Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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MONKV HKHIM) THK SCKKKN 51 To rouiplc'to tho picturo ol mi)rt)^n^('-(U«l)f!>tiir»^ finanoint,' during the Icii inontlis ot tluH year, we riiUHt .idd ovrr £'M)H,{HHi on account ordislriljuling conciTus (Tw ickrnhani l''ihn DiHtrihutorH, Ltd., witli il.'>0.(HM) and AM.sociatcd British Fihn DistnljutorM, \A<[., with £14(),(MK) boing the largcHi dobtoFH), and over £:j.M2,2r><) on account of wtudio cnterpriscH (Pincwood Studi(jH with £3()(J,(X)0 and Wort on Hall Studios with £7H,(MH) being the largest items). Adchng all these items to.L^ether, we find that in the first ten months ot 19,'U) the British lilm imlustry in its threi; spheres of pro<lurtion, distribution and exhibition, took up short term loans or fixed inUTCst bearing mortgages, etc., amounting to a sum in excess of £12,635,000. Tho most prominent financial groups concerned in these loans (other than Aldgate Trustees, Denham Securities and Prudential Assurance) are : — LAW DKBKNTVRE CORPORATION. LTD. : £ Exhibition : Assotiutrd BritiHh Picture C'orjKjratioii. Ltd. ... 3,500,000 ((Jen. Theatres Corp. &, Haymarket (^apitol) 550.000 Total ... 4.050,000 BRANCH NOMINEES, LTD. : Distribution : Associated British Eilm Distributors, Ltd. 140,000 P^xhibition : A.B.P.C. Group (Ass. Cinem. Prop.) ... 500.000 Odeon group ... GG.OOO Union group ... ... 800,000 County group ... 460,000 Other cinema companies ... Total 60,000 ... 2,026,000 EQUITY & LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOC: Production : Capitol Film Corp 160.000 Trafalgar Film Prods. 60,000 Studios: Pinewood Studios ... 300,000 Exhibition: Union group 500,000 County group 36,000 Total MORRIS MOTORS, LTD. : Exhibition : Coliseum Syndicate (secured on Coliseum & Chandos Public House) C. T. BOWRING & CO. (INS.), LTD. : Production : London Film Prod., Ltd. ... Distribution : Ace Films, Ltd. Nat. Provinc. Film Distr., Ltd Twickenham Film Distr., Ltd Total GUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., LTD. : Exhibition: Gaumont Super Cinemas, Ltd EAGLE, STAR AND BRITISH DOMINIONS INSURANCE CO., LTD. Exhibition: Odeon Theatres Palace (Chatham), Ltd Total .066,000 300,000 247,702 90,000 25,000 150,000 512,702 140,000 100,400 22,800 123,200