Money behind the screen : a report prepared on behalf of the Film Council (1937)

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MONKV «KH1NI) THK SCUKIA <.8 TTIK PRE8KNT STUrCTURK OF THK AMKliKAN FILM INDISTKY The Amcric^an l''ilm liiduHtry ua.M cMliinjih-d in ^.^:^'>-<i to rcprcHciit an invosinuMit of hoiho S2,(KM>,()<)0,(KHI. ll catcn-d for the onUTtainnicnt of wwkly audicncoB num Inuring 8(J to 8r),()(H),CK)0 in the Unitod States alono. Paramount Pictun\H Inr., VV'ann-r Bros. Pictures liu-., 'I'wciitieth CenturyFox Film Corp., Loew's Inc. (controlling Mt^tro-tJoldwvn-Mayer), Kadio-Keith-Orplu-um Corp., Universal Coq)., Columhia Pictures Corp., and United Artists Corp., an^ the eight major comi)anies dominating this industry, the present structure of which is summarised in Table 1. We shall endeavour in the following pages to give a brief account of the manner in which the companies list^ul attained their present controlling position and of the financial interests they represent. Structure of the American Film Industry PK'jo-O. (Sources: N.R.A. Report and Motion Picture Almanac, 1936-7) PRODUCTION. Eight Major Companies Control : 33 Minor Producers 100-200 Small Prowcre sufficiently im ducers released ocportant to be listed casional tilras. in the >rotion Picture Almanac, 1935-C. distriinde 1 the 80% of the capital invested in production ; 66% of feature film output as measured by No. of films ; 80% of feature film output as measured by Cost of films ; 100% of the news film services. DISTRIBUTION. Eight National Organisations were affi Tliree Independent National iatcd to the eight major producing buting organisations handled companies. pendent product. Eighty-six Distributing Organisations (National and Regional), listed i " Film Daily Yearbook, 1935," operated about 550 local film exchanges, of these 450 were affiliated to producing companies. EXHIBITION. CmouiTS Affiliated to the Eight Major Companies. A. Number of Cinemas No. 1930 2,192 1935 2,073 B. Seating Capacity '000 seats 1936 2,908 1935 2,719 C. Average Number of Seats per Cinema 1935 1,300 850 450 The Eight Major Companies control approximately : 25% of the most desirable seating capacity ; 12% of the total number of theatres ; 100% of the First Run Theatres and many of the best second run theatres. Note : The actual strength of the circuits is understated by these figures, which include all cinemas, whether open or not. In 1936 as many as 3,130 halls were in fact closed, representing 16.9 per cent, of the total (as compared with Eight Unaffiliated Circuits. Independent Cinemas. % 11.8 11.5 No. 3,464 3,070 0/ /o 18.7 16.7 No. % 12,852 69.6 13,120 71.8 0/' /o 25.8 24.4 '000 seats 2,767 2.539 O' . o 24.6 22.8 '000 seats % 5,633 49.6 5,874 52.8