Motion Picture Classic (1923, 1924, 1926)

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I he Remedy Foi ( Censorship mtinued from page 11) were i Jeneral Charles II * '>!<■. fudge Edward B. ( )'Brien, the I [onorable William 1 1. Carter and Mrs. Alfred I I eatherbee. Business men, bankers, professional men and worn en, labor leaders, ex sen ice nun, club women, teachers and clergymen all united to help. These united t<> make it clear to the voters, men and women both, that : i ! ) "Censorship means thai one man can determine what everyone in Massachusetts can see. What man i-> big enough and wise enough to have tlh^ power? Are we mi weak and pictures so bad that cur right oi selection shall be taken from u^? i nsorship mean fewer pictures, advanced prices and uninteresting amusement. (3) "Present laws fully protect the situation and prevent the showing of anything that is obscene, indecent, immoral or harmful. (4) "Back of it all is the age-old desire of a self-selected few to run a community and compel all people to do their will. It is not the common good that the reformer i concerned about. It is his selfish desire to compel everyone to adopt his peculiar standard and ideals. The censor who Ueves that adventure, dancing, cards and the showing of modern life is wrong, will classify them as immoral and forbid their showing on the screen. If the D narrow and bigoted we will be allowed to see nothing, and if he be broad and careless we maj see things which present laws make impossible. (5) "If we deliver up our right of selection we will soon be ruled entirely by ■ us and deprived of that liberty which h is made our country possible. There may occasionally be pictures which are open to just criticism and which could easily be stopped by anyone interested enough to bring complaint to the local authorities. There is no reason or argument for overturning the right of individual selection by the establishment of censorship." What was the result of this enlightened appeal to the puhlic intelligence: It was amazing. According to the Boston Transcript, a very conservative hut a very great newspaper : "In Massachusetts, for the first time in the United States, a proposal to establish a State Censorship of Motion Pictures came to popular vote and was rejected by a threefold majority. Such a defeat of one more effort to regulate the pleasures of a contented many according to the idea of an insistent few speaks for itself. The remedy for censorship is now entirely clear. Organize to tight. Form a club against censorship in your own home town. Go to your local theater owner and ask his help. particularly if you need a meeting place. Boost good pictures. Stay away from the poor ones. Co-operate with your state organization. If you haven't one, create one as they did in Indiana. There a voluntary state organization, in return for the co-operation of theater owners, recommends good pictures. You Can Easily Learn to Play Any Music on the HAWAIIAN GUITAR Just As Hawaiian* Do Native Instructors Toaeh You QUICKLY! In Half an Hour You Will Be Playing "ALOHA". Soon You Will Be Winning Praise Everywhere Playing "Stumbling", "Three O'clock in the Morning", "Hot Lips" and ALL Popular Music as Well as the Beautiful Hawaiian Melodies HeTt'$cpTOofof OUT Remarkable Count H... h.non. V. vatuM • ■ It ha t>rrn two m.xitha attire 1 hava flni.hrj pour eojarM on the lit wallattlimtar * play anything 1 wish Tro OOUTM waa all that i-ouKl bo d«-.|ir I and 1 mm perfectly plrasr.) with my ptavlng ability • lnc« nolanlng your Koc.ter School. 3U So Franklin St., Cblcaj Flrtt Hawaiian Conservatory of Mualc. Inc. 1 ahall cartaJnl] I glatitorecommrrui your cootm whenever tho chance la mine to do ao. Mr. W. K. Johnaon haa not phoned me yet. and if he doea not phone in m day or ao. will write him. Am amdinir a let : .