Motion Picture Classic (1923, 1924, 1926)

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Full Year to Pay All transactions strictly confidential 10 Days Free Trial Don i pis now juwt «end your obmeaodudUreHbuiid your choico come* to you parcel-puBt prepaid on 10 Oays Free Trial. Pay puaimao only %2 uo delivery and tlieu alter free trial pay balance iij 12 equal monthly payments Remarkable value— satisfaction guaranteed or your muoey back. FREE "Royal Book of Gems" Thousands of special values in genuine diamonds, watches and jewelry illustrated. Your copy sent immediately on request. No Red Tape— No Delay «5» r NO ^IkSEND no. Ofcj. ™«mc IEY Look Prosperous Wear Genuine Diamonds! Lady's wrieT watch latest style solid 14 K gold, highest grade 17 ruby and sapphire jewel movement £«« lifetimeguarantee. Featuredat *»,a»aa $2 on delivery, balance $1.67 month MA2 Beautifully hand engraved wedding ring 18 K white gold, with 5 genuine blue white diamonds $2 on delivery-balance $2.30 month. 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"I O — [■: Send this adv. *^* t CARLVLE LABORATORIES ';C-3DChurchSt., Niw York JVIARY PHILBIN Goodbye, tired, aching feet I Walk miles or stand all day with a new feeling of joyous foot comfort never before experienced. The secret is all in a simple but scientific little fabric and elastic appliance called the ARCHLET that distributes the weight of your body over your arch and takes away the stretching strain between your heel and toes. In a little fabric pocket under your arch is the AMAZING SPONGE RUBBER ARCH PAD that Boft. resilient springy cushion that makes you step'sprightly with startling poise :ind balanced buoyancy. Light, washable and worn out of sight. Simply send foot measurement or shoe size now with $1.85 or pay postman S2.IJ2 when delivered on an absolute money back guarantee of surprising satisfaction. THE ANKLARCH COMPANY, I'.CORPORATEO 184 S. Limestone Street Lexington, Ky. times in his boyhood and is steeped in its traditions. The real "Old Ironsides" was built like a racing sloop, a tremendous innovation in naval ships in those days, and designed fur speed — speed, which America has lived up to ever since. It was her speed, her seamanship, her tough old hide, that defeated the pirates at Tripoli in 1804 A. 1). and started magnificent tradition for the great United States Navy that was to be. Her copper sheeting was made by Paul Revere, and her first flag by Betsy Ross herself. I have just spent a week-end with the "Old Ironsides" company on that Isthmus end of Catalina Island, which has been transformed for the occasion. Here James Cruze, director, is king. There is an old home, built years ago by an old California family, perched high on a hill. Here King James and the stars of the company are accommodated, with a first-class cook to take care of their precious innards. Swift machines race up and down the perilous winding road at meal-time and bed-time. Below in an amazing camp created for the purpose, are accommodated all the lesser persons of the cast, the cameramen, electricians, carpenters, plumbers, ships' crews, etc. Their meals are served in a large mess hall — and incidentally their cooking is no less worthy. I ate with both the stars aloft and the crew beneath, and I know. On Location I^ing James wears a bright scarlet coat of the English hunting order during the relaxation period. But for the out-atsea shots he has provided himself with a pair of violently new seaman's overalls. He is more impressive, either way, than the Admirable Crichton of Barrie's play of that name — when reigning over his island. Wally Beery keeps in his rascally old bo'sn character most of the time, grinning wickedly thru a week's growth of beard, and from beneath a shaggy, ill-kept wig with one of those funny pigtails. His wide and willowy old pants and the disreputable-looking short coat of the day, and the screamingly funny blob of a sailor cap are his regular attire while on this "location" stunt. He spends all his spare time fishing for tuna, which hadn't bitten to date. George Bancroft, too, has an amazing growth of his own hair, a weird orangoutang beard, and what we should now consider a child's round straw sailor hat on his head. Esther Ralston, whose new husband, Mr. Webb, accompanies the party, is droopingly adorable in a long empire gown to her ankles, a queer little poke bonnet, a funny little puffed sleeve coat and a huge muff — but she dons a cute modern sport costume for the evening dinner and the dancing to the company's orchestra afterwards, up in that stylish house aloft on the hill. For the rest, the island seems peopled with a vast company of amazing ruffians, with a few civilized modern workmen thrown in — for they wear their wild and ancient costumes most of the time, and the men have all grown fierce hair for the picture. One can imagine the emotions of an uninformed visitor to the island upon striking this astonishing-looking band. But in spite of the hair and the funny pigtail wigs, in spite of the fact that all the picturesque old boats are respectfully and nautically called "she," the whole place reeks of dominating, virile masculinity, looks, listens and smells masculinity. It feels like Eugene O'Neill's earlier days, reeking of hard-boiled, realistic he-man stuff, of John Masefield's raw-meat sea poetry, of Captain Marryat's salty old yarns, of Conrad and McEee. And this young Ferrell that plays The Get Business by Maul 60 pages of vital business facts and figures. Who, where and how many your prospects are. 8,000 lines of business covered. Compiled by the Largest Directory Publishers In the world, thru information obtained by actual door-to-door canvass. Write for your FREE copy. R. L. POLK& CO., Detroit, Mich. 839 POLK DIRECTORY BL.DG. Branches in principal cities of O. S. Movie Acting! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c for our Twelve-Hour Talent-Tester or Key to Movie Acting Aptitude, and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. A novel, instructive and valuable work. Send dime or stamps today. A large, interesting, illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREEI FILM INFORMATION BU REAU. Sta. N.. Jackson. Mich. GET RID OF YOUR FAT Free Trial Treatment sent on request. Ask for my "pay-whenreduced" offer. I have successfully reduced thousands of persons, without starvation diet or burdensome exercise, often at a rapid rate Let me send you proof at my expense. DR. R. NEWMAN. Licensed Physician State of N. v., 286 Fifth Av., N.Y., Desk M RANGER DELIVERED FREE on approval and 30 days' trial, expressprepaid. Many styles. Bicycles $21.50 up. Easy ' payments. Write today for our big catalog and Factory-to-Rider prices. MEAD Cycle Co., Dept,S-120, CHICAGO PERSONAL Appearance fs now more than ever the key note of success, both in social and businesslife. now-Legged and KnockKneed men and women, both young and old, w ill be glad to hear that my new appliance will successfully straighten, within a short time, bow leggedness and knock-kneed legs, eafely, quickly and permanently, without pain, operation or discomfort. Worn at night. My new "Lim-Straitner," Model 18, U.S. Patent, is easy to adjust; its results will soon save you from further humiliation, and improve your personal appearance 100 per cent. (Model 18 is not like old-fashioned splints or braces, with bothe rsome straps, hard to adjust, butascientific. modern device of proven merit, used and recommendedforthelast4 years by physicians everywhere.) Write today for particulars, testimonials and my free copyrighted physiological and anatomical book which tells you how to correct bow and knock-kneed legs without any obligation. Enclose a dime for postage. M. TRILETY, SPECIALIST 1385 L, W. U. Building, Bin -ham ton. N. Y, learn Cartooning -Easy Home Method Great demand for good cartoonists. Big salarieswonderful opportunities. Amazingly easy homestudy method quickly teaches you to draw salable work even while learning. No talent needed. Earn $76 to $250 a week. Send for free book giving details of this borne-study method. Washington School of Cartooning Room 296-D, 1113-lSth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 8G _