Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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MONEY BEHIND THF, SfREEN 53 III— FINANCE (COXrLUSIONS.) 40. (a) The Present Phase of British Film Fiimncr. With ita tem|)eHt iiouH csxpan.Mion and curioiiH (inaiicinj/, tlif prr'Hrnt phaHe in the (iovclopmcnt of the British film iiidiislry haH all the ap|K*aranco of a hectic boom rushing touanls its culminalion i)oint. But it iH a boom that has a iiumbrr of {K-ciihar featun-s. Wo Hhall endeavour in this Hcction briefly to indicatf,' {<i) the tempo of present ex})anfiion, {b) the most striking of tho features that distinguish tho fihn boom from similar experiences elsewhere. The expansion of the trade is rcflect<'d in the figures for ntnv companies registen^d. Taking tho particulars ])ubli.shcd in tho Kinematixjraph Wfckh/ and Kineinatograph Yiarhook resj)ectivcly, wo fuid that during tlie last twelve years, new film, cinema, etc., companies were registered at the following rato : — MlSCKLLANOUS. Year Production* Rentinu ExinuiTioN (includinp: Kiiuipnunt, etc.) TOTA 1926 16 25 110 26 176 1926 21 25 138 26 210 1927 26 17 143 29 215 1928 87 16 94 26 172 1929 69 3 150 68 270 1930 36 4 176 48 264 1931 66 5 174 49 283 1932 46 7 212 38 .303 1933 64 (> 222 67 349 1934 r86 10 251 68 415 1935 108 13 226 64 411 1936 (10 mtliP.) ( 87 7 106 47 337 The rate of acceleration so clearly marked particularly in the production companies' figures, is even more accentuatedly reflected in the following figures kindly supplied by Messrs. Jordan & Sons, Ltd. (the totals differ from those of the preceding series owing to certain differences of classification) : — Number of new Film and Cinema Companies and their total nominal capital registered in 1931-36 : — Year. No. of Companies. Total Capital (£). 1931 201 972.600 1932 224 1,344,509 1933 253 2,258,290 1934 259 1,895,435 1935 338 3,677,440 1936 395 15,921,565** It will be seen from both these series that the expansion which commences in about 1933, became most marked in 1935 (and in the first months of 1936), but in view of the necessary time lag between the registration of a company and the actual completion of its first * Including a small proportion of router-producers. ♦♦Including Cinema Ground Rents and Properties, Ltd., with £5.000.000 capital which is olasalfied as a land company by ^reesrs. Jordan & Sons. Ltd. Th^ other main rompaniea in the \^M tntnl nre r'nion Cinemas. Ltd. with £0.500. 00(* and G. C. F. Corporation, Ltd. with ll,2L*r»,U00 capital.