-. HelanSlavIk today which 1 think may hrlp to seourr hrr *-nrollmant. and I ahall be •rlaii at any time to write a personal letter to anyone whom you may Munrrti. Your former student, W. L. Walker I'm chanff ypopular music quickly »>n I hi the age — i.vultan Guitar 14 muiu'ul knuwlcdtfr nrtt-MUry. ONLY FOUR MOTIONS TO LEARN utv w. t*' Ha* We Furnish Everything--* Beautiful Hawaiian Guitar, Pick*, etc., and S2 Pieces of FREE I You have always wanted to play aome Instrument, ao i , tun wailan Guitar, rrvatury courae ntionand 1>\L pieces of especially aenuslo No Other Course Teaches as Quickly and Easily This la the only Conservatory Course where ■OH t.'ft the pergonal inatruction of Native Hawaiian Bxperta Frank Keren. Walt i .wrenre Kalalukl and Carl Seville, telle world over and the moat noted maker a of phonograph recorda. supervise your playing. Mail Coupon tor Details of FREE Offer Don't wait another minute-clip, fill fn and mall wanan Qoitai just as the Ha Special Arrangements for Have Your Own Insl Special Course* under famous Teachers, TrnoT-Ban>o,Vt»lin,Banjo-Uketele and Uketele. Fine Toned Instruments FREEI You will be d • 1 1 o srltta tl wuiiiin Guitar ■t Hawaiian C< I, ilia about your t>2« I KKKfc Hawaiian UuiUr ufferl 1 Same.. | Addres. I Town Print Dime and address cl< StaU. arly. LOSE A POUND A DAY VOX has dlsi thai fal can be Uml RiUiout diet, iii . exercising. A New Way — an easy, pleasant that is sat. and Sun From $ ounces to H pound a day melt away .i if hj Ra Zo-Na In warm water. Get In and relax-that is the secret • arms, neck, boat or an* part of the body make a local applr . Flo-ra-zo-na. GUARANTEED to contain I epsom suits, or any harmfal i tnts. Your money refunded if pan ■ 1 Box Contains 14 Treatments At (iruaaixt*. or %mn& St. for pottav' <!'■■' .:t<ii. . andjrre booklet to Dept C5 New York Cultivate Wow' Jusical TSianp »6nn instrument, ^."*» ,C6n.. I are tatieMt try play and • highest quality, say the world', greatest artist,. Write now for Free Book anddetailsof FREETRIAL; EASY PAYMENTS on any band instrument. CO. CONN LTD. 654 Conn Bldg. Elkhart. Ind. CUT ME OUT i I'm only a coupon. BUT if you will front mc I right. I'll show you how, by becoming our I representative for your locality, you can turn I your spare time into money. Just sign below I and mail — I'll do the test. I I Name No. I St. ami I ' City State. >rt Corner YourFictures-Aibum where poo can keep them Bit 0 tod •Djoy them always. s Ef>5>cl Styles | '.ir^rt Corners"} Copra are on aale at Photo Supply and Albom counters everywhere. They are the only Quick. Easy. Artistic, No Paste, No Fold way to mount Kodak Prints. A dime briogs 1UO wod samples to try. Write ENCEL MFC. CO. JOO Dcpt.2eT.47H N. Clark St., Chicago ONLY DOWN GENUINE DIAMOND Wrist Watch MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE 175 Duffield Street. Brooklyn. N. I I Y. • I I i4K.flR>n >-■*;•. SOLID "J WHITE GOID li-JLWtllD ADJUSTED REGULATED This beautiful wrist watch is 14 Kt. solid gold, set with 4 genuine blue white brilliant diamonds, at a price that we believe to be the lowest ever offered in the U. S. Send only $2.00 down as a guarantee of good faith and we will send this bargain to you. The 14 Kt. case is HAND ENGRAVED and will stand U.S. Government assay. Silk grosgrain ribbon of the finest quality, with 14 Kt. clasp attached. The movement is 15 jeweled lever, adjusted and regulated and is guaranteed to give you complete satisfaction. Genuine BlueWhite Diamonds ■ «l i.i n >|.:irklini;.l»riHi:in!.full nil. ciiiuinr make thla il»'" trr. tan -i bunla « *. m.,*. m-. .1. [f roa can implicate ii (b» l« - than *<. Vuo v. . VUl r.-liiml ©1 it\ mil vm paid. I>u\ on our to daya in < trial plan yon « am i I Pay Only $4.00 Per Month lor ton months. Total price onli S42.00. Send rour order nad are*U aend the arrtal watch. \\«' bave onlj a limited huiiiIkt. •.o doii'i pin ii off, W rit*' ti*r our biff i tog of bargralna in dJansoDds, nratenea. Jewelry i on eaaj oajanents. STERLING w'^c0HN?ct Wholesale Jewelers Established 1879 63 Park Row. Dept. 919. NEW YORK (Ninety-five)