (an earlier company with the same name, reg. in 1925, was dissolved in 1934), capital £100 Directors : C. M. Woolf, H. Wilcox, M. Woolf, H. Hyman and J. A. Stephen. J. G. & R. B. WAIN^'RIGHT, LTD.— Directors : J. G. & R. B. Wainwright. No further details found. 42. (e) The Associated British Fibn Distributors group. Associated British Film Distributors, Ltd., is owned and controlled by the producing company, Associated Talking Pictures, Ltd., a company formed in May, 1929, with an autliomed capital of £12r),(X)0, £81,546 of which is issued in 5s. shares. There is also a 5 per cent.