Motion Picture Classic (1923, 1924, 1926)

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The Movie Encyclopaedia mtmued frotn PaQ* 70) the world w;is the greater became thai a. i accomplished in |WO or three dee. ides which would ordinarily require centuries Progress is always preceded bj calamity. That which appears to be calamity is often a blessing in disguise. Here, here, when I get Started, I never know when to stop Niles Welch in "Reckless Youth." Dell his wife. \rn.\ B. — So you think I look like that. Irene Castle is rive toot eight inches, and she is free from Robert rremain (maybe). Yes, Elsie Ferguson is also free ■ her husband, Thomas Clark. I'm also free — from women. Little Westerner. — Anna Q. Xilsson has been married twice so far as I know. Now she is Mrs. John Gunncrson. Mary Pick ford was Mrs Owen Moore. Jane Novak has a daughter Virginia, aged six, hut I dont think she ever was a dancer. Moi.i.ik and MovtA.— All the way from Australia. James Kirkwood has just married Lila Lee. She is twenty-one and he is forty. I wish them luck. Yes indeed Bebe Daniels is full of pep in real life. Bryant Washburn and his wife are playing in "Mine to Keep." A proper and fitting title for man and wife. And let it ever be thus. Stop in again some time, girls. The Nightingale's Eyebrows. — Now, I ask you! I know of no cure for grey hair. There are various remedies that will restore color so long as you keep using the preparation, but nothing will turn it permanently. . When you get up in the morning and discover that grey hair No. 20 has made its appearance, dont get the ijlooms, but smile sweetly and say "Ah, wisdom and good sense are coming. For, every hair that fades or fades away, figure that you are the gainer by about one ounce of brains." Do you want to hear any more? Pauline Garon is twenty. Betty Compson is to make four pictures abroad. The Gish girls are with Inspiration. Gloria Swanson's daughter Gloria is two years old. Right at this address. Shirley K. — So you want more of Pauline Garon. I'll see what can be done with the editor-lady. Yankee Girl. — Yes, I must admit that my beard is growing day by day. Harrison Ford in "Little Old New Y'ork." You write a very interesting letter. Stop in again. Betty and Bessie. — The two bees. Glad you like music. Even a hand-organ sounds good to a person in love. There's one stops in front of our building about three times a week. Yes, Viola Dana, Shirley Mason and Edna Flugrath are sisters. Leatrice Joy about twenty-five. Marguerite • de la Motte was Constance in "The Three Musketeers." Yes, Marion Davies bobbed her hair. Priscilla Dean is Mrs. Wheeler Oakman. Miriam Cooper is twenty-seven. Mae Murray also twenty-seven. Marion Davies twentysix. Johnny Hines and Mollie Malone with Warner Brothers. Retiia F. — But the nervous fluid in man is consumed by the brain, in woman by the heart; it is there that they are most sensitive. So you are fond . of Jobyna Ralston. So am I. Helene C. Mc— But the heart of a woman never grows old ; when it has ceased to love it has ceased to live. Address Baby Peggy at Century Comedies, Jackie Coogan at Metro and Alice Brady, Famous Players. Mary Philbin is twenty. John Gilbert twenty -eight. {Continued on page 85) In manicuring, u sottens the Cut icle, prevents soreness and adds to lustre of nails. Hinds Cream cleanses the pores, heals sore, eruptive conditions, ind refreshes sallow, withered complex Q/rotcctina wipe ion A perfect base for face powder. Apply a little cream. When nearly dry dust on the powder. Hinds Honey and Almond Cream is a soothing, refining cream that by daily use prevents any tendency to roughness or irritation. An invigorating cream that tones and freshens and protects the complexion from injury by dusty winds or chilly atmosphere. A cream that softens the skin to -a velvety texture. This cream is so simple to apply, so sure in its improving results that it readily becomes the favored complexion cream of all who try it. Its economy is due to the small amount required— only enough to moisten the skin. Let the use of Hinds Honey and Almond Cream become a part of your daily program. Alkalii ern states dries and irritates "he skin Use Hinds Cream. To keep the hands smooth and attractive all day. To relieve catchy fingers while at work. Hinds Cre-mis Face Powder, surpassing in quality and refinement; distinctive In fragrance and effect. White, flesh, pink, brunette. Boxes 60c, 15c. Samples 2c. All dealers sell Hinds Honey and Almond Cream. 50c, $1.00. We will ma il a s.imple for 2c. trial bottle 6c. travel r size 10c. Tiy-out Box of 5 samples, assorted, 10c. Booklet Free. A. S. Hinds Co., Dept. 22, Portland, Maine. Use after shaving to / make the skin com / fortable and relieve ' irritation from soap^ or close shave ' Seventy-three)