Motion Picture News (Apr - Jun 1927)

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1268 M o t io n Picture X e -k' s CLASSIFIED RATES: 10 cents a word for each insertion, in advance except Employment Wanted, on which rate is 5 cents Wanted THEATRE MANAGER— Live wire ; real worker ; last two years with largest circuit in Illinois; deluxe houses. Live-wire exploiteer desires change. Best references. Go anywhere. Milton Field, care Jack Mackiunon, Amhoy, 111. AT LIBERTY— April 16th. Advertising and exploitation man who can build and paint his own lobbies, do art-posters and write good ad copy. Married and not in the drifter class. Wants something permanent where the chances for advancement are in keeping with the class of work he does. Of good habits and appearance and can act as house manager. Go anywhere. Address Box 265, Motion Picture News, New York City. ORGANIST with ten years experience, library and education far above the average, accurate cueing of pictures. Organist, 810 East Huron St., Ann Arbor, Mich. EXPERIENCED PROJECTIONIST desires steady position in a medium-sized town, references available. Will be at liberty June 15th. E. AV. Reisner, 1108 West Nevada Street, Urbana, 111. ORGANIST at liberty. Firstclass, thoroughly trained man of exceptional ability and experience. Union. Wire or write full particulars. Organist, 415 Dupont Street, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa. For Sale FOR SALE or RENT with purchase privilege. Electric City of the World, neighborhood picture theatre, one year old, 1350 capacity, modernly equipped and artistically decorated, Avonderful opportunity. George F. Diemer. Trustee, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Equipment For Sale FOR SALE — 450 n e w Opera Chairs at half-price. Want to clean out our warehouse. 114 at $1.50 each, regular price $.3.20 each. We are manufacturers. Arlington Seating Co., 3759 Pinegrove Ave., Chicago, 111. MAILING LISTS: 21,000 moving picture theatres giving name, address, population and, in most cases, seating capacity, price $50.00 for the complete list or $6.00 per M. by states. Also film exchanges, studios and supply dealers. Ask for itemized price list. All lists guaranteed. Trade Circular Co.. Inc., 166 W. Adams Street, Chicago. VENEER and upholstered theatre chairs, rare bargain. Please state requirements. C. G. Demel, 845 State Street, Chicago. EVERYTHING for "The Movies." Guaranteed rebuilt Simplex, Powers and Motiograpb Projectors, opera chairs, generators, screens, etc. Supplies and complete equipments. Lowest prices. Cash or easy terms. Special bulletin free. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. Equipment Wanted WE offer highest cash prices for second-hand machines, opera chairs, compensarcs, motor generators, portable projectors, etc. Write us first. Monarch Theatre Supply Co., Memphis, Tenn. Charlie Murray, Chester Conklin, and the big laugh idea are the potent selling features played up in display advertising for First Nationals "'McFaddens Flats' at the first-run theatres. Adaptations of campaign book ads by several of these houses show many clever arrangements, as illustrated in the group above, used by the following theatres: Cameo. Cleveland: Liberty. Pittsburgh: Adams. Detroit; Strand, Albany: Rialto, Omaha: and Pantheon, Toledo.