Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1260 M 0 t i o II Picture N c tv s ''Magic Flame" Title of Banky-Colman Vehicle Samuel Gohvyii has cho.sen " Tlic ilagic Flame" as the definite title of his newest ))ro(luction eo-featuring' Ronald Colman and Vilina Banky, })ased on Rudolph Lothar's play, "King Harlequin," which Henry King has been directing in Culver City. "United Artists will release "The Magic Flame." Several American M. P. Concerns in Shanghai A number of American motion picture concerns are located in Shanghai, China, which, with Nanking in the same province, is the center of revolutionary and communistic disturbances, it is indicated by unofficial but authentic trade reports received in Washington, B.C. Among the concerns in the disturbed district, it is shown, are branches of the Eastman Kodak Company, the Fox Film Corporation and the Universal Pictures Corporation. There is also in Shanghai the Odeon Theatre, Inc., and the Peacock Motion Picture Corporation. "U" Plans Modern House in Uptown, Kansas City Following its acquisition of the Uj^town Theatre in Kansas City, Universal plans to make the house one of the most modern in the city. The house is now under construction at Valentine Road and Broadway. Universal bought both the freehold interest and the theatre proi)erty proper and a 20-year lease which was made to the Valentine Amusement late last year. Universal will spend $500,000 on the house, in addition to what is now being spent on it and will make the Uptown its first-run house in Kansas Citv. John KrafFt Signs Long Term DeMille Contract The Cecil B. DeMille Company has renewed its long term contract with John Krafft, title Avriter. Krafft has had over seven years' experience in the titling field and has titled fifteen pictures during the twelve months he has been associated with McMill,.. He is now titling "Turkish Delight," co-featuring Julia Faye and Ru(l()il)h Schildkraut. Establishes Direct Contact With Foreign Papers FOURTEEN million people in the United States and Canada, the majority of whom cannot read English, are reached by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer through the establishment of a direct contact bureau with the foreign-speaking newspapers and periodicals in the United States and Canada. The publicity departments at the Culver City studio and the home office in New York jointly participate in the service. A net work of contacts through the whole of North America has been established, it is said. Most of the men employed by th-* government in operating a special publicity bureau during the war are now engaged in this particular field as nart of the M-G-M national publicity, it is said. Gliese, Ufa ex-Director, Signed by De Mille ROCHUS GLIESE, former director with Ufa, has affixed his signature on the dotted line of a long-term contract with Cecil B. De Mille. His first production has not been decided upon, but it is understood that he will handle one of the next pictures to go into production at the De Mille plant. While with Ufa, Gliese served as art director for Lubitsch and Murnau. He did the settings for "Sunrise." Rochus Gliese Theatre Included in Boston Development Project A new theatre, to be one of the largest in Boston, is included in a development project which is now pending before the State Department of Public Safety for final ap])roval. The project includes a very large development at the North Station, Boston, including the erection of a new North Tei-minal Station, hotel, and extensive mercantile development through construction of new streets and widening of some of the present streets. The proposed theatre is part of the project, which is already financed. Frank G. Barrows heads the group of Boston financiers backing the ]>rojeet. Burr Purchases More Stories for Hines Two orgiiui! stoiies, "The Horse Doctor" and "Lucky Day," by Joe Blutz and Harry Fuhr, have been purchased for future use for Johnny Hines by C. C. Buit, who has the two stories registered at the Will Hays office. No definite statement has been made as to when these two stories will be converted into pictures. Hines is now doing preparatory work before applying the make-up for "White Pants Willie," his next comedy for First National. Promotions in First Nat'l's Canadian Sales Force Promotions affecting the Canadian Division of First National's sales organization were announced this week by Ned E. Depinet, general sales manager. Advancing as supervisor of Western Canada, James T. Foy, manager of the Toronto exchange, fills the position vacated when R. S. Bell succeeded W. A. Bach as Canadian district manager. Harry Paynter, salesman at Toronto, succeeds Mr. Foy as manager of tlie Toronto branch. Billie Dove to Play Title Role in "The Stolen Bride" Billie Dove is to play the title role in "The Stolen Bride," as her first stellar vehicle for First National which will also serve as the first Amcpiean work of Alexander Korda, European director under contiact to First National. Lloyd Hughes has been assigned the leading male role opposite Miss Dove in "The Stolen Bride." production on which has just been started. Warner Oland Signs Warner Bros. Contract Warner Bros, has signed Warner Oland to a long term contract by the tenns of which he will be seen hereafter exclusively in Warner productions. He will play roles of featured importance — his first to be in the next Doloi-es Costello picture. Vitaphone Heard at Capitol, St. Paul St. Paul heard the Vitaphone for the first time when a performance of the contrivance was given at the Capitol Theatre, Saturday, March 26, before a large audience. As no settlement has been reached in the controversy between the Minneapolis operators' union and the Northwest M.P.T.O. over the number of men who will be employed in the operation of the device, the Vitaphone equipment in the State Theatre, Minneapolis, must remain idle. It is possible that the State will be able to show the Vitaphone before the end of Lent. The St. Paul operators' union and the M.P.T.O., by agreeing on two men, made it possible for the Vitaphone to be shown at the Capitol. Belsize, New Famous Canadian House, N. Toronto The latest link in the Canadian theatre chain of Famous Players Canadian Corp., Toronto, is the Belsize Theatre at ]\Iount Pleasant Road and Belsize Drive, North Toronto, a suburban house costing $160,000, and seating 1,000, which was formally opened March 24. Mayor Thomas Foster of Toronto, Controller Wemp and Aid. Beamish were among the notables who took part in the ceremonies. The Belsize was built by George W. Hunt and Ronald McClelland of Toronto, with Murray Brown as architect. The manager is Harold Hitchinson. Dix to Begin Active Work on West Coast Richard Dix, just arrived in Hollywood. will be the first of the Eastern Paramount studio stars to start working on the West Coast. His next film, as yet untitled, was written by Ray Harris and Sam Mints of the Eastern studio's scenario staff. It will be directed by Malcolm St. Clair with Ralph Block as editor-in-chief of the production. Mary Brian has been chosen as Dix's leading ladv. Fox Net Earnings $5.14 on Stock in 9 Months NET income of $2,572,936 after taxes and charges are deducted is reported by Fox Film Corporation for the nine months ended September 30, 1926. or $5.14 a share on the half million shares of Class A and B stock outstanding. Total assets are listed at $31,624,319, current assets, $13,703,722, current liabilities. $4,869,160, land, buildings and equipment, $12,958,383. The investments in West Coast Theatres, Inc., are placed at $3,085,820. Net earnings for the 11 months ending November 30, 1925, were $5.05 a share.