Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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A/^ril S. 19 27 1259 Loew Bond Issue Offered of $10,500,000 First lien ti I'cr cciil siiikiiij? fund g^oltl bonds of Loow's Theatre and Kcalty Corporation to tlie extent of $1(),.')0().000 were oirered on Thursday by Lawrenee Stern & Co. and Ilalsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. The bonds, priced at $100, arc secured by a eh)sed first luortfrajre on fees, leasehohl and collateral in connection with twelve theatres and couiinercial properties in eipht cities. Total assets pledged as security have a valuation of $15,976,535. The theatres include four now in operation: Loew's Grand, New York; Loew's Theatre, Canton, 0.; Loew's Palace and Loew's State, Memphis. Norwegian Film Earnings Show Decline in 1 926 At a yearly nicftinu of tiic Norwegian Motion Film Distributors organization recently, it developed that the total gross earnings of picture theatres in Norway had declined about C per cent in 1926. as compared with the previous year, according to a report to the Department of Commerce from Commercial Attache Sorenson, Oslo. There were in 1926 a total of 252 theatres, the total gi-oss earnings being 13,9()0,0()0 crowns, and the total film rentals 3,.j00,000 crowns. Taxes took 1,400,000 crowns. Seitz Will Direct ''Great Mail Robbery" for F. B. O. President .Joseph 1*. Kennedy of F. B. 0. has secured the signature of George B. Seitz on an F.B.O. contract to direct "The Gi'eat Mail Robbery." Peter Milne is now working on the scenario and shooting will start as soon as the script has been completed. The leading role will be played by Theodore \'on Eltz while other roles will be portrayed by Holmes Herbert, Jeaniu' Morgan, DeWitt .Jenninjrs and Frank Nelson. Shadur Promoted to New "U" Supervisory Post Arthur E. Shadur, Universal studio manager, has been appointed supervisor of a new production, as yet untitled. In accordance with his newly acquired powers, Shadur will select a story, director and cast and will assume full responsibility for the new picture. "Romance," Conrad Novel, Next Novarro Vehicle .To>c])h Conrad's '•Romance" will serve as Ramon Novarro 's next vehicle for MetroGoldwyn-Mayer as soon as the star has finished work in "Old Heidelberg." Josephine Lovett is now adapting the book to the screen. The story will be produced on an ambitious scale, it is said, with .John Robertson at the megaphone. "The Circus Cyclone" New Tom Mix Film Having just finished "The Outlaws of Red River." Tom Mix is preparing to start work on his next picture for Fox Films. The story is called "The Circus Cyclone." Jack Jungmeyer has written the continuitv. Ben StolotT will direct the film at the Fox Hollywood studio. Business Discussions for M. P. T. O. A. Meeting Constructive Prof^raru To Include Talks by Experts, Woodhull Announces DlSCrsSIONS led by exi)erts in presentation, ])rojecfion and other theatre i)roblems will be featured at the national convention of the Motion Pictnic Theatre Owners of America to be held at ('olunil)us, O., June 7, 8 ami 9, according to R. F. Woodhull, president. .Mr. Woodhull told a representative of tlie "News" this week that the program as already outlined would follow the plan ot conventions in other industries. Experts in their several fields will be asked to address the convention, their talks to be followed by discussions by the delegates. "The idea is to make this a real l)usiiiess convention," !Mr. Woodhull added. Active preparations, under the direction of Mr. Woodhull, are under way. A large attendance is expected. The change in date will enable Western delegates to take ad vantage of the ^uiniiier railroad rate. ^Ir. Woodhull's election to the presidency, following the resigruition ot V.W Whitney Collins, has met with UHirkcd lavor among State leaders, it was announced at national hear|(|uarter~, where copies of letters enthu'^ia^t iraily a[(proving hi-; election by the administrative committee, were ma<le jjiiblic. ANSWERS 1. John Hunnv. 2. IJufTalo. .3. Clara Kimball Younj;. 4. 10.3. ■t. Essanav. 6. B. P. Schulberp. /. "The Covered Wagon." 8. .Motion I'iclure News. STUDIO BRIEFS i;iiiiiniitiniimmiiiii:iiii[i)i;[U)mriniiUit[ii![iiiiiiifiiriimiiiiiiNimti':i;iii ^lonte Bhu-'s lu'xt picture for "Warner Bros, is "The Black Diamond Express" and the actor is now at work on the new vehicle following the completion of "The Brute," soon to be released. Edna Murphy will have the feminine lead in the forthcoming film for which Harvey Gates has written the screen adaptation. ^farietta Milner, imported from Germany by Paramount, will have the chief feminine role in "Drums of the Desert" in which Warner Baxter will enact the role of hero. Arlette Marchall, originally scheduled to do the heroine of the piece, is still working in "Wings." Among others assigned to roles this week were Ford Sterling, Wallace ^VlacDonald, George Irving, Bernard Siegal and Guv Oliver. screening purposes by Marion Orlh. is to be directed by Phil Rosen, who is collaborating with Miss Orth on the continuity. He will start casting imnu'diately upon the comj)letion of the screen manuscript. Kathryn Carver, characterized by Harrison Fisher, the artist, as "the typical American girl," is appearing opposite Adolphe Mcnjou in his next picture for Paramount. No title has been given the production so far. Lloyd Bacon will direct "The Heart of ]\raryland" for Warner Bros, and not Alan Crosland, who was originally programmed to film th(> story before the end of the current season. Crosland is to direct another, soon to be announced. Dolores Costello's next picture, as yet untitled, is now being cast. Malcolm McGregor, Betty Blythe and Warner Oland will appear in the production. Warner has signed a new director in Archie ^layo, whose first assignment is to be decided upon soon. Harry Colin, Columbia's vice-president ami geru'ral maiuiger, has engaged Fred Mynon to do the scenario for "The Blood Shi])." The scenarist will have the cooperation of Hobart Bosworth, star of the production, in adapting this sea story. One of the principal roles in "The Woman on Trial," in which Pola Negri is being directed by Mauritz Stiller, will be played by Vera Yoronina, Russian actress under contract to Paramount. Paramount has signed Fred Kohler to play an important role in "Underworld," the film of gangster life which Josef Von Sternberg is now directing. George Bancroft ha.s the principal role, Eveyin Brent plays the girl and Larry Semon contributes the coniedv. ]\ruch of the activity on the Warner Bros. Hollywood lot is being concentrated on "The Race Track Tout," the working title of Syd Chaplin's next comedy to be directed by Charles F. Reisner. Helenc Costello is one member of the cast and the others are now being selected. "The Climbers," Irene Rich's newest picture, is progressing toward completion under the direction of Paul L. Stein. Kathleen Key was the latest addition to the list of players. The (iotham production, "The Woman Who Did Not Care," now being adapted for Ivan Petrovitch, Serbian actor discovered by Rex Ingrain abroad and fe.nturcd by him in "The Garden of Allaji," will be farmed out to a French company producing "Tosca" at the Ingram studio at Nice as soon as the director has finished v.ith him in "The Garden of Allah," now being jnade in location in Africa and France. Tho picture will be finished before .Tune l-;t and will be shipped to New York from the French Riviera after being editni and cut abroad. This is the fourth Ingijon i>i,,. duction to he made abroad.