Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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MONEY nEHIND TUE SC HIKN 13 44. (/) Thfi A fn^ric/jn Hrntfr.^ not ^ofnr u\rn\ion^(\nT^\ntho\i\ exception privatn rompMiij'R conliollcvi by their I'.S.A. jwirent organisations. I'lio Britisli intcrcstH of Twontioth C<«ntury-Fox in Gauniont British and the cinoma intxTcstH of Paramount have already been (liHctiHsed. It is of int<*rest tliat the Fox n<'WH reel service in this country, British Movietonews Ltd., is jointly controlled by Twentietli (Vntury — Fox and the Hon. Ksmond Harniswortli (chairinan Associat^'d Ncwspapors, Ltd., Daily Mail and General Trust, Ltd., and director of Ini{)erial Airways, Ltd., an<l other companies). Of the 50,(XX) shares at 7/0, Fox hold 25,408, Harmsworth 21,r)(K); the directors are: S. U. Kent and K. U. McDonald (Fox), Hon. K. Harmsworth and (>. W. Price (A.ssociated NewspajxTs) and F. L. Harley. Fox, Warner-First Xaticjnal and the Paramount News Service have studio organisations of their own in this country, while M.G.M. is now reported to contemplate British production in its own name, a £20,(X)0 company having been formecl for this purpose in November, UYM) (production to take place in the Amalgamated Studios at Elstree). Columbia has contracted for British films with Soskin Productions associated with the same studio enterprise and it is also noteworthy that the British organisations of M.G.M. and Columbia have one of their directors in common. Other interests represented by directorships of American renters' board members are : Moore's Modem Methods, Ltd.(C. F. Karuth of Paramount) : Equity & Law Life Assurance Soc, Ltd., Equity and Law Investment Trust, Ltd., Law Reversionary Interest Soc., Ltd., and Southern Publishing Co., Ltd. (R. F. Holmes, of Radio) ; and Electrical & Musical Industries, Ltd., Columbia Graphophone Co., Ltd., Britisli Zonophone Co., Ltd., Marconi E.M.I. Television Co., Ltd., Marcoiiiphone, Ltd., and Gramophone Co., Ltd. (A. Clark of Radio). 45. {g) Other renter or producer groups of interest are : — BRITISH LION FILM CORP., LTD.— Reg. 1927, nominal capital. £210,000 issued 160,000 pref. ord. shares of 12/G and 983,010 deferred ord. shares of 4d. Directors : — S. W. Smith (Chairman). Sir Rob. J. Lj-nn, M.P. (also a Director of Northern Whig Ltd., the Belfast newspaper company) ; I. C. Flower (also Director of Boosey & Hawkes, Ltd., Burt & Stevens, Ltd., Gloucester Hotel (Weymouth), Ltd., Twickenha3I Film Film Distributobs, Ltd. ; N. L. Nathanson (Director of Regal Films, Ltd.) ; and A. P. Holt (Director of Brazilian Traction Light & Power Co., Ltd., British Columbia Power Corp', Ltd., Canadian & Foreign Investment Trust Co., Ltd., Dominion Tar & Chemical Co., Ltd., Famous Players Canadian Corp., Hydro-Electric Bond & Share Corp., Investment Corp. of Canada, Ltd. (Chairman), Loxdon Express Newspapeb, Ltd., Mexican Light & Power Co., Ltd., Montreal Trust Co., Scottish Grain Distillery Co., Ltd., Seager Evans & Co., Ltd. All the main shareholdings are registered in the names of bankers